| Forum Reply | Sinton at 22:00 23 Jan 2024
I took my son aged 9 to his first game in 2021 (the 3-2 vs Preston). It was about 3-4 months after I’d played a charity game at LR and had briefly met Andy Sinton. He was striding up the steps towards the gantry just before kickoff, happened to see me and clearly remembered, stopped and came over and introduced himself to my son. He chatted with us for a minute and then carried on. Consistent with all the other stories on this thread just showed a very human side to him and so generous with his time. A true gent. |
 | Forum Reply | Long time lurkers....dont be shy. at 21:49 11 Jan 2024
I have been reading this site for years and find it a great insight into all things Rangers (and the non-QPR threads which are engaging too - ‘industrial accidents and near misses’ from recently at times a difficult read). To echo everyone else, Clive writes simply incredible content. I cannot understand why or how he hasn’t turned football writing into a full time career (it seems half the sports desk of The Times are QPR ST holders so I’m sure there are mentoring opportunities there. Anyway.) Also having lived in the States in the early 2000s I get a lot of value from the Moneyball references. If only as a club we could think more like the Oakland A’s from that era. I’m an R’s fan because growing up a mate’s next door neighbour worked for Ericsson who of course were shirt sponsors in the mid-90s. He got some free tickets, which he used to take me along once or twice, and I was hooked. My earliest (hazy) QPR memory was sitting in the Ellerslie Road Stand watching Mike Sheron run onto a long ball and seem to have half the pitch to himself before smashing it in at the School End. Stuart Pearce may or may not have played for the opposition that day and struck a free kick at the Loft End where the crossbar rattled for about 5 minutes. My 2 favourite players since then have been Buzsaky and Taarabt, just genius footballers. The 3-0 win against Swansea in 2012 in the Hughes era was a favourite as they were both on the same pitch and played well (Taarabt assisted Buzsaky’s superb goal for 3-0). With family now I struggle to go regularly but 2-3 times a season is possible. For some reason a 4-3 win a few years back against Bolton (the JET hat trick game) sticks in the memory as it was a real thrill-a-minute game (including the thrill of going 2-0 down inside the first 10mins or so!). A last thank you to Clive for reposting an advert on Twitter during COVID for a charity game at Loftus Road that I then signed up for and played. It was a bit like an out-of-body experience playing on the pitch with Andy Sinton and others watching on. Highly recommended if anyone ever has the chance and wonders if it’s worth it. They remind you that the pitch, contrary to legend and the appearance with the close stands, is actually relatively large and at least as big as the Wembley stadium pitch. No wonder the poor lambs get tired. Favourite cheese: a nice Gruyère. You Rs. |
 | Forum Reply | Fancy playing at KPF Stadium...? at 19:59 11 May 2021
A quick note to anyone that wanted to play at the KPF... ...there are still places on the football aid website for 2x games next Sunday (23rd). The teams may involve some ex Rs too, like some of the stories on this thread. (Thanks LFW Clive for retweeting the football aid advert today). |
 | Forum Reply | Fancy playing at KPF Stadium...? at 09:53 10 Mar 2021
Funnily enough that’s probably what caused it to fall short this time. I had no issue getting enough QPR fans interested in a game at LR. The issue was in reaching out to everyone in a way that seemed safe to all parties in order to raise the total deposit amount etc. Given we live in a world of clever financial services you’d think there was a way to place money safely with a 3rd party (a bank?) to use for an agreed purpose. Who knows, something to figure out for next time. I would definitely encourage everyone to be careful and watch out for internet scams of which sadly there are many. |
 | Forum Reply | Fancy playing at KPF Stadium...? at 14:23 9 Mar 2021
An update: Thanks for everyone that expressed interest in this (and posting their stories of playing at Kiyan Prince). I didn’t get quite enough folks together in time to pay the deposit for the event so unfortunately won’t be registering a team this time. However I’m sure it will come up again and with some more notice am sure we’ll get enough people. Cheers all. |
 | Forum Reply | Fancy playing at KPF Stadium...? at 09:48 4 Mar 2021
Thanks PunteR the event is 10 weeks today so still plenty of time. Thanks for everyone’s responses. I’m just waiting for confirmation from a couple of people and then will then secure a team slot for the event. Once I’ve done that I will send some more details to everyone that’s expressed interest (also to avoid bombarding this message board). In the meantime, there are still some spaces open, please reply here or send me a message. |
 | Forum Reply | Fancy playing at KPF Stadium...? at 19:19 3 Mar 2021
Great thanks, now seven including yourself. Certainly room for a few more, aiming for 13-14 if possible. |
 | Forum Reply | Fancy playing at KPF Stadium...? at 15:54 3 Mar 2021
Ok thanks lowerloftlad, noted. Also seems DWQPR is interested (I missed in the comments further up), have made a note. Places now going fast but there is still space, just respond on here. Thanks! |
 | Forum Reply | Fancy playing at KPF Stadium...? at 15:46 2 Mar 2021
Thanks for the replies. I have confirmed with the events company that it is on for May and there is space for teams to register (allowing for anticipated lock-down easing by then). I’ve had a couple of folks express interest already and there are a few weeks to go. Please just let me know if yourself and/or any of your own family or friends might be interested in playing. Great to read the stories and see that people have enjoyed playing at LR themselves. |
 | Forum Thread | Fancy playing at KPF Stadium...? at 20:41 1 Mar 2021
First post on here. Have been reading the previews and match reports on here for ages. If I’ve chanced across some old topic that no-one cares about, happy to be moved on... Have you ever wondered what it would be like to actually play in a match at Loftus Road? Something on the bucket list or ‘things I’ve always wanted to do’? I’m a middling weekly 5-a-side player in my late 30’s who has discovered a website that organises small 11-a-side tournaments at professional stadiums across the country. It’s not cheap (£1500 per team) and I simply don’t have enough footballing mates that would be prepared to stump up the money to play a match at Loftus Road as most don’t support QPR. Which is why I wanted to test whether I could form a scratch team of QPR fans via fan forums to enter the tournament. I’m not offering training or tactics or anything other than organising the chance to play at the KPF in May for around £150 (exact amount TBC). If this sounds interesting please send me a private message. The only criteria is being serious enough to pay an equal share of the entry fee, the fitness to last 2 or 3x 20-minute matches on a full size pitch, and a preferred position in a team. Equally if by some chance you know of a team that might be able to squeeze a super sub in to make up the numbers, also let me know! Thanks. (Also posted on another well-known QPR forum this evening). |
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