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This Week — Black Wednesday, part two
This Week — Black Wednesday, part two
Wednesday, 25th May 2011 22:00 by Clive Whittingham

Having just about swallowed huge ticket price increases this morning, QPR fans discovered in the afternoon that Amit Bhatia and Ishan Saksena would be leaving the club in a move that cannot be seen as anything other than disastrous.

Bhatia walks the walk

I’ve been familiar with the ‘good cop, bad cop’ routine since a very young age. When I was a child it was my mum who was the strict, stressed, shouty one and my dad who was the one who took me to football, put his arm around me and said things like “life’s a serious business with your mother.” A combination of wanting to please my dad, and not upset my mum, kept me on the straight and narrow.

At QPR for the last three years Amit Battia and Lakshmi Mittal have been the good cops, Flavio Briatore and Bernie Ecclestone have been the bad cops, and the QPR fans have been the children. We’ve screamed at Flavio and Bernie that we hate them and want to go and live with cool uncle Amit but the problem is, when you’re a kid, if you actually got your way it’s very unlikely that the cool uncle would actually want you full time. There was always that suspicion that Amit Bhatia said and did the right things to maintain his butter-wouldn’t-melt image with the supporters while never actually doing anything to back up his words.

He was there on the board when the season ticket prices were hiked last time. He even met, repeatedly, with supporter groups to discuss them prior to their release and then stood almost silently as every concern and request that had been lodged with him was ignored. Afterwards, Ali Russell was sent out to deliver the message and attend the meetings while Bhatia remained almost unheard from.

Some said, possibly more in hope than expectation, that Bhatia was merely building a favourable position with supporters in preparation for a buy out of the club by the Mittal family who he represented on the board. Others said that he genuinely meant well, but held such little power on the board at Loftus Road that he would take whatever good intentions he had back to the boardroom where he would then be completely ignored. Either way it seemed that Bhatia, and by association Mittal, were very good at talking the talk but either couldn’t or wouldn’t walk the walk.

Then, 18 months ago, Flavio Briatore’s much vaunted five year plan to restore Premiership football to Loftus Road lay in tatters. His egomaniac, meglomaniac, control freak nature had carried him through five permanent managers, each worse than the last, all of whom he’d put in untenable situations by interfering in team selections, signings and just about everything else. Having made their signings for them he then gave managers ten matches before losing faith and around 20 before sacking them, then using different plays on words to deny he’d done anything of the sort. By January 2010 he’d created a situation where the only manager who would touch QPR with a shitty stick was Paul Hart and when that clueless oaf turns up you know rock bottom isn’t too far away. QPR, the club that got billionaire owners and got worse, were heading for League One with Tamas Priskin in pink boots up front.

On the pitch we know what happened next. Neil Warnock was appointed as manager and oversaw a dramatic turnaround in our fortunes on the football field culminating in us collecting the Championship trophy just 14 months after he’d been appointed to the job. QPR were able to attract a manager as good and proven as Warnock because Flavio Briatore, routinely abused at home games by this point, had stepped aside. He sold his shares to Bernie Ecclestone, who has always taken a back seat at QPR, and Bhatia was given greater responsibility to run the club. He promoted a former University friend Ishan Saksena, previously lower down the Loftus Road food chain, into a day to day role in W12 and between them they set to work.

Warnock stated when he came, clearly and repeatedly, that his assurances and brief had come from Bhatia and Saksena. They were his men, and he was very much theirs. The difference that appointing an experienced English manager and leaving him to get on with the job was palpable from the very first minute of his very first match when a QPR team that had looked totally devoid of skill and inspiration a week previously took apart soon to be promoted West Brom at Loftus Road. Safety secured, promotion quickly followed.

But there was still that suggestion that Bhatia was little more than the acceptable face of the heartless rich bastards who’d once said they didn’t care what “people who came once a week and paid £20” thought about QPR. Briatore’s ego and image couldn’t take being heckled by 12,000 drunk Londoners at a home defeat to Scunthorpe United so he’d gone off into the long grass to operate the club from afar through Bhatia who the supporters all liked. The majority shareholding remained with Ecclestone, despite him repeatedly saying he wasn’t that bothered about QPR, rather than the Mittals. So despite the success of the Bhatia, Saksena and Warnock partnership there was always that underlying feeling that they were the kids playing in the back yard while Ecclestone and Briatore watched them closely through the kitchen window.

As we know Warnock has been very successful indeed at QPR, and while that was very enjoyable for us all it fuelled the ego of Ecclestone and Briatore. Having disappeared off the scene altogether for months Flavio suddenly re-appeared in the midst of our record breaking unbeaten start to the season to say that he dreamed of appointing Marcello Lippi to manage QPR in the Premiership. Neil Warnock laughed it off, and said he couldn’t see Lippi wanting to come and manage the reserves, but it had begun.

Soon Ecclestone was talking about “a lot of work to do” at Loftus Road. He and Briatore became regular attenders at Loftus Road again but because the team was doing well, nobody seemed to care. In fact, incredibly, the supporters who invaded the field after the Hull match actually sang Briatore’s name while crowding around underneath the director’s box on the pitch. I mean as if invading the pitch after a drawn match that confirmed nothing on the league table didn’t highlight the lack of intelligence (or beer consumption) enough pouring another load of fuel into Briatore’s ego tank really put the tin hat on it all.

The natural progression if Briatore was indeed keen to move away from the club, Ecclestone was as non-plussed about it as he always claimed to be in interview and Bhatia and Saksena were indeed running the joint would be for a takeover this summer by the Indians. Noises to that end were made at the end of last week but Ecclestone laughed them off at the Spanish grand prix at the weekend when he said that Mittal and Bhatia were making the same mistake as News Corporation in its pursuit of F1 in believing that the shares were for sale at all. He also said that were he to sell his 60-odd% stake in Rangers Briatore had the first option to buy it back.

Then, this afternoon, after the release of the season ticket prices which are not unreasonable, and the walk up prices which most certainly are, the news came through that not only had Saksena been relieved of his duties (some time ago it seems) but Bhatia was now resigning as well in protest at that, and the policy on ticket pricing. A new representative will now be chosen by the Mittal’s to oversee their 33% stake in the club.

Bhatia said: “It is with a heavy heart that I tender my resignation as vice chairman of Queen’s Park Rangers Football Club. It has been the greatest honour to have served this club as an owner and board member for the past three years. Although there have been challenges, the last 15 months have been a period of stability and success and it gives me immense pleasure to see QPR back in the Premier League where I feel the club belongs. However, it is clear to me from recent board meetings that my vision, strategy and direction for the club is very different from that of the other shareholders and board members. The recent decisions to sack club CEO and Chairman Ishan Saksena and significantly increase season ticket prices are just two of the decisions I disagree with.

“While it saddens me to leave QPR after such a successful season and at the beginning of an exciting new phase, I do not wish to be associated with or take responsibility for decisions made by the board and with which I disagree so strongly. The Mittal family had been in discussions concerning the possible acquisition of the club. However we have been unable to reach agreement on this matter and therefore those discussions have now come to an end. Although no longer a decision-maker at QPR, I shall continue to be a 33% owner and a 100% fan of the club. In due course, we will appoint a board representative to monitor my family’s investment in the club. I shall look forward to supporting the club as a fan next season and would like to thank Neil Warnock for his leadership and friendship over the past 14 months. It has been my pleasure to work with him and be part of the club’s recent success and wish the club every success in the Premiership.”

This can be taken any one of several ways. Perhaps Bhatia generally is just pissed off, that after picking the club up from one of its lowest ebbs and rebuilding it in such a short period of time he and his old friend Saksena have just been tossed aside by Briatore and Ecclestone who have seen the Premiership gravy train approaching and are now suddenly interested again.

Maybe this is a personal thing. Bhatia and Saksena go back a long way and having seen him removed from the club maybe Bhatia decided he had to go as well through personal loyalty, but just threw the line in about ticket price rises and club policy in there as a final boost to his ever growing popularity at Loftus Road.

Or perhaps the theory about Bhatia was right all along – that he was merely cultivating public opinion in his family’s favour with an eye on an eventual takeover. Such a deal was said to be in the offing last week but rebuffed by Ecclestone, perhaps the big rise in ticket prices today presented Bhatia with an opportunity to step things up a level – to apply fan pressure to the board and ease a Mittal takeover through. Mittal was very keen, even going so far as to ensure it was mentioned in the official club statement about his departure, to state that he wholeheartedly disagreed with the board’s policy on ticket price rises. Is he just doing that to remain popular, or for more tangible reasons? Hopefully it’s the latter and hopefully it will happen soon.

If he is gone for good, or intending to be involved in an out and out takeover that subsequently fails, then where does this leave Neil Warnock? Bhatia told the BBC after the final match against Leeds that Warnock would be the manager at QPR “as long as we are involved with the club”. Bernie Ecclestone has since also reiterated, in not quite such strong terms, that Warnock will remain as manager at Loftus Road. But with Bhatia and Saksena gone, and stories of the other board members hankering after a high profile appointment in the Claudio Ranieri/Marcello Lippi mould, Warnock suddenly looks very vulnerable indeed. What odds on him being this year’s Chris Hughton – inevitably replaced regardless of overall performance at the first chance the board gets?

Whatever his reasons I think the departure of Amit Bhatia from Loftus Road is extremely bad news. It leaves us at the mercy of Bernie Ecclestone and Flavio Briatore who have consistently shown contempt towards the supporters who Bhatia worked so hard to please. While most QPR fans were hoping for more control and involvement from Bhatia and Mittal, it now seems that we’re going to get less. Bhatia certainly knows how to boost his personal PR, but he has shown today and over the last 14 months that he has been able to walk the walk as well as talk the talk.

The LFW Twitter account is updated at least three times a week, and sometimes at the weekends as well @loftforwords.

Photo: Action Images

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GloryHunter added 22:25 - May 25
"The Board are keen to stress that the prices are in line with other London-based Premier League Clubs, and are encouraged by early sales figures following the release of Season Tickets earlier today."

Only just seen this. Suggest people stop renewing until the dust settles, at least.

SomersetHoops added 22:35 - May 25
Just when I thought all we had to worry about in the summer was a bad signing - this happens.

I hope its not the end of this particular story and Bernie is being clever (as usual) by playing hardball with Mittal when he knows the fans aren't around to influence things. (not that Bernie gives a toss about the fans, but he won't be happy to accept the abuse he will get if this doesn't get sorted between now and start of the season).

westolian added 22:43 - May 25
Well, one things for certain, this will run and run and the ones that get trampled on along the way .........

Us - again !!

JB007007 added 22:56 - May 25
Thanks for all this Clive.
Just trying to take it all in at the moment. What should have been a relaxing summer, basking in the glory feels like its turning sour.
My first reaction if those two clowns are in total control again is to not even renew my season ticket. But its religion and like me people need their fix and generally just find a way of affording it I think. However, I am going to give this serious consideration over the coming weeks and see what happens before the end of June.
The Neil Warnock situation is a worry too. With those two idiot car freaks, they may well view some mate of theirs from Italy doing things better. I dont give a shit what anyone thinks, right now we have one of the best Managers in this country and he wont put up with the meddling like others have had...

Pablo_Hoopsta added 23:17 - May 25
This one has some legs and will rumble on a while, either Mittal's go for a take over or eventually sell their shares, but to who? Let's hope Bernie and Flavio get bored first...

simmo added 23:18 - May 25
I don't want to pick holes in your article but you need to get your facts right.

Priskin wore yellow boots

Spaghetti_Hoops added 01:05 - May 26
I look at all this from the point of view of why is Ecclestone the majority owner of a medium sized football club in West London. A recipe for financial ruin. Whereas he is a man who loves money and is ruthless. The only sensible answers I come up with are to prove that he can get such a club promoted to the PL whilst making a profit ie doing what others cannot, massively massaging his ego and making a few bob.

He has done it and will now sell up. He knows as well as anyone else that once the TV money is on it's way and the club's value has been lifted the only direction the finances can go is downhill. So events will be dominated by his intention to sell and short termism will reign while he maximises the value of the club, including maximising ticket revenue. Hopefully the subject of Black Wednesday II is just one of the twists in the negotiating process and the Mittals will buy Ecclestone out.

MelakaRanger added 07:23 - May 26
The warning signs were there. Whenever a Football Chairman makes a positive statement about the Managers position, then as sure as eggs are eggs, soon follows the sacking/resignation of the manager.
I can only hope that this is a bargaining position to suck even more money into his hands - not that he needs any.
The ticket prices are a scandle.
I hope I am wrong but if the Bernie & Flavio double act runs much longer then I can only see next season as being like a complete disaster.
At the end of the day though, its their money and they can run the business as they seem fit and we must just 'lump it'. Like any product - if you dont like what is on offer, dont buy it.

benbu added 09:20 - May 26
I dont think its time to panic and assume everything will be going downhill from now. I am disappointed to see Bhatia leave the club and it does make you question how much involvement the 'Mittals' will have now. I think we would all like to see the them own the club 100% but that wont be something that happens overnight. Hopefully it just doesnt change Neil Warnock being the manager and they let him crack on with it.

Still in shock by the thought of Wigan at home £47!

wasnt it Marcus Bent who wore the yellow boots?

headhoops added 09:21 - May 26
Briatore and Ecclestone - would rather have Gillette and Hicks!

I really hope this whole episode is a ploy by Ecclestone to extract the maximum amout of rupees out of the Mittal family before he drives off into the sunset. The sooner we are rid of Narcissus and his orange mate the better. And if it does all go breasts over bollox - look at AFC Wimbledon?

NW5Hoop added 09:28 - May 26
Little though I wish to see Ecclestone and Briatore in charge of the club, I suspect Bhatia's employing a prodigious amount of spin to claim this is a resignation because he's sick about what the club is doing to the fans. Seems far more likely to me that he's resigned because the Mittal camp couldn't complete a takeover: there's no point a Mittal placeman running the club if they can't also control the club. Then the tickets debacle provided a convenient fan-friendly justification for the resignation. There isn't a billionaire alive whose principal concern is the well-being of those with less money.

NorwayRanger16 added 10:07 - May 27
Not easy enjoying your holliday when this shit hit the fan (pun intended).

When the news broke i just went hiding in the waıt for your choice words, once agaın you dont disapoint.

The ticktes are steep but not unexcpected, the resignation of Bhatıa are.

I wont speculate more as it wont do me any good. Hope, i will do though, that this is the first step in a buyout and better times in the ownership department.

themodfather added 05:28 - May 28
if mr mittal wanted "In", he'd do it...simples.

but in business there are negotiations and a bit of to and fro..... but if he wants it, he can back it up.

the nature of the game has changed and there is the root of the evil
huge wages, agents fees and the assumption it's a never ending merry go round, imagine if clubs had to pay back the banks the £3.3bn they owe in say 1 yr??
the prem lge bosses watched as pompey approached a £200m debt and did nothing ( very different to man utd , with a huge turnover and assets??)

how would the game stand if say, each lge was "capped" to it's price ranges
or run to within their budget ( is that what the german lge does??).

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