| Forum Reply | Nickname For Bournemouth Fans at 12:57 19 Feb 2025
We all did basic flying training at Culdrose, for a few months, starting on Fixed Wing then progressing as the Navy saw fit. |
 | Forum Reply | Nickname For Bournemouth Fans at 10:39 19 Feb 2025
I told you. Because your theory was demonstrably wrong. Here's a tip. Proper reasearch does not interpolate from a desired outcome retrofitting chosen facts that appear to justify your proposition. Any fool can do that and we see it on the internet all the time. Proper research works forwards, establishing the chain that links each fact before linking it to the next, and not just quoting the facts themselves. . And when you work forwards you realise that your string of apparent causation didn't work. The Essex Regiment theory falls down, both in fact and in reason. If you think the entire country in World War 1 would know Portsmouth the City as "Pompey" on the basis of a minor football team playing in a minor league as they did at that time then you are being fanciful. If you think that the nickname spread because the sailors came from just about every city in the land and all knew the Naval Base as such then you are looking at something that fits the facts. And finally, just to stress it one more time, the club seems to have thought its shirts were salmon pink, and nothing to do with "pompadour pink" at all. |
 | Forum Reply | Nickname For Bournemouth Fans at 08:41 18 Feb 2025
You are starting to obfuscate in order to avoid thinking about what you are claiming. The mere fact that your entire theory hangs on the presence of an obscure territorial regiment from Essex who were only in the town for less than two years several years before the football team were even formed is all you need to think about. The Pompey Pink newspaper is a sideshow, as is the colour of the team's shirts as is a sports report fully thirty years after this obscure regiment had left Porstmouth never to return. Doesn't the record say "Salmon pink?" I don't need your definition of research to know what is more plausible. If you were a legitimate researcher rather than an internet googler you would have referenced the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich. You've had enough of my time now, |
 | Forum Reply | Nickname For Bournemouth Fans at 20:47 17 Feb 2025
Be careful when relying on the internet as a pretence of being well informed, because it will inevitably trip you up. You get an answer but cannot compute its relative significance unless you know the subject already. Your throwing in mention of the Childers Reforms as a titbit is actually a telltale. Army reforms don't seem to have any relevance the derivation of "Pompey" at all, but mentioning them makes you look like an expert when saying it - or so you hope. It would be obvious to any former sailor that the reason "Pompey" doesn't appear in official documents (although I dispute this) is because Naval slang was nearly all formed below decks and below decks almost all sailors before the 20th c were illiterate and did not usually contribute to official documents such as ships logs where slang would never be permitted in any case. In the wardrooms nicknames such as Pompey were known and often used in conversation but would have been demeaning for a gentleman (as all officers were deemed to be) to commit to writing. However when you examine the private letters from literate sailors and warrant officers to their families the name is often used along with other slang names for bases. It was in common use across the Royal Navy ships from the 17th century onwards. I checked your fanciful story about the Essex Regiment of Foot. Apart embarking from Portsmouth for an overseas posting, on their return in 1866 they stayed in the Town for a mere two years before being posted to Ireland. Hardly enough time to make an impact, let alone for their colours to be seen as somehow emblematic? And then to stretch this even further and claim that the name of the shade of pink would be somehow adopted by the populace as a name for their own city when it was unlikely any of the soldiers even came from the town stretches credibility to breaking point. They recruited in Essex, not in Portsmouth. And as a reminder, the team's shirts were described as "Salmon Pink", not "Pompadour Pink", in other words as little to do with the Essex regiment of Foot as that regiment was to do with the town. The Pompey Pink or Sports Mail first appeared on Saturday evenings around 1900 and was for most of its life known by its nickname. If you have seen reference to Pompey Pink it is likely to of or about or because of the newspaper not the shirts, which lasted only a short while anyway.Apparently the team had several colours in the early years. You can keep flogging this dead horse , but it isn't going anywhere. |
 | Forum Reply | Nickname For Bournemouth Fans at 11:10 17 Feb 2025
I have enough books about Nelson's Navy on my shelves to show me that the name Pompey has been in jackspeak for far longer than Portsmouth FC have been in existence, and having read the works of Cicero I know who Pompey was. Oh yes and I was a serving officer in the Fleet Air Arm (mainly in Guz) , so I was surrounded with the traditions of the Service for 8 years, which I think counts for something, don't you? I don't know whether it's you doing some fancy reverse engineering or whether you just copied it from some fan site but in a town that has been the home of the Navy since the time of the Mary Rose the temporary presence of a territorial regiment is going to cut no ice in the town as a sensible historia n would realise before chasing his desired outcome. The club may have played in Salmon Pink (not "Pompadour pink") for a time but again as they were a small club in the SOuthern League for much of it that is not going to dent a tradition that predated it by 200 years or more.Moreover a local name in the pre internet days meaningless to anyone outside the town was not going to spread worldwide in a way that a name spread affectionately by sailors on land and at at sea has done. I have never put anything on here that wasn't sense and fact checked first. Your explanation is a classic case of wishful thinking because you think it makes them sound like a bunch of sissies. You need to apply some common sense. |
 | Forum Reply | Nickname For Bournemouth Fans at 09:41 17 Feb 2025
Pompey is a name that originated in the Royal Navy and was already in use during the Napoleonic Wars, which started a long time before any football club came into existence. You want to do a bit of reasoning before swallowing that sort of nonsense. |
 | Forum Reply | I think I will watch Rugby instead at 10:12 11 Feb 2025
At least Rugby can operate a review process that works and doesn't treat the fans like unregarded money fodder. |
 | Forum Reply | Typhoo Tea at 13:23 29 Nov 2024
I made sure we switched to TyPhoo at our last shop. They taste better than PG Tips and if enough people did the same it might just save a few jobs. |
 | Forum Reply | Why do people deny mass killings? at 10:04 18 Nov 2024
Because nobody had a crystal ball at the time it happened you fecking idiot. Acting in a snowstorm of conflicting information so that the information on which the planning was based was stale within an hour meant that any politician -even poor ones - will be risk averse rather than have the sword of History hanging over them saying "They knew this but did nothing". The problem with the Covid reaction was poor execution and poor Governance but in the face of believeing that every hour wasted in talking was going to cost thousands of lives. It resulted in decisions that in hindsight were utter failuresm such as the stampede to procure poor quality PPE, but it wasn't all some kind of conspiracy, it was incompetence. WHat would be the purpose or the point of hatching some machiavellian disease? "To Control the population FFS?" Playing with statistics after the dust has settled is a particularly pointless task. young people pass Covid on to old people too, so considering what vaccines are you need to give them to enough of the population to stop it spreading person to person. THe maths of that have been explained enough times to show that merely vaccinating over 60s or over 70s or over 80s would not work. Jesus Christ it only happened 5 years ago and already the narrative is being rewritten by David Fecking Icke. |
 | Forum Reply | Brereton Diaz at 09:39 19 Aug 2024
Sir sir, they did it first sir........ it goes on and on and on. Fans get cheated, and just because it sometimes works in their favour they keep tolerating it, then using some unrelated incident from seasons ago to justify it. Paraphrase Johnny Rotten - Do you ever get the feeling you;ve been cheated? Just remember that in a few games time when it;s a Southampton player sent off for an innocuous challenge, or a simulated dive in the box results in a penalty against Southampton. Sure as hell someone on Match of the Day will point out that Brereton Diaz fell over clutching his face in the opening game and the fans didn't complain at all. |
 | Forum Reply | Brereton Diaz at 13:41 18 Aug 2024
He;s a cheat and there should be a retrospective rule for incidents of simulation - a one game ban should see less of it. The fans are all cheated by gamesmanship and it balances out over a season so nobody wins in the end. Worse though, in this case it galvanised the opposition and their fans to up their game - if Diaz hadn't performed his theatrics at a time when Southampton looked more motivated and Newcastle more frustrated who knows what might have happened without that incident to fire them up? |
 | Forum Reply | 5 Things About West Brom at 14:26 13 May 2024
Agree. And re the" sped up" version of OWTS, that should read "The proper Southampton version" |
 | Forum Reply | Skate Scum at 13:22 21 Apr 2024
Moderate your language son. Not everyone on here is as immature as you. |
 | Forum Reply | R. I. P Chris Nicholl at 19:31 27 Feb 2024
RIP Chris Nicholl - and how good to hear "When the Saints" sung properly and not this ridiculous slow funereal dirge that seems to have been copied from somewhere. Does anyone really think singing it at less than half half pace is actually inspiring? |
 | Forum Reply | France v South Africa at 11:17 16 Oct 2023
Whereas Rugby Leagee consists of falling over 6 times then kicking the ball into touch and then just handing it to the opposition to do the same I suppose. Well you started it! |
 | Forum Reply | Sunaks Speech at 07:51 5 Oct 2023
That's a bloody stupid remark on what had been a reasonable post. If you don't know about a subject keep your mouth shut. Every contract was scrutinised and ridicuously over-audited by so many civil servants in so many different groups from the ORR to the NAO it led to some of the delays that contributed to the cost overruns. |
 | Forum Reply | Sunaks Speech at 13:56 4 Oct 2023
SUnak has reannounced for the third or even fourth time something that was already pledged previously. Remember Northern Powerhouse? The East West infrastruture improvements for the north announced previously by George Osborne and Boris Johnson that have still not even started and which he has reannounced all over again? As for the £36bn "saved" from HS2 much of that money was included within the HS2 budget to build / rebuild stations at places like Manchester, Sheffield and Leeds that will now have to be funded out of that £36bn because we don't have the station capacity or the line capacity to actually run any extra trains between those cities. So the result of his great announcement is firstly to turn HS2 into a 150 mile version of the Waterloo and City Line, and secondly to spend a lot of the money on things that were going to be spent on anyway - only they'll be built with all the expensive 350kph track and signalling standards of the 21st century but with the slow train speeds no faster than when Jimmy Saville sat on an Inter City 125. What a great result. And to think Sunak bragged about long term infrastructure being safe in their hands, when he's just cancelled a project that Civil Engineering and construction companies have invested their own long term plans in and spend a fortune ordering equipment now no longer needed. Ask McAlpine and Balfour Beattie what they think about that and ask the young graduate engineers whose jobs have now shifted to places where High Speed Rail project are going full speed to completion - Saudi Arabia for example. |
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