Home > Story Index >Backtracking Mike Strikes Again |
My god, Mike and there was us thinking you weren't a nice man. But of course you aren't are you Mike? Mel offered you in excess of £250,000 for just 51% of your 99% shareholding so what was the problem? Mel, as we understand, was re-mortgaging some of his properties to raise the money but couldn't get it in the timescale that you asked for. So you sold all 99% for £1 - good business sense there then. Not. Of course, it has nothing to do with the pay off that you agreed for yourself from Petty has it or the fact that if Mel had given you the money it would have gone straight to Ninth Floor. Or isn't that bit worth mentioning. |
You say it doesn't matter whether people believe you or not. Well, you are right in what you have said, what you have forgotten is all the factors that we have mentioned above - the meat if you like on the bones. |
Of course, Mike doesn't stop there. Martin Burgess "has been a bit naughty" Tut Tut Martin, what does Uncle Mike say you have done wrong then? Well, Mr Burgess it seems would not 'jump into bed' with Mike in what he was doing. Or as Mike says, into the canoe. Good old Mike separated himself from Martin's activities and now he thinks that Mr Burgess may have a separate agenda to him. Mike, news for you mate, we all have separate agendas to you - we care about Swansea City and don't want things for personal gain from it. |
But, wait a minute, everything is OK, Mike has regrets. Regrets that he ever came to Swansea? No such luck, regrets that he sold to Petty as he thinks he could have got local investment. Why Mike? You didn't in the first three months so what would have been different in the next three? You panicked, you sold to Petty and now you regret it. Sorry, you made your bed by siding with him, lie in it please. |
Now onto the money we told you about last week from the council. "It's not £250,000 that has been reported." says Mike and he's right it's £200,000. Alan Wix is convinced the money belongs to 9th Floor, Lewis is convinced it belongs to him, sorry Freudian slip, I mean Swansea City. |
But Mike isn't involved in transfers he said apart from the fact that the two names mentioned Matthew Bound and Mamady Sidibe, Mike put the relevant person at Oxford and Barnsley in touch with Petty. But no involvement there. |
Now then, some of the next bit is aimed at me. With reference to the striker scheme "There seem to be some endeavors on the part of people who want to see this club suffer" No Mike, I want to see the best for this club and if that means wheedling out the deadwood then off you go. If something is wrong, then we, as fans, have a right to know about it, don't panic if there isn't anything wrong then I am sure that everyone will soon know that. If you're in the clear then you have nothing to worry about. |
But then we get a contradiction. "Phil Chant did remain a signatory too long after he left, that was because of neglect" But Mike, Phil told me that he was asked to stay on as a signatory. Neglect is a key word there, what else was neglected? |
Obviously, we have the customary Lewis dig at the trust for not raising the £140k for 10% of the club. Of course, the £140k was a pie in the sky figure - it should have been 10p Mike, that was 10% of what you bought the whole thing for don't forget. |
Tony Petty he says is talking to three interested parties, two of which he has introduced. Let's hope that the third one gets it then your record on introducing people to Swansea ain't good Mike is it? |
But finally, and a worrying one for football in the UK. "I am presently working on setting up my own business advising other clubs" Oh my God, the man that almost killed Swansea City wants to advise other clubs. Mike I wouldn't have you advising the three of clubs let along a football club. And I'm pretty certain that with your track record there wouldn't be too many clubs listening to your advice anyway. Not if some people have anything to do with it. |
Thanks for your time Mike but as usual we're not interested. |
Someone say something about the weakest link? |