| Forum Reply | Piroe in Midfield etc. at 19:02 7 Apr 2022
How many miles away do you think Dr. P lives from me genius? |
 | Forum Reply | Piroe in Midfield etc. at 17:25 7 Apr 2022
I'm not getting into one of your endless back and for nonsense threads. I have made the point that you and your ilk far from wanting a "peaceful forum" are actually the instigators of trouble...for that matter you have made the point for me by calling for banning and accusing me of being Dr. P. You are sad and ridiculous, anyone with a brain can see it. Take your own advice and ignore my posts. I'll ignore yours, until you start up with the snide bullying again...at which point I will give you a taste of your own medicine. Remember, if you don't like it, don't dish it out. |
 | Forum Reply | Piroe in Midfield etc. at 16:52 7 Apr 2022
There, there, child...if you don't want abuse don't dish it out. It's not nice is it having the pressure applied to you. You must be one of those old posters who engaged in this 'ban him, ban her, censor this, censor that' behaviour in the old days...before running off to your new site, claiming that it would be 100 times better, partially because all those posters you wanted banned wouldn't be allowed on there...before crawling back here with your tails between your legs, making it your mission to stir shit. Have a long look in the mirror... - badgering other posters because they disagree - campaigning to have those posters removed - starting threads about them - starting threads celebrating their departure - casting aspertions on new posters who haven't even posted yet - childishly accusing two posters (Myself and Dr. P) who have given you the runaround of being the same person - Having a tantrum when somebody subjects you to the same treatment ...have you noticed that I am not calling for you to be banned even though you are guilty of worse behaviour than others? Does that make you feel small? What was it that fine, upstanding poster Bully Builth was saying to somebody the other day..."little dick", wasn't it Child. |
 | Forum Reply | A big round of applause for Russell Kenneth Alexander Martin at 16:22 7 Apr 2022
TRIGGER WARNING - Reading this post may result in hurty feelings I've looked beyond the stat and we are 14th with a goal difference of -6. Before the last 2 games we had; - Drawn at home with Birmingham, a game we really should have lost. EVERYBODY sat around me were grumbling throughout. EVERYBODY. - Just managed to beat the worst team in the league by the skin of our teeth. - Lost to Blackpool (who are also poor) away - Got hammered at home by Fulham ...but let me get this straight, we are all supposed to pretend that Russell Martin has achieved something fantastic and anyone who disagrees needs to be 'Cancelled' as a Swans fan. Take more water with it gents. [Post edited 7 Apr 2022 16:24]
 | Forum Reply | The End of Russia as we know it ? at 16:09 7 Apr 2022
These people change the rules as they go depending on who they are talking about. They have no principles. They are lost...they won't wake up to this fact until disaster happens. |
 | Forum Reply | Piroe in Midfield etc. at 16:07 7 Apr 2022
So now you and Builth are pretending that I and Dr. P are one and the same... ...to whom it may concern. Do you see what happens when you encourage these tossers? If I create a Twitter account and start having a cry on there; "I can't post on there anymore while nasty pasties like STID and Builth are on there shitstirring" Will you then ban them? After all "we wouldn't want anyone to spoil the peaceful atmos now would we lads". Builth and STID, grow the feck up. Watching you post is like watching Ricky Gervais in 'The Office'. [Post edited 7 Apr 2022 16:11]
 | Forum Reply | Piroe in Midfield etc. at 15:39 7 Apr 2022
Would you like a list of posters I would like to ban? As if, I'm not dense and grew up at some point in the 90s. |
 | Forum Reply | OHL. Where is he ? at 12:54 7 Apr 2022
You need to learn your lesson that you have no right to demand to know people's name and address. You also don't get to decide which fans are more worthy. ...and yeah, if somebody makes assertions that they are right and another poster is wrong then they need to back their opinion up with something tangible if they wish to be taken seriously. It would not be ok for somebody to say "Hitler was a good boy really, he never done nothing" without being questioned and debated....same for the other side of the coin. You can't just respond; "Well that's what I think and I don't respect your evidence to the contrary that Hitler was a monster...and no I don't need to explain myself, it's my opinion and my opinion is special". The nature of debate is to back your points up. |
 | Forum Reply | A big round of applause for Russell Kenneth Alexander Martin at 12:44 7 Apr 2022
Yes they can be subjectiive, take Birmingham at home for instance...it was only 3 games ago...we dominated possession, we got a draw, but anyone who was there knows that we should have lost by a couple. Look, why is it that the only teams who average similar possession stats to us are the likes of Man City and Barcelona? I'll tell you. It is because they are so much stronger than the teams in their division that most games are wave after wave of attack, attack v defence. Are we that team? No. So why are we the outliers? Because unlike most teams we have been keeping possession for the sake of it. Our players (& Manager) have not been brave enough to take the game to the opposition. I played and was half decent. I was a creative player. I can tell you that in order to unlock the defence and create a chance/goal you have to...at some point...play the risky ball or take your man on. Whether you are any good or not (as a creative player in the final third) depends on 2 things... - Your quality in terms of technique (if you control the ball quicker, have more skill, can beat your man by taking him by surprise, strike the ball properly, judge the bend and the strength of a pass to better standard (more consistently) than other players...you will be more successful in the risks you take than other similar players - Your bravery. If something doesn't come off you can't let that affect you...if you do you will stop expressing yourself and take less risks...which will lead to you being much less creative. Man City have 70%+ possession stats because they are so much stronger than the opposition all over the park that when things break down they win that ball back quickly. They continue to take risks, be creative and score goals. We have 70%+ possession stats because we play (or have been playing) as if we have had our testicles removed. It's the reason we haven't had any penalties. When we get to a position where we should cross, shoot or take our man on, we tend to bottle it and play it 'safe'....if you don't take your man on in the box and if you don't put enough balls in the box, if you don't shoot enough...then you are unlikely to draw clumsy foul challenges or get handballs or create goalmouth scrambles etc. Terry Venables once said that he encouraged his teams to think that every time they have a spell of possession (string 6 passes together), then that move must end with either an attempt on goal or a cross into the box. I remember it 'cos at the time I thought; "yep, that's right...that's the way I think about it on the pitch". A good team that is dominating the game will invariably have around 60% possession and double the attempts on goal and shots on target. Good teams play with a purpose. If you are getting nearly 70% possession and having lots of attempts on goal, great...you are probably an excellent side who is winning things, getting promotions etc. If you are getting 70% possession and not dominating in terms of chances, you are even losing games because the other team is creating better chances? Something is wrong...you are playing without purpose. Your players are hiding, they are not being brave with the ball. That is how we have played all season. Since Martin has started to tweak things we have scored more goals and have slightly improved. Winning 2 games in a row does not make us Barcelona...the last game I attended was Birmingham. It was embarrassing. Our fan base need to keep things in perspective and not get deluded because we would like for everything to be rosy. If Cardiff were making out they were a good team after a shite season, because they won 2 games in a row, we would rightly be mocking them. I will praise Martin when we play with bravery consistently and tighten up so we are not exposed everytime we lose the ball in midfield. Bravery does not = suicidal passes at the back in an attempt to keep those possession stats at 70%. |
 | Forum Reply | A big round of applause for Russell Kenneth Alexander Martin at 01:02 7 Apr 2022
Feel free to include the start of the season if you can be arsed to go back and dig out the stats. I did it from this year because that's when Martin seemed to adapt his tactics, including Obafemi & Piroe in the starting line up for example. |
 | Forum Reply | A big round of applause for Russell Kenneth Alexander Martin at 22:27 6 Apr 2022
League games this year... League wins with possession around 60% and below League wins with possession nearer 70%+ Millwall = 68% (Away WIN) Cardiff = 59% (Away WIN) Birmingham = 65% (Home DRAW) Peterborough = 71% (Away WIN - I'll give you that one but then, they are shiiit) Blackpool = 77% (Away LOSS) Fulham - 38% (Home LOSS - Totally outplayed) Coventry = 53% (Home WIN) West Brom = 59% (Away WIN) Sheffield Utd = 62% (Away LOSS) Bristol City = 71% (Home WIN) Stoke City = 41% (Away Loss - outplayed) Blackburn = 49% (Home WIN) Luton = 72% (Home LOSS) Hull City = 66% (Away Loss) QPR = 58% (Away DRAW) Preston NE = 57% (Home WIN) Huddersfield = 70% (Away DRAW) [Post edited 6 Apr 2022 22:29]
 | Forum Reply | What real heroism looks like. at 22:07 6 Apr 2022
I know that our weapons and those of the American military are superior to Russian weapons. I don't need the press to tell me that, I am from a military family. I also know that Russia does not have the economy to sustain a military campaign that seeks to subdue a country of 45 million people which has had years to prepare, our military and the Americans, have been training Ukrainian military. That is why Putin's decision to invade made no sense to me. I do not pretend to know what is going on in Ukraine on the ground and I know we won't get it from the press. |
 | Forum Reply | A big round of applause for Russell Kenneth Alexander Martin at 22:01 6 Apr 2022
Your post is the most balanced imo. What has been happening over the last 6-8 weeks is that tactics have been tweaked, Obafemi has come in, the players have started to mix their passing up and go more direct when it's on...and the keeper has had a rest from dropping clangers. Our possession stats have gone from nearly 70% to around about 60% (a sign that we are mixing up the passing and being more brave with the ball, trying things that might not come off). If this keeps up and we can tighten up at the back, get a proper Left-Wing back in the side, sign Christie or replace what he brings to the side in the summer, keep hold of the two goalscorers...we might have a good season next season, but let's see the side keep this up. I don't mean wins, although winning regular is always important, I mean playing attacking football instead of possession football. For me Martin has fecked this season up. If he does things that make sense this summer and we improve, if we can start off next season looking like a side that wants to take the game to whomever we are playing...then I'll praise him, not before. I can't comment on the last 2 games as I didn't see them (only the Cardiff highlights). I'll be there Saturday and will comment on that game. |
 | Forum Reply | What real heroism looks like. at 21:39 6 Apr 2022
The point i'm making is that none of us have a scooby what is going on in Ukraine. There is propaganda on both sides...and unless we can acknowledge the truth in instances where it emerges that we have been conned, then we are lost. You can't make good decisions unless you have accurate info. People should be keeping a cool head and not swallowing everything whole. I have made as little comment as possible on info coming out of Ukraine, because I am aware that everybody involved will be issuing propaganda. All I know for certain is that it can't be going well for Russia as they have bitten off more than they can chew and we are supplying the Ukrainians with superior weaponry. |
 | Forum Reply | What real heroism looks like. at 21:06 6 Apr 2022
The Ukrainian government claimed they refused to surrender and died heroically... but in actual fact they did surrender and are all alive. |
 | Forum Reply | The End of Russia as we know it ? at 19:01 6 Apr 2022
I'm not sure any of us can be sure what will happen, we are all in a far more precarious position than most realise...is my hunch. Even if everything went our way and Russia was a broken, humiliated country there is a chance that they will lash out at us, whomever is in charge...and for whatever reasons that will be invented to justify the lashing out (like when USA lashed out at Iraq after 9/11...it didn't make much sense but the American people wanted something done and the elites were pissed at Sadaam Hussein from previous and used the opportunity for a free shot). There is a chance that Russia won't be a broken country, that they will just be a changed country, only now they will be more closely aligned with China... The only thing I would bet on is that they won't be able to subdue Ukraine. |
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