| Forum Reply | Kick off times at 09:23 22 Sep 2024
So, just comparing attendances on the three home games so far this season (all 12:30pm KO) versus the corresponding fixtures last season: - WBA 16,818 last season... 15,900 this season - Plymouth 16,339 last season... 15,285 this season - Millwall 17,184 last season... 15,350 this season Each one down on last season, and worth bearing in mind that the Plymouth and WBA games last season were both evening fixtures. On average, down just over 8% for us. I bet other clubs are seeing a drop in gates too. And I have read comments on a couple of forums about local pubs being down on their takings. So many people I have spoken to aren't happy about all the 12:30 kick offs. We need to take a leaf out of the French fans' book: https://www.entrevue.fr/en/bein-tue-la-l2-match-arrete-balles-de-tennis-la-ligue |
 | Forum Reply | Kick off times at 09:27 20 Sep 2024
Nope! I live near Brighton and my kids have clubs on Saturday mornings (football training, karate etc) and by the time they are done, it's 11:45am. So, I can't make 12:30 games. And I don't particularly like watching us on TV, so I will miss it. First 3pm home game of the season isn't until Saturday 19th October. Disgraceful. |
 | Forum Reply | Kick off times at 09:03 20 Sep 2024
I know what you're saying. I don't have a Sky subscription. Never have and never will. There's far, far, too much football on TV. |
 | Forum Reply | Kick off times at 07:24 20 Sep 2024
Yep. I'm surprised there hasn't been more of a backlash over this. It seems people have moaned... but accepted it. Give it a few years for us to get used to all these 12:30 kick offs and then they'll start moving some fixtures to 10:30am too, to get even more games televised. Because there's not enough football on TV as it is..! |
 | Forum Reply | This Sky deal? at 14:43 15 Aug 2024
Just been looking at some other clubs forums and it looks like a lot of supporters are not happy about all the 12:30pm kick offs. I’m surprised more hasn’t been said about this yet. I’ve spoken to a few other people who are in the same position as me; i.e. they take their children to football/sports clubs on Saturday mornings and cannot make 12:30pm kick offs. But it’s not just that; the atmosphere is usually flat and there’s not time for the usual pre-match drinks and socialising so many supporters look forward to. Going for drinks afterwards just isn’t the same (especially if your team has lost). Did any of the clubs consult any supporter groups? Of course not! It seems like people are complaining, but accepting this. |
 | Forum Reply | This Sky deal? at 12:49 13 Aug 2024
Yep, and no chance for the usual pre-match beers. I hate it. Might start going to watch Lewes more often… |
 | Forum Reply | This Sky deal? at 20:30 12 Aug 2024
Nope. Not yet. I’ve had a season ticket almost every season since I was 5 (I’m 44 now) and my children (6 and 9) were really starting to get into it last season too. I’m sick of how proper supporters get treated. Seriously, how much football do you need on TV?? |
 | Forum Reply | This Sky deal? at 19:44 12 Aug 2024
Sorry, I posted this on another thread the other day, but wanted to share again: I've been reading this forum for ages but this is the first time I've posted a message. I have always hated how Sky messed about with fixtures without a thought for the supporters who actually attend games and with the huge increase in live games and moved 3pm matches, enough was enough for me. I had already paid for my season ticket but when I realised how many games had been moved to 12:30pm, I contacted the club to let them know my thoughts and one of their replies is below. I travel up from Sussex and due to other commitments (my children's clubs), I cannot make 12:30pm KO's. QPR have given me a full refund. I don't have Sky TV and never have (I loathe them!) Personally, I think more people need to ditch Sky and boycott games to show how we feel. Let the club/league know. Because it's only going to get worse otherwise. I've spoken to supporters of other Championship clubs who feel the same as me. Here is a response I had: Good morning, Thank you for your email and for taking the time to contact us. We unfortunately, sadly have very little say over the tv selections and fixtures, and we understand the frustrations that season ticket holders feel. We would recommend reaching out to the EFL directly with any queries as they should have the information to be able to advise and assist. They can be reached via email on enquiries@efl.com. The Box Office will be able to assist with your request of cancellation and a refund for your season tickets, and we have left them CC’d into this chain. We’re thankful and appreciative of both you and xxxxx for your continued support. Kind regards, Chloe Tong Supporter Relations Manager |
 | Forum Reply | Early Kick offs – Travel and Logistics at 08:11 10 Aug 2024
I've been reading this forum for ages but this is the first time I've posted a message. I have always hated how Sky messed about with fixtures without a thought for the supporters who actually attend games and with the huge increase in live games and moved 3pm matches, enough was enough for me. I had already paid for my season ticket but when I realised how many games had been moved to 12:30pm, I contacted the club to let them know my thoughts and one of their replies is below. I travel up from Sussex and due to other commitments (my children's clubs), I cannot make 12:30pm KO's. QPR have given me a full refund. I don't have Sky TV and never have (I loathe them!) Personally, I think more people need to ditch Sky and boycott games to show how we feel. Let the club/league know. Because it's only going to get worse otherwise. I've spoken to supporters of other Championship clubs who feel the same as me. Here is a response I had: Good morning, Thank you for your email and for taking the time to contact us. We unfortunately, sadly have very little say over the tv selections and fixtures, and we understand the frustrations that season ticket holders feel. We would recommend reaching out to the EFL directly with any queries as they should have the information to be able to advise and assist. They can be reached via email on enquiries@efl.com. The Box Office will be able to assist with your request of cancellation and a refund for your season tickets, and we have left them CC’d into this chain. We’re thankful and appreciative of both you and xxxxx for your continued support. Kind regards, Chloe Tong Supporter Relations Manager |
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