As a father of a toddler, I can't bare to think what the parents have had to go through the last 15 months. I can't even bring myself round to looking at pictures of the boy, it makes me that sad. But the undeniable truth, and opinion of medical experts (now a dirty word) is that the poor boys illness has severely damaged his brain during his long period in a vegetative state, and he can never recover from this. But this #AlfiesArmy thing (and #CharliesArmy before) really need to hang their heads in shame. Exploiting the parents grief and fueling misinformation to the public about the case, questioning the motives of the hospital staff and even threatening the staff. Russian troll bots are all over this on twitter and US politicians are now chipping in pushing an agenda for privatization of medical care.
[Post edited 27 Apr 2018 10:58]
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