| Forum Reply | Cotswold R's? at 17:56 5 May 2020
Hi Bully Hope, By all means get in touch - I m sure there are a couple season ticket holders in Nailsworth. We here were there !!! COYRssssss |
 | Forum Reply | Cotswold R's? at 14:18 4 May 2020
There's a small but active group of Gloucestershire based Rs, mainly in and around Cheltenham and Gloucester area. Most home games, there's normally two or three cars going passed Stow, on their way to W12, so you should be to catch a lift. Door to Door your looking at 90 ride from Stow to W12 (slightly quicker for the night games!!) As others have mentioned Stow is lovely but very pricey and full of Americans and Chinese over the summer months Personally would look at a smaller town near Stow - there are plenty of picturesque villages to choose from. Any way good luck with your move back - hope you find the perfect place!! |
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