| Forum Reply | Santos gone. at 10:26 30 Jan 2025
Good question. According to Wicki and Transfermarket he's still without a club, although I seem to remember mention somewhere of him going to Maidstone (in tier 5 I think)? Its seems a bit weird that someone that age who played over 100 times for us at Championship level can't get a job in at least League 2. But he's only been out of work 6 months, maybe he's been holding out for a job at a higher level than is realistic. Personally I always liked his attitude and work rate (and every now and then a great cross) but I was generally a lot more comfortable when he was in the opponents half than ours!! |
 | Forum Thread | Help I've Bought a ticket from the QPR Box Office at 16:31 16 Jan 2025
Just gone on the online box office to buy a ticket for my Grandson for Sheff Wed. All seemed fine, well not that fine, I paid for it expecting an email to confirm with ticket but nothing. Horrible feeling that although its eticket its going to be posted to me and I won't be at that address before the match. Or does it take a while to come through? Sorry if this is a stupid question I normally phone in but they shut before 4pm today |
 | Forum Reply | Palace tuesday.... at 23:21 16 Sep 2024
O. Still have scars on my back from the 0-6 vs Arsenal in 2001 |
 | Forum Reply | Thordarson incoming.... at 10:46 7 Jul 2024
Given the population of Iceland is only about 350,000 (ie about half that of Bristol) and we are talking about 90 years then I would imagine EVERYONE in Iceland is quite closely related to everyone else, let alone footballers!! |
 | Forum Reply | Michael Gove again at 12:37 23 Feb 2024
"Censor and Control"?? A plea to be tolerant and polite and not drag our poisonous political landscape onto this superb site is what I am suggesting. And its not just this thread, it's too many others in recent years, hence the intervention. And anyone making assumptions about my opinions and prejudices is doing just that: making assumptions. Yes, as Devonwhite says people can have very different opinions about many things but still love this club (and Devon White) in the same way. Although he may be a bit surprised about where I ACTUALLY sit on many issues (closer to him than he thinks I would guess!) he isn't going to find out here. Anyway I'm done with this, either people get what I'm trying to say or they don't (or won't). |
 | Forum Reply | Michael Gove again at 09:56 23 Feb 2024
I think the point I’m trying to make is that this is a FOOTBALL forum, not a Politics forum. Obviously bad behaviour amongst politician’s isn’t confined to Conservatives, look at the SNP for goodness sake! But I come on here to be informed and read gossip about QPR not to have to wade through a soup of Political nonsense to get there. Obviously Politics sometimes collides with this ( like the Newcastle fan who was cancelled by her club) but generally it doesn’t or shouldn’t. And in my experience, as soon as this forum heads off down a political rabbit hole it becomes very toxic very quickly. So it would be good if those who want to get their megaphones out went somewhere else to do it ( X, Speakers Corner, Meta are available) and the rest of us concentrated on the unfolding saga of the inevitable 0-1 on Saturday. |
 | Forum Reply | Michael Gove again at 23:09 22 Feb 2024
You know there are people who support QPR who aren't Left Wing. And, for me, the important thing is they support QPR not what their Politics are. Michael Gove and Toby Young aren't Fascists, they're democrats. You might not agree with them but we live in a society (for now, and its badly under threat) where there is a plurality of thought and expression. We all put aside normal life when we enter Loftus Road (or away grounds) for a couple of hours and focus on our maddening and dysfunctional team with all the consequential emotional releases. I think it would be really, really great if everyone stopped the nasty political stuff on this message board. There are other places on the internet to exercise your prejudices and ignorance if thats what you really have to do. And if Glen Matlock really threw a pie at Michael Gove then he's a sad middle aged prat, but I forgive him because, unlike Jones and Cook he stayed loyal. And If I was Giles or Victoria Coren, or any other Jewish supporter of which there are many, I'd be pretty upset by the Palestinian Flag with its fatuous comment sitting up on one of the members logos. Take it down, please, and concentrate on what happens when Mr Cook gets injured. |
 | Forum Reply | Times really have changed haven’t they. at 23:04 9 Jan 2024
Hi, what IS your "Comedy Wavelength". A few examples of things you find funny would be, well, interesting. As we all know, or , should, the funniest jokes tend to be the cruellest. That gasp of astonishment before the roar of laughter. |
 | Forum Reply | bournemouth role call at 23:03 3 Jan 2024
Really, this one should be free, or a pound. How hard would that be? Charge Bournemouth whatever or nothing if we have to and let the long-suffering season ticket holding faithful and their families and friends in for nothing. Or maybe we should just give them a walkover, we just don't want/need to play this game. We simply can't afford any more injuries or bookings and Marti could definitely do with another week trying to show our defence, sans Cook, how to defend corners. So either we play our reserves(!) vs theirs (0-8) or we play a strong team and.....more injuries and bookings. Also its long irritated me that Cup Games aren't included with the Season Ticket given we generally get only two or three a year anyway. Anyway not a chance I'll be there at that price. |
 | Forum Reply | Let's reminisce heroes....series...no:3 Danny Maddix at 14:09 14 Dec 2023
Ah now I remember why I dont come on here that often! Surely the point of this site is to express different opinions without insulting each other? Anyway all I was really getting at was that whether someone was a decent honest pro or not, or who played hundreds of games for us or not doesn't put him on the pantheon for me. And Danny was a decent player for us but not a top class one. Just an opinion but the stats bear it out. He was playing most consistently in terms of starts and performances when he was alongside Macca and Parker. Around his era we had Glenn Roeder, Bob Hazell, Steve Wicks, Terry Fenwick, Alan MacDonald and later on Darren Peacock who were all, in my opinion, streets ahead of him. In later years Richard Dunne, Gorrkkksss, Clint Hill all superior so struggling to get him into a top ten as some would. Once Macca and Peacock had gone he was duking it out with Steve Yates and Karl Ready for a start. Was he better than Ready? Of course. Yates? Tillson? I'd say not. But its just an opinion, albeit an informed one. Look at the stats, particularly post relegation. |
 | Forum Reply | Let's reminisce heroes....series...no:3 Danny Maddix at 23:18 12 Dec 2023
Sorry, I think you're missing the point here. I wasn't comparing them in terms of quality (but let's face it it's impossible to compare players from the 80s and 90s to now, todays players , especially defenders, play to a different set of rules and are so much fitter than then). What I was saying was they shared characteristics: they played a lot of games for us without being really good enough for the division. In Danny's case he was a bang average (at best) top flight defender who always had a mistake in him that often cost us. Down a division then he was effective. In Osmans case he is a bang average (to be kind) second tier defender who always has a mistake in him that often costs us. Personally I'm not sure what his real level is, hopefully we won't be relegated and find out. Both of them do/did some things well in their uncomfortable elevated leagues. Danny was very good at marking people, I agree. If thats how you want to play 10 v 10. Osman is a good crosser of the ball. Whether Osman is a better or worse player than Danny was is a matter of opinion (and actually remains to be seen, I wouldn't be surprised if he played over 200 games for us in the end so lets see he may surprise us all). Don't get me wrong, I like both of them but they are both limited squad players at their higher levels. |
 | Forum Reply | Let's reminisce heroes....series...no:3 Danny Maddix at 00:36 12 Dec 2023
Pains me to say it , given how long he played for us, but he was one of those players back in the heyday when he joined like, well, Devon White and Gary Chivers that if you saw their name on the team sheet you knew Paul Parker or Les or Macca were out and we were in trouble. Danny was a lovely chap I'm sure, and a talented player, particularly once we were relegated to his level, but he had a brain fade in him pretty much every game in the top flight. Osman Kakay is this generations Danny Maddix, able to play about 85% of this level. |
 | Forum Reply | BEST ALBUM at 20:07 13 Sep 2023
Hmm. Dont even think Made In Japan is the best Deep Purple album! In Rock is the best then Machine Head. Oasis is an age thing for me they were always a second rate Slade. And Barboletta is probably 4th best Santana after Abraxas, 3 and the first LP. Stone Roses? I get it. But the best ROCK album since 1975 is Queens of the Stone Age Songs For the Deaf. Mark Lanergan on vocals, Dave Grohl on Drums, a lunatic on Bass and Josh Homme for once focussed and funny. Best LP of all time is obviously Love Forever Changes but maybe you had to be there/here |
 | Forum Reply | Summer Transfer Rumours at 00:08 10 Jun 2023
Sorry, brain fade between site and Forum. I meant Dixon-Bonner. Pity Bettache left, I thought he looked useful |
 | Forum Reply | Summer Transfer Rumours at 21:34 9 Jun 2023
Just been on the Official Site and looked at "First Team Squad". Can't understand why anyone would be applauding anyone leaving, we actually don't have any footballers! There are only 21 players listed under "first team". This includes 4 Goalkeepers, only one of whom is any good and he is clearly going to leave. Of our 6 defenders one has never played for us, and we have Osman Kakay as first choice Right Back backed up by Aaron Drewe. Of our two first choice centre halves one managed, I think, 15 appearances last season and the other was signed as back-up. We have no left back back up, even the club doesn't acknowledge Travelman. Our 8 Midfielders include Faisal Betache, who has barely played, but this is our strongest area. It is possible we can field a credible midfield, although everyone knows Johannsen and Albert are finished, Dozzell wasn't ever good enough and Richards has hardly set pulses racing. We have three forwards. One who is clearly leaving, one who is 34 and one who has never scored for us. Sell two of Dykes, Dieng, Chair and there simply isn't a squad that could compete at National League level, let alone the Championship. Really this is the brutal truth and this is where Hoos and Ferdinand have brought us. We have no money, stuck at Loftus Road after systemic failure to move ground, and we need to keep everybody and sign between 6 and 8 players to have the faintest chance of survival. Good luck Gareth. |
 | Forum Reply | Said Les at 00:53 24 Feb 2023
Thank you. It was always “Said Lesley. Ferdinand, said Lesley Ferdinand” when he scored. Note full stop in first part. And it was always Super Rangers too for what its worth. No idea where the “Sir Les” nonsense came from. And, bluntly, if we did give him a knighthood maybe its time to take it away! |
 | Forum Reply | Sturgeon resigns at 00:03 16 Feb 2023
It could be argued but it would be wrong. There aren't any Extremists in this Government, come on, we don't do extremists, its not British! The Rwanda policy is daft but not illegal, its just a stupid way of trying to deal with a serious problem of illegal entrants risking their lives (and paying traffickers a lot of money) to come here, I've not heard anything about the Death Penalty in the real media and most protesters get away with blue murder, has anyone ever actually gone to jail for blocking a road? Let alone for 10 years. The problem with PR is that it does give a voice to extremism. we would have had three BNP MPs on that basis at the turn of the century and three can become many very quickly. It was as another poster points out roundly rejected 10 years ago anyway in a referendum as part of the Coalition agreement. And its why Sweden is suddenly lurching to the right on migration, why Israel is currently in hock to Religious Maniacs etc. etc. And making a comparison to Belarus is fatuous, its not a functioning democracy. But, yes, definitions of Extremism tend to be printed by victors, and one persons Terrorist is another's Freedom Fighter. All three you mention could be argued to have much blood on their hands and Gandhi supported the Japanese in WW2 as well. So, history is complicated but we have the best, oldest and fairest democracy in the world. As Tony Benn once said: "the best test is can I choose who I like to lead me, and can I get rid of them easily". We pass that test as successive Tory PMs can testify.. |
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