| Forum Reply | Paul Waugh at 18:40 5 Jul 2024
Weird comment about Angela Rayner there? |
 | Forum Reply | Hat tricks at 16:32 20 May 2024
The hat trick which first springs to mind for me is Simmo's at Wrexham in a 5-2 win. Can remember it being a very sunny day and all walking away from that very happy! |
 | Forum Reply | Dorking at 18:30 14 Apr 2024
Though I obviously can't speak on behalf of others on this thread - my issue is not with the league position at all, far from it...it is with watching very boring football. And if this is how UEFA are teaching people to coach and this style of football is 'in' for the foreseeable, then that's fine - I just don't particularly want to watch it. [Post edited 14 Apr 2024 18:40]
 | Forum Reply | Dorking at 08:58 14 Apr 2024
Admittedly I've only seen 15 games this year, but of those, I can only really say I enjoyed one (Barnet H). I probably would have made more of an effort to get to more games if they weren't so painfully boring. Growing up, through my teenage years and into my 20s I loved watching Dale home and away, before other commitments stopped me from going so much. Now that I am back in the area and can attend more, I'm just not sure I actually want to - it feels like the game has changed completely and honestly, heading to the cinema, going for a walk or for a meal, for example, is a much more attractive option. I really, really wanted to enjoy this season and talk about positives, but if anyone from the club reads this message board, I need you to know that this floating supporter has really tried and made an effort this season to attend where possible (and taken people who wouldn't normally attend too) but I can't watch this type of football again...there are better things to do. [Post edited 14 Apr 2024 9:42]
 | Forum Reply | EGM + statement at 08:32 22 Feb 2024
Please read previous posts/replies directly to you - a loan against the ground was sought months ago but rejected by the National League. |
 | Forum Reply | Azhar Ali at 12:44 16 Feb 2024
We are two of those postal votes, as we were away on holiday last time there was a vote on something. I assumed we would automatically revert back to a standard vote after that, but apparently not. Having then headed over to the online portal with our unique reference and password, we couldn't simply change back to a standard vote and instead kept following dead ends. Ultimately, I need to just pick up the phone and speak to someone, I think, but I won't be doing so for this vote as I fear something will go wrong and I'll end up with no vote! I suspect there will be people in similar positions amongst that 24k. |
 | Forum Reply | tomorrow can't come quick enough at 13:25 29 Jan 2024
Yes, particularly when it's about fan behaviour, having seen Dale 'fans' at Halifax square up to fellow fans who were at the game with their family. |
 | Forum Reply | Fylde Teamsheet at 16:45 10 Jan 2024
I went to the game at Fylde last night and sure enough, the steel hurdles are still there and a Hartlepool player nearly had a nasty collision with one when running at pace towards a ball going out of play. |
 | Forum Reply | Oldham Thread at 12:23 22 Oct 2023
This has nothing to do with stewarding yesterday, but something odd happened to me before the Southend game... I'm fairly new to the Main Stand in general having always either stood in the Sandy or sat in the Pearl Street, and before the Southend game sat on the side closest to Pearl Street for the first time. When me and my brother got into the ground, we genuinely didn't know if we could get food at that side or needed to walk all the way over to the other side, so asked a steward. He pointed us through a door which took us towards the referee's room! Knowing that this can't be right, we turned back and asked him again. He insisted we could walk that way to get food so we carried on through...past the changing rooms and to the players tunnel! By this point we were half laughing, half embarrassed at clearly being somewhere we shouldn't be so decided to quickly walk down the tunnel (saying hello to Kevin Maher on our way) and get back out...where the stewards then opened the gates to let us on to the pitch! I told them I was actually going for food and turned to walk back along the Main Stand, but the whole experience was very strange. The stewards didn't blink an eye, ask for ID or challenge who we were or why we were wandering about down there - we could have been anyone! |
 | Forum Reply | That's me done for now. at 10:51 17 Oct 2023
You said similar after a game in March 2022. Are you sure this time? |
 | Forum Reply | Oxford City (A) Match Thread at 17:16 12 Aug 2023
Not only that, but Ebbsfleet beat Dale last week and then lost to Solihull today...but Solihull couldn't beat Eastleigh on the opening day so Dale might as well forfeit next Saturday's game |
 | Forum Reply | EGM at 15:56 10 Aug 2023
Are you absolutely sure you mean Accrington, and not Altrincham? |
 | Forum Reply | Ebbsfleet United (H) - Match Thread at 17:03 8 Aug 2023
The 2nd half effort which hit the Sandy Lane tree actually had us all chuckling around me in the Main Stand. That was the point it definitely wasn't going to be our day! |
 | Forum Reply | NFR Petition against ticket office closures at 14:21 11 Jul 2023
I'm very much on the fence with this and unsure what is best. In Littleborough, for example, it has always seemed strange to me that a ticket office could be open part-time. When I head to the office, it isn't yet open and anyone needing a ticket office in the afternoon in Littleborough won't find one...so what is the point of having one at all? But then again, when I needed a System One pass which would allow me to travel to Manchester via train and then beyond via Metrolink, I needed the office as the machine doesn't sell that ticket. That in itself is rather naughty, as many people would just use the machine and not realise they could save a small fortune asking for a specific travel card, as opposed to buying separate train and Metrolink tickets. If Littleborough ticket office closes, then why should I then have to buy two tickets at greater expense as the machine doesn't sell that ticket? |
 | Forum Reply | Season ticket prices at 18:11 7 Jun 2023
I haven't really thought about it until now, but...I constantly receive emails and special offers from companies I have purchased from before, but never anything from the club, despite buying matchday tickets online a number of times. Theatres, music venues, restaurants, random vitamin companies...they are always letting me know what is 'coming soon' and trying to link me to their online ticketing office, but nothing from the club. Perhaps there is a reason for this, but I haven't opted out of marketing preferences at any point (to my knowledge). Does anybody else receive marketing messages from the club of any sort? |
 | Forum Reply | Brierley to Brentford? at 09:42 3 Jun 2023
You see this kind of message when a player leaves Aston Villa for Man City...not a player leaving a non-league team for a Premier League team! |
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