| Forum Reply | Should former PS legend D. Prosser's ban be lifted on this site 🤔 at 17:11 22 Sep 2020
I'm baffled. I don't understand, or care to for that matter, the squabbles between posters. Just be funny or informative. Make me titter or point me toward something that could be of interest. You can have different views from me - I'm a Remainer, a socialist, an atheist and anglo-Welsh so there's a range of possibilities for you to rail against right there but I get very bored by the schoolyard name calling and chirping nonsense. I'll give it a few more weeks but if anyone values my occasional pithy comment, grammatical nicety or literary quote (highly doubtful, I know) then please stop carping at each other. You're boring the b'jesus out of me. |
 | Forum Reply | Tonights telly at 11:41 12 Sep 2020
I got most of them but I probably would have chickened out at the whale question. If a lifelne had helped me then I most certainly would have chickened out on the pirate one. I cash out on Paddy Power when a team is 3-0 up, just in case. |
 | Forum Reply | Bournemouth beach at 14:18 26 Jun 2020
Of course, but there is still a virus! I've been shielding for fifteen weeks and these selfish toerags think 'I probably won't get it all that badly anyway'. I would stand a good chance of dying if I got it, but of course I'm not THEIR grandad or dad, am I? |
 | Forum Reply | FAO GreatBritton - T S Eliot at 14:12 26 Jun 2020
Thanks for this. I sometimes miss Sky Arts stuff as I trawl through the Sky guide looking for something - anything - to watch that doesn't feature house renovation, cooking, upcycling tat or ridiculous orange young men and ladies exposing their ignorance and their navels. I'm no great lover of Eliot the man. Catholicism's not my bag and he was no Swans fan - but he could turn a phrase like Stanley Mathews turning a full back. He was like a twentieth century Andrew Cotter or a bag of maltesers - a delight in small doses, |
 | Forum Reply | Bob Dylan Rough and Rowdy Days at 15:16 24 Jun 2020
Most def. Anyone who doesn't respond to the humility and self-recognition of lines like 'I helped her get out a jam/but I guess I used a little too much force' or the entire lyrics of' 'If You See Her Say Hello' is a hard hearted soul indeed. I've taken it as a personal mantra to 'keep on keepin' on like a bird that flew' all my life |
 | Forum Reply | It’ll be a sad day... at 10:09 24 Jun 2020
I often used to think 'What's the point of Wayne?' when watching him live. The infuriating outside of the foot cross into the box for a defender to gobble up, the mazy run that led nowhere, the unsuccessful tracing back. BUT, watching replays of games since lockdown I've appreciated his cleverness and awareness of the whole pitch and the rest of his own team. Turns out I was wrong, he was good. Lots of great assists. Not many goals though. |
 | Forum Reply | Bob Dylan Rough and Rowdy Days at 14:52 23 Jun 2020
I saw him when he was in Cardiff. Awful. Then suddenly THIS! Fantastic album with his voice suiting the melancholy, the rage, the wisdom, the age. Listening to Rough and Rowdy Ways was like discovering T S Eliot when I was 14. I don't now what it means, but I want to find out. |
 | Forum Reply | Such lovely people at 12:17 22 Jun 2020
I was in Missouri a wile back and got taalking to a gy who claimed there was no racism in that state. He went on to say: 'We've always had a black in our family, for over a hundred years. Not the same one, of course.' The thing is, I actually think he wasn't joking |
 | Forum Reply | Reports of multiple stabbing at 13:10 21 Jun 2020
Phew! I've finshed reading this. Can I go out and play now? What d'you mean, what's it about? Well, I read it as a totally sensible, ratiocinative critique of the current deficiencies of the Swans Forum's regular contributors, flavoured with some internal rhymes for rhetorical effect, spiced with some contemporary invective and finished off with a whiff of narcissistic self-idolatry. A tasty repast indeed, but perhaps it's not for everybody. |
 | Forum Reply | Kerouac to be banned? Yes or No? at 12:30 21 Jun 2020
I simply won't have it that you dismiss the Prof's view of Catcher in the Rye as overrated. It is a piece of adolsecent nonsense that somehow got famous, rather in the way that Deelyboppers caught the imgination once. |
 | Forum Reply | Bob Dylan Rough and Rowdy Days at 10:12 20 Jun 2020
But it's easy to work out why. He speaks to our futile but beautiful hopes and is honest and witty about human failure. He's political, romantic, relevant, nostalgic, complex and simplistic; his stuff crosses genres like Gene Kelly crossing a street; he inhabits the mundane and the mythic world and fuses the two like no one else around these days. I used to think he was a terrible singer of great songs. Now his Tom Waits/Leonard Cohen growl is almost haunting. The man is an utter genius. I wouldn't go and see him live again though; he's not very audience aware. |
 | Forum Reply | Dominic Raab at 10:05 19 Jun 2020
There are posters on this site who are much more intelligent than others. It's possible that a fair ercentage of the more intelligent are not currently living in Swansea. Maybe that's because they pursued careers which were likely to be furthered more easily in London, or indeed other metropolitan cities. It doesn't mean anything. I think (because I occasionally use big words) some might class me as one of the more inetlligent posters. I ive in Swansea. So what? The real point is that the intelligent posters think clearly and post coherently. They are capable of changing their minds, because truly intelligent people have discovered that you have to keep learning or atrophy in your own bigotry and ignorance. The stupid, the halt and lame of mind, throw wiki quotes in the air like confetti and never change their minds. |
 | Forum Reply | Words under 30's use that boil your piss!! at 10:50 17 Jun 2020
Quite right. The expression (which made sense) used to be 'from the word go' i.e from the very start. Americans started saying 'from the get go' instead and young people, always in thrall to anyting from the USA, began to ape this idiocy. I've started using it myself, admittedly, but only because I want to appear dope and woke. |
 | Forum Reply | Marcus Rashford at 12:21 16 Jun 2020
Cracking put down by Marcus Rashford of the despicable mean spirited Coffey |
 | Forum Reply | Why did you pick your photograph at 14:59 6 Jun 2020
My avatar is a portrait of a man with a very limited, insular and bleak outlook who also wrote some of the tenderest lines of poetry known to man. We shared a certain type of childhood. 'Unspent' in the man's own words. He also talked of 'time torn off unused' which gives me the heeby jeebies every time I recall the phrase. |
 | Forum Reply | What newspapers / news sites do you subscribe to at 11:31 5 Jun 2020
I feel guilty that I don't give enough to support The Guardian. John Crace alone is worth a couple of quid. But I also read The Huffington Post and sometimes I glance at TheTelegraph to see what nonsense unthinking people are lapping up. I could do this even better if I read The Daily Mail but that's just a step too far. |
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