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West Ham United Linked With Southampton Defender
at 14:55:47

Highfield - I understand you point and there is validity to it if KWP had a verbal agreement to stay last year. You are right, we dont know what was agreed to behind closed doors, etc., but if let's say he was making $50k/week., I don't think it unreasonable to offer him 75-85/week., since he is a known quantity and was our best player by far. As for Downes, we do know what we are getting, so paying 12-15M for him that WU want is not too outrageous. Also agree that Ings will stay for the $$$ versus moving for a pay cut - No incentive. Yes, it KWP is unsettled, then take the money & Downes and move on. I just feel we should be focusing on a Striker (1st), LB and CB, instead of haggling with WU.
West Ham United Linked With Southampton Defender
at 16:54:51

This would be a stupid move. As stated above, KWP is one of a few that has PL experience and we need that desperately, especially in our defense. Let's be honest, Ings is not worth 6M as he might score 4-5 goals if not injured. Downes is a solid player, but not flush with PL experience. Reading the rumors that we have bid for RB out of Turkey is not comforting either. It is not like we have spend major money so far. The smart thing to do is to offer KWP a much improved contract for 4 years. He is a known factor who plays the way Martin wants, so we should suck it up and offer him a the better contract and then pay for Downes. Forget Ings complete as that is a red herring. Just my two cents.
These Are The Six Positions That Southampton Need To Fill For Premier League Survival
at 16:54:38

I think the top 3 priorities are as follows:
1. GK - We should go after Ramsdale or even Ortega - We need a proven #1 GK. GB has time to learn more and could a star in the future but was shaky at time I think a season or two of seasoning will do him well.
2. Striker - I know everyone want a world class one, but since we will nto spend $50 need for one, then we need to look at some proven PL strikers, especially if Che leaves (looks more like it).
3. LB - This is one of our weakest points. I thought RP did well enough but over the last few days there have been some decent PL experienced LB released from some of the major clubs and we should go get one.

After these, the dominoes fall for Midfield and CB and there are so many factors in these spots that you will need another article for them.

Just happy to be able to watch the Saints again every weekend in the US. COYR
Southampton Linked With La Liga Striker
at 16:45:28

If we lose Che, I think he would be a good option. I watched him in several of the games at the end of the season and he is good around the box. Let's be honest, we are not going out and spending $50M on a striker and many of the $20M strikers are no better than him. He has PL experience and doesnt need time to "break-in" like many other players coming from other leagues. For the 8-10M reported fee, that is a good buy.
Southampton At Leicester The Debacle
at 20:40:04

Also, don't forget that who ever else in in the playoffs with us, will watch this game and copy the tactics, which will obviously cause us issues since RM can't change tactics on the fly. We will have to wait and see what happens.
Southampton At Leicester The Debacle
at 23:14:04

Wow - that was so bad to watch I turned it off after the 3rd goal. SaintMark is right, that RM has no plan B. They were pressing high and the only way to stop that is to do a skip pass or send it long to stretch the midfield. But, nope. I was screaming at Jan B the whole first half and he decision making was crap. Having Brooks sit on the outside touchline at midfield waiting for a pass is not a outlet. Speed was needed to cause them pressure with the over the top ball and yet NONE of our backline sent one ball long. Last thing, the ref sucked. How many times did he allow them to come in from behind and foul - they had 14 fouls in the 1st half and almost all were from behind.

Well now it is playoff time and I agree with you all who are not optimistic about the playoffs. RM will not change cause he thinks he knows best and has no plan B. Also, bench AM and let Lumley play in goal. Well my night was ruined with that tripe and now I have no reason to watch the last two games, and I really wanted the Leeds game to mean something.

Southampton At Ipswich The Verdict
at 14:09:56

onetowatch - I agree that Stuey is a key player, but he is also a seasoned pro and gets paid very well to make a decision like that. And I can make that statement because if he made that pass and we score it is 3-1 and we go on to win the game. As I noted there were 3 things that I felt were behind us losing that game and this was one of them. I agree with you that leaving KWP on the bench was critical too, but only if he started and I think he could have played 75 minutes. I am worried that KWP looks at this game and says to himself, I am the best defender on this team and I am left out of potentially the most crucial game of the season. What is going on in his head now? I just think RM made a real hash of this game management from start to finish.
Southampton At Ipswich The Verdict
at 14:19:28

Well I think everyone has said many valid points here. Three things I think need to be stressed and repeated.
1. Why KWP wasnt starting is beyond me?? RM screwed that up BIG time.
2. The ref should have given (Modrigy - whatever his name is) a second yellow before halftime, but was too chicken-sht to do it. Even the announcer said it shoudl have been a second yellow.
3. Stuey (I like him a lot) screwed up and passed to wee0man instead of AA on the break and that cost us. How do you NOT pass to your leading scorer? I am still shaking my head at that one.

So now RM need to pull his head out of the ground (or wherever else it is) and stick with our best players (W/O JS) and push. If we make it to the finals of the playoffs, it will be either Leeds, Leis, or Ips, so we better be running on all cylinders for that one.

On to the next.
Southampton At Bristol City The Verdict
at 17:08:47

So I have not been on for a while, well the last time we lost. I was so mad at that game in Spetmeber, that I told myself I would not watch another game until we lost again. Boom - 25 wins and a long wait for me. Credit to the team for such an impressive run. Now comes the test of character.

As I watched the replay and highlights, I thought we definitely didnt show up and our passing was abysmal. Even the announcer said he hadnt seem a Saints side give the ball away so many times. Teams win together and lose together, but I want to say one thing about Soulamana. We need to sell him in the summer as all he has is speed and he doesnt even know how to use that. So many times he slowed the game down and then tried tricks and gave the ball away or didnt pass the ball to the cutting player. He doesnt know how to pass and thinks he can beat anyone, when he rarely beats anyone. This is especially true when teams sit back and double their flanks with a midfielder to negate his speed. While he is a luxury he should not start unless we decide to play route 1 football.

Ok, now we will see if we are really up for the fight for automatic promotion or just playing of the playoffs. The lackluster performance last night can either be a blip or a true marker of our malaise. Looking for a big response against WBA and hope the lads realize that every game will be a fight no matter what position in the table the other team is. COYR
Gavin Bazunu Needs Backing Not Sacking
at 16:31:54

Sorry but all the flack Baz gets for not saving every shot is ridiculous. Of all the goals conceded this season, he is realistically responsible for 4. All the other are due to our midfielders giving the ball away in horrible positions or our very poor defenders not doing simple things. 4 of the goals scored come from corner kicks with NOBODY marking the goal scorer, yet he gets blamed. He has made 4-5 saves in all our wins which would have resulted them to be ties. Sure, he can and should do better on some of the long shots, but not every shot can be saved. Unless you played as a goal keeper (I did for more than 20+ years, playing with/against former professionals), please dont think it is as easy as some of you are making it out.
Southampton Set £30 Million Price Tag For Bella-Kotchap
at 15:46:13

Well I do agree that maybe 30M is a bit high, I also think that they way clubs are spending move, this may not be so unrealistic, especially since he has 2 years left on his deal (I believe). That Germany sees him as potential national team players definitely helps our side in the negotiations. I guess we will see come June 14, but if we can get 25-30M for him, I say sell him and hopefully re-invest in some others. It will be interesting to see who Saints try to keep and who they are willing to sell no matter what.
Journalist Claims That Charly Alcatraz Will Stay At St Mary's
at 21:09:49

This would be good news if we can keep him. I fear that a team in one of the other top leagues such as Spain or Italy will come calling and offer $15M for him and Saints will jump on it. Only time will tell, but I think he could be key for us trying to get back to the Prem.
Southampton V Liverpool The Verdict
at 16:31:44

Well it is done and dusted. On to the next phase of this club's history. It was an entertaining game to be fair. The only thing I will say is that playing from the back with players who can't do it is a disaster waiting to happen. I am disappointed that AM was in goal and worried that he will be around next season.

Now only time will tell if SR has learned anything or are just a bunch of fools. We have about 65 days until the next campaign and need to move quickly to get a settled squad.
The Sport Republic Revolution Starts As Semmens Departs !
at 23:46:40

Nick, while this is a step in the right direction, SR needs to be a bit more transparent (if possible). I know somethings need to be done well behind the scenes, but others don's and SR has lost a lot of credibility with the fanbase over the last 4+ months. Again, if Ankersen is pulling strings and making choices (bad ones so far), then how does this bode well for the future as the same crap mistakes will be made. Only time will tell, but this is more like "neutral" news and one we all expected with the horrible season we have had.
Southampton At Brighton The Verdict
at 14:05:11

Normally I would give the manager lots of wiggle room on tactics, but this game should me the RS has no idea of what he is doing and is/was not ready to be a manager (proving the SR tanked the season when they put him in charge). If he planned on playing a more defensive setup and not pressing, then he should have started tall Paul instead of Joe Aribo up front. Next, why the hell is he playing AM in goal. I fear that AM will take the pay cut and be our #1 next season because he knows he will not be able to get another job. If SR allows this, then this is truly a sign of their ineptitude. Next, while Theo's toe was offside, VAR had to call it to make their point that it is used correctly. With all the major errors this season, they need to improve their stats for "correct calls" vs "erroneous calls". Additionally, the refs in the VAR booth always seem to forget that key point of VAR - to help on field referees with "CLEAR & OBVIOUS ERRORS". This is how far VAR has fallen in its ability to help the game. I started out as a fan of VAR, but after this season, I think it has hurt the game more than helped it and unless they make major changes to the rules and how VAR is used, this will become more detrimental.

Finally, why is SR rushing to make Martin our next manager? They have screwed up so much in that department this season, you would think a sensible person would weigh all their options and then make a choice. It seams like the inmates are running the asylum. UGH
Southampton V Fulham The Verdict
at 16:25:36

So it finally happened, but we all knew it was a matter of time. No need to beat a dead horse anymore as we all have laid out the mistakes that have happened. As I said in previous posts and Sainttaxidriver has pointed out, I think this was the plan of SR. They tried to spend money to save the season, but when NJ collapsed, they gave up and decided to tank it and do a rebuild after raking in millions from the unloading of most of the 1st team players. I read that one pundit thinks Saints will be able to make between 100-125M for all the valued players, maybe more. My biggest fear is that SR has not learned anything, will keep the same back room and worse off pick a coach based on analytics and not experience. These will surely be major reasons for concern. What's sucks for me is that I will not be able to watch the games any more as the Championship is not televised in the US. But then again maybe that is a good thing if SR doesnt get it's act together.
Southampton At Nottingham Forest The Verdict
at 18:39:11

Well, I think we can all agree that there have been MANY mistakes over this season. Too many to name here. So looking forward, I think the big question is how many of our current players who will still be under contract for next season are going to look to move on. Then we can really see who is left and are they worth keeping. The one thing we need to do is get the right mix of youngsters and veterans. I think there are a few players who think they are better than they really are and will force a move (Bella-K, Salisu) and also some veterans who fancy a change (AA, CA, SA, KWP, Perraud, Djenepo and JWP). Add that Moi, Walcott, Caballero are out of contract, this will leave a lot of fringe players as our "core". Now add that Bazunu and Tella are being said to be sold, then it leaves even bigger gaps. All this shifting will mean the board will have lots of work this summer and if they screw this up, we are going to have problems for years to come. Cross your fingers and pray they get some of this right and give a fighting chance next season.
Southampton At Newcastle United The Verdict
at 15:02:30

Well that was us in a nutshell - get the lead and then fold. Now it was to a NU team on a tear but still, we keep failing over and over. I think you all have said it - all the blame for this fiasco season lays at SR feet. BUT there will no changes, no backroom shake up. BNECAUSE they KNOW better then all of us - right??? Ho w does one become part of a backroom thinktank and make so many failure decisions and not get fired? I want that job. Again, like I said after the last game, expect 23 of the 30 current players to be sold/released/not signed. AND in 1 year, when we are not in the promotion race, SR will put Saints up for sale having made their money back from all the sales.
Southampton V Bournemouth The Verdict
at 18:30:32

Dellboy Wally - you comment made me think of classic type captain's who are full of fire, passion etc., i.e. John Terry. I think that is one of the ingredients that we are missing this year. I dont know how JWP is view as a captain by his teammates, but from the outside looking in, I am not sure he has that charism to lead when the times are tough. He did show some during the Spurs game, but where was it last night or all the other mediocre games we have played? Just a thought.
Southampton V Bournemouth The Verdict
at 16:50:51

Well that was one of the most pathetic displays in the last several weeks. A must win game, and they played at the Sunday league level. At least it is over, we all know we are relegated and there is no more illusion of the great escape. Time to sit all the dead wood and play the youngsters. As many of pointed out all the issues were laid to bare and it was just a culmination of all the mistakes SR made from starting last summer. This relegation lays solely at the boards feet, plain and simple.

My issues are that the players don't last confidence, they are just apathetic. With these performances, they are amateurs at best, not professionals. Selles started ok with a 2-2-2 record, but the last 5 games, shows he doesnt not have a tactical clue. In a must win game, he starts Che on the bench? He plays Moi every game yet, there is no quality product from Moi and Stu sits. Everyone know Bournemouth sit back and play a counter-attack style, so why didnt Tall Paul start for AA? Also Bournemouth have the second worst record of conceding goals form corners (behind use) and we play the first 4 corners short? This is all on Selles and he failed miserably.

So as some of you pointed out about our future in the Championship - Of the 30 players on the squad (not loaned out), I think we will try to sell/offload, non renew contracts and players requesting a transfer, a total of 23. Mind you we could keep some with the $50M+ parachute payment (like Burnley) but SR will want to cash in. Once these players are gone, don't be surprised if SR tries to sell the club. With this mass exodus of players, we will not bounce right back and will play in the Championship for a few years before having a chance to get back.

Well, the last 5 years has really been a slow, downhill spiral of death for us and at some point you have to pay the bill that has come due. Whoever is the last person out, don't forget to turn off the lights and lock the door.
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