| Forum Thread | Is TV killing us? at 11:29 21 Oct 2024
Given that for the last two and a half seasons we've been as poor a team as the club has ever put out, and given that for years before that we've been worse than average, it seems incredible that Sky keep coming back for more and more and more. I see Coventry on Tue is also live on the box. Does anyone have figures which show whether we've been the live game a disproportionate number of times? It feels like a weekly occurrence now and I don't doubt it has some bearing on our home record stretching back over 50 games (13 wins is it?). I may be imagining it but we seem to be on the box constantly and that's weird when the fare is so abject. |
 | Forum Reply | Kiyan Prince Foundation at 19:13 28 Apr 2024
Great stuff. The reaction from some fans was troubling to say the least and I saw it unfold from the very beginning. Wrote a long thread about it on twitter. But the long and short of it is, unfortunately, it's a human thing rather than a 'Leeds' thing. Crowds engender mob mentality and most humans are weak and stupid and happy to follow what everyone else does. One absolute moron booed Mark and it was amazing to see that spread so quickly. I'm absolutely convinced 95% of them didn't know why they were booing. They just did it because the rest of the tribe were and that's humans I'm afraid. Weak people in a crowd will do almost anything if enough others do it. Shame. Thread here if you're interested...
 | Forum Reply | The dark cloud of depression at 09:44 21 Jul 2021
So many great answers to this thread. For me it's about keeping reasonably fit and not 'self medicating' (ie drink and drugs) to excess. The mistake I have made all too often is seeing them as a release from the pressure rather than actually adding to it. I wish that weren't true but it is. If you're fragile, drink and drugs and parties is not the answer. Once I get into a good cycle of regular exercise I sleep better. When I sleep better I am able to tackle life's problems with far more balance. If you lose that balance because you're hung over it can really set the panics going. Many people in the industry I work in who suffer anxiety and depression are also larger than life characters who seem to be always out having a good time, partying, having fun. But the truth is they pay for it internally, as I do when I go down that road. Trying to get balance in your life in what you eat, how you exercise and when you sleep is vital. Do that and EVERYTHING feels better. On top of that, a good councillor is a wonderful thing. Only continue with that if it's helping though. Many people I know have continued with councilling when there just isn't that connection with the councillor. Not all councillors are right for all people. Don't persist if one isn't working, it can become a burden. But a good one can make you see obvious things that you're missing. Finally I'd say if you discover something tangible that is making you unhappy (your job, your health, family issues) confront it and change it. That can be very difficult to do. First off to actually find and understand the triggers that are causing anxiety or depression (this is where a good councillor can really help). And then to say "OK I'm going to change that". It may mean a big life decision like changing your job, your career path, cutting contact with a family member - or indeed starting contact again - doing something about physical health issues like losing weight. Big, daunting changes like that. But if you're brave and go for it, life gets better. With balance comes control. |
 | Forum Reply | Warren Farm at 21:40 25 Apr 2013
Brilliant news. Chuffed. |
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