| Forum Reply | FA reject Oyston explanation at 11:15 30 May 2015
Could be right OllieHollow then he'll blame next season' failures on the FA and retards!! |
 | Forum Reply | Villa or Arsenal? at 11:13 30 May 2015
1. If am in I'll stick it on 2. Villa 3. Hadn't noticed!! |
 | Forum Reply | Fans Parliament at 13:08 27 May 2015
For me, the problem is that you may as well complain about who runs Tescos. They have made a mess of their business, ignored their customers and now have paid the price. However if you asked them to sell up and go they'd say why should they? The only way to protest is to go and shop at Aldi until such time they can no longer operate and have to sell up. |
 | Forum Thread | Can someone explain how BST intend to buy the club? at 13:06 27 May 2015
This seems to have been spread around without any real substance. Anyone in a position to explain how they intend to do this. Be interested to hear who is involved and how much they value the club at and what they'll get for their money?! |
 | Forum Reply | Sepp Blatter resolves FIFA crisis at 13:02 27 May 2015
Fair to say they aren't great at damage limitation are they? Who would welcome a report that say your organisation is corrupt and those who run it are like lemmings forming an orderly queue to admit their guilt. If Blatter is elected again the FA has to set a lead. |
 | Forum Reply | New grounds at 10:14 25 May 2015
Nothing added for me over the weekend as have done Southend and Swindon - Wycombe would have been a new one. Just thinking, opening day at say Oldham - reckon we'd take 2,000? |
 | Forum Reply | Looks like we'll be seeing Tony McMahon again next season ... at 10:12 25 May 2015
I think McMahon, like Perkins, Clarke, Dunne etc etc would be OK in a decent team but the problem with him was that he was making up for so many other players errors that he became a bad player. I think collectively we reduced players that could have 'done a job' in to incompetent fools! Incidentally I'll chuck in as well that he was great with the youngsters at BFC events and a nice bloke to boot but just wrong time, wrong place. |
 | Forum Thread | Well Done Giro at 21:12 24 May 2015
Fair play to the geezer for coming on here during our halcyon days and only right that we should wish him well as his team is promoted. Go on fella .. have a gloat .. but please direct it at KO and not the long suffering fans. |
 | Forum Reply | Ready to Drive 5,874 Miles in League One? at 21:09 24 May 2015
A bit like BHOK I did Bolton, Wigan and Blackburn - which are closer to me than Blackpool - but didn't bother with any others. With so many close games next year I hope we have a team to compete because I reckon we can recreate a fantastic atmosphere away from home again - a bit like BHOK I won't bother though if the team and manager isn't worth it. |
 | Forum Thread | Sympathies to Wigan Athletic at 17:45 20 May 2015
Would never speak ill of a player whilst he was with us but now that he's gone what an absolute waste of space Perkins was. Couldn't kick a ball, pass a ball, head a ball - played 45 games for us and was absolutely useless. I said in the last few games he'd be lucky to get a Conference club and so what the Hell Wigan have done getting this useless dwarf is beyond me!!
 | Forum Thread | Jacob Mellis at 16:52 18 May 2015
Just seen your headline about Mellis - in fairness he never really got a chance at Blackpool and when he did and started to do well we loaned him out. Put it this way as we're currently on about 4 players and no manager I'd have him back! Stuck a link up to the Blackpool site as we're on the same network if you ever fancy coming over and posting! http://www.fansnetwork.co.uk/football/blackpool/forum/ |
 | Forum Reply | Congrats to Brizzle Rovers at 20:47 17 May 2015
You ever born to Grimsby Plumbs .. a massage parlour on every corner .. bit like Blackpool but without the chips but plenty of fish |
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