| News Comment | Clough Comments On Resignation Rumour While Club Reports Nothing! at 18:39:21
Of course Nigel cares for the club and no-one would ever dispute that. However the key question is - is he the right man? I can no longer see how any person who looks at the FACTS and puts aside the romantic notions and attachment to the surname can possibly defend him anymore. Personally I do not like the fact that he admitted that 'we probably' got it wrong. No - why not man up and say categorically that HE got it wrong - absolutely no 'probability' or 'we' about it. Another game where we had little or no attempts on Goal - all down to the way he tinkered with the formation and / or players and / or playing positions. He can't stop himself tinkering. He alone has dismantled the side that had the one purple patch that we have enjoyed in nearly 4 years. Even then the formation (love it or hate it) was Metgod's idea not Nigel's (as the latter feely admitted in pre-season). So are we now reduced to damning him by faint praise - because he finally admitted he 'probably' got it wrong! Unfortunately, the man has been mostly getting it wrong for the best part of over two years. The ONLY thing that has stopped him getting sacked is the sheer incompetence and cluelessness of GSE and the fact that most Rams fans (including myself) really do not like criticising him because of who his father was and the fact that he is Derby born and bred. Well I am sorry (and it hurts to say this) but for me, that simply cannot be entertained anymore. We keep hearing he needs time (we heard it last year and the year before that). If we give him any more time we will be in League One. We keep hearing he has had his hands tied. No more so than most of the clubs in the Championship and even GSE have said that there is money to spend - so is Nigel choosing not to spend it? Even when he does spend we get a poor return. The latest example is Ben Davies - a 29 year old journeyman who Nigel had been 'monitoring' for a long time. Apparently he has been brought in because of his dead ball delivery. Well I have seen every dead ball he has taken in recent home games and he is no better than we had before. I am sure Ben tries 100% and is a genuine player but is he really an improvement on what we had got? Remember both GSE and Nigel have clearly said that we will only bring in playesr who are better than we have got. Next point - his comments on Radio Derby last night. For me this simply re-inforced why he should go and not why he should be backed. There is a well known saying about patriotism / nationalism being the last last refuge of a scoundrel. Well for me Nigel's comments about his love of the club were a poorly disguised (but deliberate) attempt to play on the heart strings of Rams fans when every other argument has been lost. I have no doubt that he loves the club - so do we all. However that is no longer a good enough reason to stick with someone who's record is NOT good enough. To continue to allow that is yet another act of extreme blind faith and the triumph of hope over experience! Where is the evidence that he will get it right? The purple patch was a run of home games where we beat teams who are now mostly below or around us. When the form or quality teams came calling we disappeared. He also said - and get this for optimism / inspiration / whatever - 'if we finish 4th from bottom this year we can start again next year on the same number of points'. Oh woopy do! If that is the extent of his ambition then he should simply go and take all of his mates (sorry backroom staff) with him. We are DCFC for God's sake not another bumbling mediocre Championship side. We as fans have slowly been brainwashed by GSE and Nigel into accepting mediocrity. Further, the 'it will take time' and '5 year plan' soundbites are nothing more than an attempt to keep deferring the day when GSE and Nigel should be brough to account and their record scrutinised. Tomorrow will never come in their world. I blame GSE for the failure to understand the need to strke the appropriate balance between careful day to day financial managment and the need to invest in the playing assets. However I also blame Nigel for simply showing no SUSTAINED EVIDENCE that he is up to the task. Any manager will have a purple patch. Any manager will have bad luck. He has shown profound and consistent failings in team selection / tactics / formation / late or inneffective substitutions / inability to change a game / inabiltity to motivate / favouritism and a tendency to publically slate players (often when their poor performance is as a direct result of his tactics or playing them out of position). There are managers who are out there who I believe would do a better job than Nigel in setting up the present team and motivating them to play. In view of the repeated failings, it is too risky too continue to wait and 'hope' or 'have faith' or 'stick with him'. Change is needed and quickly. |
 | News Comment | Fans Deserve Better! - DCFC Silent As Cywka Makes Statement at 22:19:53
Ramdanj Have to agree with you on this one. After the inadequate (and frankly spineless) response from DCFC on the website you would have thought that someone may just have advised Nigel not 'to go there again' would you not? But Oh No - not Nigel - the man just cannot seem to help himslef at the moment! I suspect that it may just have just gotten a little bit worse following Nigel's response to radio Derby and other media this evening (including the matter apparently being further escalated on Sky Sports News). After the careful crafting of Tomas'z 'alleged statement' by the Derby PR department, for Nigel then to pour more fuel on the flames by saying that he had only said 'Good Morning' to TC on Monday morning and 'had not spoken to him since' just beggars belief! Further - to then compound matters by saying that 'if Derby get relegated by 2 points we will be looking at the Portsmouth game first' is just inviting more scorn and ridicule methinks. When will he learn? When will someone at DCFC tell him to learn? Is it me or is it now looking more and more like the pressure is getting to him with the only thing intact being a stubborn refusal to even question his own performance and behaviour? |
 | News Comment | RamsWeek 6 - It’s Not Enough at 12:09:16
Excellent overview Paul - well written too! Does anyone else feel that the next few weeks are likley to be a critical phase for DCFC? My hope is that sensible, co-ordinated pressure from the Fans at least results in some positive reaction from the Board and Management. By positive - interpret that as you will - but I include everything in the spectrum from GSE actually leaving (admittedly unlikely) to modest funds being made available for two effective strikers. |
 | News Comment | Stuart Says: GSE - Should They Stay or Should They Go? at 23:38:08
ramdanj Three independent posts - all NOT in agreement of Stuart's original article - a small poll admittedly but pretty conclusive. One poster is even encouraged to state that he is 100% behind me (thanks Colin 263)! Further, as editor you are clearly neither independent nor without self-interest! I perfectly understand that you may wish to rush to support a fellow contributor - but this game is about opinions and you more than anyone should champion that. Clearly you wanted to make personal comments about me - but hey - I do not care! I am a big enough person not to be bothered about that - sticks and stones! I respect your views - HOWEVER this site is drawing people in from the wider internet (I picked it up from News Now). In my opinion the article should therefore take care in how it may look in representing the views of Rams fans as it is clearly in the public domain. Both Stuart and you yourself seem intent on labelling people like me as the minority. Unfortunately this is where you and Stuart may now out of step - but do not take my word for it - just look at the mounting frustration on other forums which have contributions from fans far far in excess of this site. Anyway apology accepted and I re-iterate that I have no wish to be personal to you or Stuart or anyone else but the article struck a raw nerve when it used terms such as 'majority' etc. Please be careful! You only have to see the storm that Nigel's latest comments have caused to realise that the natives are increasingly frustrated and restless. |
 | News Comment | Stuart Says: GSE - Should They Stay or Should They Go? at 14:02:05
ramdanj6 Read your response to me and then look in the mirror - if ever anyone has suddenly become personal then it is you my friend - eg. 'ranting loon' / 'pretty pathetic' /'grow up' . Did I actually resort to such actual 'personal' abuse in my comment? No I thought not. No personal attach was ever intended or can be construed by my reponse. Stuart has put forward an opinion (which he is perfectly entitled to) IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN and as such has to take responsibilty for it . I happen to passionately disagree with it - do you have a prolem? May I add that you have just demonstrated sheer hyprocisy by doing the exact thing that you accuse me of. The only difference is i will not get drawn into pointless attacks on you as a fellow DCFC supporter. What I care about is DCFC and again, I will re-iterate, when Stuart wishes to put an article such as his in the public domain then I am sure he is mature and adult enough to appreciate that individuals are free to repond and comment . |
 | News Comment | Stuart Says: GSE - Should They Stay or Should They Go? at 12:59:12
I am afraid that the self opinionated, self rightous ramblings of sycophants like Stuart are the real problem here. Who the hell is this guy to start giving his opinion as some form of self evident fact when, quite clearly, he has absolutely no feel for the mounting groundswell of opinion that is against GSE and (increasingly) Nigel Clough. Stick to your more creative writing and cease trying to tell rams supporters what is and is not wrong with their club. You are the perfect portrayal of the happy cllapper blind faither who, despite his love for DCFC, has an attitude that will actually KILL this club through its 'have faith - it will all come good' laissez faire attitude. No - it will not come good - there is no empirical evidence that suggests it - just sheer hope that messrs Glick and Clough will somehow correct their ever rising incompetence and failure to improve DCFC. The FEW good games we had were against teams below us who were struggling at the time. Clough and GSE have since systematically dismantled that side and broke what was a winning formula. Basically people like Stuart are incapable of the paradigm shift into the real world were actual fact and performance means anything. The club is going backwards at an alarming rate and Stuart and people like him (who fill the internet with views designed to placate the DCFC fans) are genuinely blinded by the 'bleeding obvious' and, in my opinion, would never have the courage to tell it as it is even if they do suddenly wake up. Re-read your article - you have merely listed the failings of GSE and Clough but actually present no reason why their continued failings will suddenly come good. People like you need to look at yourslef and then when it all finally implodes ask the pertinent question - why did I not see this OR why did I not have the courage to speak out. And, Burton is my home town club too - but I do NOT push that as some reason why Clough is somehow right for DCFC. Unfortunately in this day and age with ever increasing PL parachute payments 5 years is too long let alone 10. Carry on in your cosy bublle - DCFC urgently needs fans who are prepared to talk TRUTH not serve up wishy washy apologetic articles for the curent management and board. |
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