| News Comment | Hull still weighed down by Allam millstone — Opposition profile at 13:51:01
Clive what a fantastic article. Thankyou for so succinctly capping what has been without question our most successful period against a backdrop of utterly abhorrent ownership. I enclose just a few snippets below of other Allam nonsense that in part helped me write a major academic piece of life under the Allam regime. A simple google search of just a sample of the stuff Hull City fans have had to endure as an absolute and direct consequence of Messrs Allam jnr and snr is available at the click of a button. I liked the name Hull City AFC and felt after 110 years there was still mileage in it. Someone else felt Hull Tigers was better. Thing is many others felt the same as me. Many formed an opposition group (CTID) city til I die being one ohms, but arguably becoming the largest opposition group (mainly to the name change) and laters became the HCST Hull City Supporters Trust. Many hundreds gave up their free time to fight in opposition to it and as a result we can all still support Hull City AFC. I accept that despite this a smaller minority would have accepted Hull Tigers Ltd or a variation of, for the unsubstantiated possibility of a 7 figure financial return (not guaranteed) based (loosely) on a Harvard business paper that did not relate to football, and that those unlikely monies would not (Allam agreed) necessarily be directly invested in the team. But still. One man belligerently didn't agree again and opposed those fans and the F.A and dragged us through it. (F.A arbitration) Again. Despite promising ( on camera and in print) he wouldn't. That man also promised to make Hull City for the fans with tickets 'free as the air you breathe', but actually doubled them and then kept going. This peaked at £50 a ticket for Category A home seats with 'cheaper' seats available from £35. Hull City AFC (2015/16) officially had the highest season ticket pricing in the 2nd tier. Cheap air, that. Stealth rebranding. Now if you think 2 years of fight through the F.A earns the right to keep Hull City on communications, badges or marketing, then you are wrong. Every single item of Hull City match day and external branding has eradicated 'City' and in most instances Hull. Our badge. Ffs. After a groundswell of public opinion from 92 league clubs reached Political debate through the minister of sport in December 2015 and our prime minister in February 2016 which culminated in Liverpool fans walking out in protest the 77th minute at a perceived £77 ticket, as a result the £30 away ticket initiative is brought in. One (vice) chairman publicly opposes it, in the press. Ours. Ehab Allam. Quoted as Saying that any black market profiteering should be his right. Premier League Away direct £200k money. Trousered. Or, even better the Allams contemptuously used it to beef up the experience of away fans at the KC (we won best away experience) as a result after Allam snr told City fans to stay away and / or die. The Fixed and highly questionable (some say illegal) voting scheme to the name change. The press after the event proved there were bought votes, lost votes, rigged votes, no simple option to say 'no'. So much so a main match day sponsor took to hiding a slogan and banner under his suit ( all anti Allam protesters were banned from coming in or searched prior to ground entry ) and displayed it at the kick off parade. He was manhandled and thrown out of the stadium. Removing disabled concessions. Against the fans consultation they added Idiotic, farcical and small time post goal music / light displays including before kick off. Refusing to allow our promotion winning team an open bus parade around the city of Hull, instead giving people under 24 hours to get tickets to do a behind close doors party. Result only a few thousand celebrating promotion to premier league. The Airco arena PR and community group disaster, despite it arguably having a benefit to our academy set up playing on a fake grass pitch with only 6 or more similar bloody surfaces they could have used within the city. The rationalisation of staff and services at the KC(om) stadium. Poor turnstiles, major queues. High ticket postage costs, or a cost per ticket to physically collect in person at poor times when Allam actually puts someone in the ticket office. ( this now refers you to 2 electrocic machines as 2 were currently not working on opening day of 2017 season. I was number 88 in the matchday queue for this service which took 45 mins to go down - the stewards say that more stewards are now employed to help with the tickets fiasco than the turnstiles operators who used to let us in) Employing 4 ticket staff to cater for a queue of well over 5000 people for the F.A cup final leading to old men and children queueing for 14 hours. Being told I can die. I'm happy to debate the pro's and cons of the membership scheme. I think increasing ticket prices for concession groups such as retired / students / disabled and children is morally wrong. I am also willing to debate whether (home) crowds of 15,000 in a season were we were consistently in the top 4 (2015/16) and were over 8,000 fans waved red cards suggests a few more fans feel disenfranchised also. Selling half our Play off final allocation. Over 17,000 chose to 'stay away' for the FA cup v Swansea match. Steve Bruce resigned as a direct consequence of Ehab Allam. Giving Mike Phelan funds 2 weeks before end of the transfer window leaving him with 12 fit senior players to start the 2016/17 premier league season. Then.... in January already with the smallest premier league squad you... Livermore sold Snodgrass Sold Bring in 6 loan players. Get relegated so all your loan players leave and you.., Davies sold Huddleston sold Tymon sold Jakupovic sold MaGuire sold Robertson sold Elmohamady sold So you then trouser a further £35m and you.... Sign a few frees and get loan players in meaning you have one of the smallest squads in the championship definitely with one of the lowest player ownership squads and you get your new manager to say the supermarket is shut whilst still courting offers for your players.., Utter utter shambles. As an ex resident of Shepherds Bush good luck to QPR, but on Hull City matters. Still questioning. Jason |
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