| Forum Reply | Banning people at 23:37 29 Oct 2022
Indeed. All too very shoddy, out of touch, uninformed from a football perspective. Off the scale off the pace, in so many ways. Little John-not-so-lot was politely asked to articulate his rules of engagement some time ago. He failed to deliver. This forum is now drastically the weaker. Ponty Poly's finest. FFS. |
 | Forum Reply | Banning people at 23:28 29 Oct 2022
Irrationally banning the good Dr_P for correctly calling out a moronic post by a widely renowned and ridiculed consistently poor poster (Daps) and not banning one of the inner gang (Fireboy) for calling one of the very best long term posters here (Vetch) a 'Muppet' says it all about the shite standards that this forum has landed under Keith's watch. Poor form. In so many ways, Keith. |
 | Forum Reply | Banning people at 22:27 29 Oct 2022
Oh dear. In so many ways Little Lord Notalot will ever grasp. Ponty Poly's finest most uninformed, diminutive little runner boy strikes, yet again. Warra plonker. Get a grip Keith - you lost the plot spectacularly some time ago. No wonder the very best best football posters don't post here any more. And as such no more Exclusive News scoops. A thing of the past. Here. |
 | Forum Reply | Emotional Intelligence at 22:17 16 Oct 2022
Excellent thread Mike. EQ washes over most folk. Many here can learn a thing or two. |
 | Forum Reply | Wales, Wisconsin at 01:03 22 Aug 2022
I had no idea. Yet is that an excuse for his last post ? |
 | Forum Reply | Wales, Wisconsin at 00:53 22 Aug 2022
You need to stop drinking, clearly |
 | Forum Reply | A big light shone on the owners at 00:50 22 Aug 2022
His football approach isn't fine at all - it's why why we were 15th and now 20th. The excellent news source you mention - how very intriguing, given what I think we both know. Maybe you just hecked up there fella. You haven't called out anything or anyone just yet ? You are now in way deeper than you want to be fella. Just stating my (trusted) Facts. |
 | Forum Reply | Wales, Wisconsin at 00:22 22 Aug 2022
So, we're 20th in the league, after finishing a disappointing 15th last year, the manager is likely going to be sacked in a heartbeat..... .....and the very best the poty of Swansea Independent 2021 can only proffer is a thread like this ? And nothing else whatsoever on our abject performances ? C'mon builth, must do better, not a good look for this site is it ? There are standards to attain. |
 | Forum Reply | A big light shone on the owners at 23:51 21 Aug 2022
Citeh were being put to the sword and at 3-1 down looked like caving a la Russell Martinball . All over the shop. Exposed out wide, fragile schoolboys. They regrouped, pushed wider from the back and assuredly, aggressively took the game by the scruff - under Pep's guiding hand and on-field leadership. We obvs don't have the managerial leadership qualities to put the team and winning first. |
 | Forum Reply | A Very Big incandescent light shone on the MANAGER at 23:32 21 Aug 2022
I know differently Keith, as you know. Martin and his clan is an economic sunk cost. As such the Club is looking at ways to move forwards, as economically prudent, as per. Many low cost options are in place and readily available, which will leverage existing resources. A no-brainer for the not so hard thinking. You will also know that papers were written up last Autumn and that those same papers have been recently refreshed. It's plain as day what needs to be done, right now. |
 | Forum Thread | A Very Big incandescent light shone on the MANAGER at 22:59 21 Aug 2022
. It's surely time now to stop deflecting and focus all eyes wide open on Martin, our failing, failed manager. Threads today deflecting blame on the Owners is such the red herring right now. A pathetic sideshow which ofc drew in the gullible, as per. The light is now shone incandescently on the MANAGER, the failing, flailing on the ropes without style nor grace, Russell Martin. Martin's most recent PR nonsense shows why he has to go tomorrow. This, together with all the reasons already addressed ad infinitum by some of the top posters on this site over the past months. The deflectionism by Martin and the Meek Martinistas here is now beyond embarrassing. Neither of whom have yet to proffer any cogent rationale for sticking with brand Martin. Martin waffles and deflects - just like the Martinistas here. Utterly cringe, in so many ways. Winter is now a mute CEO who has thrown all his eggs in Martin's basket case of a 'process', playing strategy, and pyss poor man-management mumbo jumbo nonsense. Winter is also turning a blind eye, just like the meek Martinistas here. All this gumpf about: he needs 10 games. FFS he's had several 10 games too many to show and shmooze. Surely the hardest of thinking can now See, eyes wide shut ? Martin out, tomorrow........ |
 | Forum Reply | Bottom Quartile Martin : Martin Out, Now at 22:36 21 Aug 2022
Bump and Edit : - from - Mid-table Mediocrity Martin. to: Bottom Quartile Martin - down to 20th and counting. I find it bizarre that the Martinistas have yet to respond to threads and posts like these - still no rationale for supporting the perennial losing brand Martin. The blind faith is so telling - lack of insight, lack of awareness, lack of interest in exploring the Why and the How Martin can fix his mess, his quagmire of negligence. . |
 | Forum Reply | Attendances dipping at 22:22 21 Aug 2022
The Fact is, attendances are falling off because of the shite show dished up by Martinball. It's a losing brand, we are losing badly esp at home, the fans are dismayed, even the passive supporters are now beyond disinterested. The lack of supporter-engagement at the .Com is off the cliff - it was like a morgue vs Blackburn and has declined markedly since (minor blip vs Miiwowl excepted til the boos at the end) - many fans around us leaving early , booing on exit . Give me (and all rational winners) entertaining football winning effectively, efficiently and out-smarting the oppo all day. As opposed to meaningless Martinball losing nonsense. The Deflectionism on this thread has been embarrassing to behold. Cringe and puerile. Fortunately for the proper fans, the deflectors will always be held to account. Attendances down, morale off the cliff, like a morgue nowadays under Martinfraudball. ..... which ofc brings us back to the thrust of this thread. |
 | Forum Reply | A big light shone on the owners at 21:59 21 Aug 2022
But that's nonsense though isn't, in so many ways. And it's worse than you could think. It's a flawed system/set-up - insisting on getting the Possession stats maximised at ALL costs - is his mantra. Disregarding us as a proper club en route to optimising his CV. He's a chancer and some of our passive supporters here are still taken in by his cheapskate schmooze. This site shoulda, coulda reported as such, yonks ago. We are Swansea City - not some random no-knob no-name 'Project' for Martin to play with and drag our name through the gutter en route. FFS. You shoulda called this out sooner. |
 | Forum Reply | A big light shone on the owners at 21:44 21 Aug 2022
. Which is precisely what should be reported, in depth. With proper objectivity. Pros and Cons of Martinball. Where the Cons side of the ledger is rich with proper, deep dive analysis and constructive critique of the big ticket Martinball failings that got us to 15th last year (from 4th and a Playoff Final) and now a humiliating 20th. Martin needs to be held to account for his failings and what he intends to do to fix it. It surely has to be beholden on fans' sites like this to investigate and report back to us proper fans on what's actually occurring at our Club, with proper itk insight. . |
 | Forum Reply | A big light shone on the owners at 21:24 21 Aug 2022
Spot on Cadleigh - and I know precisely who and where you mean. There's a theme of glossing over reality - which to some extent I can understand by those with a tight vested interested in appearing all-schmoozy with the club, but at the same time I cringe at the lack of objectivity and proper independent reporting. And yet it's worse than not having that plan B - there's a distinct lack of nous to make this work. And THAT is what should be reported and focussed upon to hold all perpetrators to account. Accountability is king. Deflectionism right now so ain't the tonic. Stand up and be counted, proper fans, reporters, journalists, all folks. |
 | Forum Reply | Russell Martin ‘ This is what we have got’ No more help from the USA ! at 21:00 21 Aug 2022
. And that's the thing. Fans that 'get' how we should be playing to the very best of our abilities with this talented squad are beyond frustrated with Martin's unintelligent nonsense and demeaning PR spin. It would be remiss of decent, cleverer fans to not do precisely what you suggest. The slower of thinking will then quickly catch on and the wave will be in motion - it's how these things roll. The tide in Swansea Bay is currently on the wane, and a big storm is brewing with a massive rogue wave about to crash on west pier. With clever foresight Swansea has recently rebuilt and underpinned Swansea west pier for such calamitous rogue waves. In the owners we trust to ride the rogue wave, steady the ship and sail the proper Swansea Way again........ |
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