| Forum Reply | I keep getting kicked-off here when I give out accurate information at 09:41 18 Apr 2012
I actually think that it's quite hillarious that you think that the name on my false e-mail address is my name. Comedy Gold! Talk abou putting 2 and 2 together and getting 6!!!! Like you, I read about that City fan and used his name has a false e-mail address for a laugh ans it worked big-time!!! |
| Forum Reply | I keep getting kicked-off here when I give out accurate information at 23:16 17 Apr 2012
Coleman did well at Stanley. His sort of club though. He basically ran that place from top to bottom. He was in his comfort zone there. I honestly think that Dale as a club is too big for him. Stanley are a good little club but deep down they're a non-league club punching above their weight and Coleman is a good non-league manager punching above his weight. |
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