| Forum Reply | American cowardice. at 00:02 4 Mar 2025
I’ve asked this a million times and never got an answer but I’ll try again. What the hell is an ethnic Russian? |
 | Forum Reply | American cowardice. at 13:40 3 Mar 2025
The current regime’s viewpoint is that of America first and they don’t see any value for America in giving away hundreds of billions of dollars to keep a never ending war of attrition going. They are also reluctant to risk the lives of American servicemen by sending them into war zones that have nothing to do with them. This is refreshing in a way. I and many others have criticised America for acting recklessly as the world police for decades. Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, all hugely misjudged actions that just left American (and British and European) people poorer and in many cases their sons and brothers unnecessarily dead. It’s not cowardice it’s pragmatism. The difficulty is not even America can stop Putin militarily despite his forces being completely impotent, ill trained, lacking motivation and being generally useless because of the nuclear threat. American boots on the ground firing at Russians will only lead to one thing. Mutually assured destruction for all of us. |
 | Forum Reply | Trump and Vance at 21:45 28 Feb 2025
The USA is a lot closer to Russia than we are. 20 miles or so at its narrowest point. |
 | Forum Thread | The media at 21:12 27 Feb 2025
They’re absolutely obsessed about Andrew Tate and Tristan Tate. They can’t get enough of them. Despite them being complete W ⚓️ s and general nonentities. But they never seem to write about Super Alan Tate. The greatest Tate of them all. This is why so many people are losing faith in the media. |
 | Forum Reply | Trump haters of the forum at 20:15 27 Feb 2025
Charles has offered him a visit on the request of the government. A government who when in opposition spent the last ten years calling him all sorts and vehemently trying to prevent his last visit. Now those same individuals are in the White House collectively attempting to fellate him. A Very unedifying sight. Wonder if Sadiq khan will release a balloon again? |
 | Forum Reply | Trump haters of the forum at 20:11 27 Feb 2025
You are aware of the hoops that need to be jumped through to amend the constitution? He’d need two thirds of both houses and at least 38 states to agree to it. |
 | Forum Reply | 🔴 Likely candidates for the Swans job at 14:43 25 Feb 2025
Best performance of the season was the first half against QPR and that was orchestrated by the chef and the kitman apparently. At some point the players need to take a serious look at themselves and admit they are capable for a lot more than they’ve been showing regardless of who the manager is. |
 | Forum Reply | Wind power is important at 14:23 25 Feb 2025
I’ve asked the question on this site previously as to why we build massive solar farms out in the sticks in the middle of nowhere and spend billions commecting them to the grid whereas it would be far more practical and cheaper long term to put solar panels on every house in the country? My answer? If every house had its own ability to energise itself the energy companies couldn’t make any money. They need to control the supply so they can raise the prices when they want bigger dividends. It’s a sad truth which is probably (and I admit I’m in conspiracy theory territory here which I despise) holding back the development of technology like fusion power which we’ve known about since the 1940’s, has little waste, is carbon zero, uses the mode abundant element in the universe as its ‘fuel’ and would solve all our energy problems forever. |
 | Forum Reply | Sheff utd Leeds at 14:02 25 Feb 2025
Probably the best pure finisher we’ve had in my lifetime apart from Michu probably. Lot of weaknesses in his game but the boy knows how to score. |
 | Forum Reply | 2 tier keir wants to send troops to Ukraine at 13:58 25 Feb 2025
Trump’s modus operandi is brinkmanship in order to get the best deal for America. He doesn’t give a flying toss about Ukraine or Russia and why should he? The question on my mind is what will he give Ukraine in return for access to these vital minerals? Your assertion that the result of this will “all be on Putin’s terms” doesn’t seem accurate when it’s Trump and America that seems to be driving this process. |
 | Forum Reply | Trump haters of the forum at 13:51 25 Feb 2025
Trump will be gone in less than four years and we’ll be back to the status quo of identikit 3D printed generic presidents. |
 | Forum Reply | Home form at 13:41 25 Feb 2025
It’s only ineffective when you don’t have the players to play like that. We don’t. If we had the likes of Leon, Joey, Rangel, Dyer, De Guzman etc in their prime who were intelligent and hard working on and off the ball, can turn on a sixpence and use both feet we could play like that and be successful even in todays game. Arguably in recent years the only player we’ve had that could fit into that style of play like that is Flynn downes. |
 | Forum Reply | Swansea City v Blackburn Rovers : Match day thread ** Updated at 11:56 24 Feb 2025
Absolutely correct. Blackburn probably trained and set up expecting us to passively and dangerously play the ball around the back like we have all season. By the time they realised their error we were 2:0 up. This is the insanity behind these “philosophies” that insist on only playing one way. It’s far too predictable. |
 | Forum Reply | Nathan Gill accused of taking Russian bribes ... at 11:47 24 Feb 2025
Corruption is the biggest problem in politics. I believe this is just the tip of the iceberg there are probably thousands at it from the top level to the local councils and every single one of them need to be weeded out, publicly shamed and locked up for a hell of a long time. |
 | Forum Reply | Sexual Harassment Or Not? at 19:48 23 Feb 2025
It’s SH in the eyes of the law obviously and he should definitely not have done it, but he’s also not some sort of evil and creepy opportunistic predator either. It’s clear he got caught up in the moment and went too far. His life shouldn’t be ruined for this. He shouldn’t be put in the same category as epstein or Weinstein or Savile or any others. The way the media are portraying him is definitely OTT. |
 | Forum Reply | 2 tier keir wants to send troops to Ukraine at 17:49 23 Feb 2025
Vladimir Putin: “Peter the Great waged the Great Northern War for 21 years. It would seem that he was at war with Sweden, he took something from them. He did not take anything from them, he returned (what was Russia's). Apparently, it also fell to us to return (what is Russia's) and strengthen (the country). And if we proceed from the fact that these basic values form the basis of our existence, we will certainly succeed in solving the tasks that we face." Contradictory Jack: “it’s not about territory.” Putin or Contradictory Jack? Who is right? |
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