| Forum Thread | Song for Danny Ings at 20:56 5 Jul 2020
When I find myself in times of trouble, Hasenhüttl comes to me Speaking words of wisdom, Danny Ings And in my hour of darkness he is standing right in front of me Speaking words of wisdom, Danny Ings Danny Ings, Danny Ings, Danny Ings, Danny Ings Whisper words of wisdom, Danny Ings |
 | Forum Reply | Protests Today at 20:48 7 Jun 2020
Most of my point is that we are responsible for what we do, and a lot of what we don't do. That is true whatever your race. White people aren't special in this or any regard. I hope you'd think so too. It seems to me you would also agree that victims of crime are not responsible for what people do to them (certainly not always). What you're saying is that these men, who act with unspeakable cruelty, specifically target their innocent victims because of their race. Apart from the horrors of the violence and subjugation, you're saying this targeting is wrong too. I agree. There is no moral quandary in holding both opinions: Racial targeting of innocent white girls by Muslim men is wrong. Those men believe they are superior to those girls. Very few Muslims think that way. Obviously some do. Their ignorance and actions are violent and backwards. Racial targeting of innocent men and women of colour by police is wrong. Very few white British vocally support racism, but it seems most people prefer to pretend it doesn't exist. My argument is that this ignorance is violent and backwards too. It's offensive that you would use such appalling racist treatment and experiences of those young girls to set up a strawman argument in an attempt to sweep white supremacy under the carpet. |
 | Forum Reply | Protests Today at 19:34 7 Jun 2020
ls it a wonder that BME friends and neighbours choose not to share their experiences of racism when the default response from most of us is to rubbish it as nonsense, or dismiss it as a regrettable "one-off"? You don't have to be a card carrying EDL/NF/Britain First member to be a white supremacist. Overriding people's legitimate real-life experiences with your opinion demonstrates the belief that yours is the true voice, the genuine arbiter, you know best. A lot of black voices are trying to tell us something, most of us are telling them they're wrong. Thing is, it's not our fault if we felt that way once. We were taught to feel that way...our country was built on the idea. But it is our fault if we refuse to listen now, and change our minds/behaviour when the truth is staring us in the face as it is. Sporadic violence at protests is abhorrent, but it's also a deliberate distraction. It should be condemned, and will be condemned, but it should not be made the focus by racists who do not want change. Good and bad happens to all of us regardless of the colour of our skin. But good and bad happens to us because of the colour of our skin all the time too. Silence is violence. This forum has a problem with racism. Let's kick it out. |
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