| News Comment | The end of the beginning — Column at 16:36:29
This is the best paragraph I've read in a long-time: "Ebere has a first touch that could solve world peace. You could buy a plastic ball from the petrol station and drop it on him from the moon in a storm the Met office has given a strong boy’s name – Ben maybe, or Jack - and he’d kill the f**** stone dead. If you’ve ever been into somebody for a really long period of time, and never done anything about it, and spent literally years in that state, loving everything about them and holding them at the centre of your world without them ever knowing, only occasionally allowing yourself to dream of what it might be like to finally give in, confess, find out they feel the same way, and very slowly, very gently, very cautiously, reach out and touch each other’s fingers for the first time… that first touch would be about three tenths as good as Eze’s is. Every. Single. Time." :-) |
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