| Forum Reply | Club Statement at 15:46 7 Jul 2021
Well some of them came from our very own fans, so who sold out? |
 | Forum Reply | Club Statement at 15:33 7 Jul 2021
Let's hope somebody has a Sacred Heart or not! |
 | Forum Reply | Club Statement at 12:29 7 Jul 2021
Correct, which means you can kiss the fans obtaining shares like promised, goodbye! |
 | Forum Reply | Club Statement at 11:58 7 Jul 2021
Anybody know where i can get tax and insurance from? |
 | Forum Reply | Trust calls for EGM at 17:38 14 Apr 2021
Unfortunately the so called "Chosen Few" realised the trust is full of DB sidekicks getting privileges that others do not get. Sad state of affairs when other fans have to take matters into their own hands because the Trust have been caught with their pants down, whilst sleeping at the wheel. This should have happened over a year ago, so i suggest if you want to start making smart replies, look no further than the trust, for the butt of your jokes. There will be more to come, in the coming weeks, make no mistake about that. |
 | Forum Reply | Demo before Swindon Town Game at 22:28 13 Apr 2021
There were many people entering that ground who i have never seen before. Flicker and Wellens and gangs of lads going in the main entrance too. Speakmans for some unknown reason. Like Judd said, the Police took an interest into the number of potential visitors in the stadium. Unless the rules have changed like mentioned, they may take action and rightly so. Briels will be happy about that, has i know he is keen on covid social distancing. |
 | Forum Reply | Demo before Swindon Town Game at 21:59 12 Apr 2021
When we stormed the players lounge many years ago, it was possibly not the best idea, but it got the right end result. That situation was nothing compared to where we are now and if people just stick their head in the sand, Mr Pay Rise will keep on, keeping on! You make good comment about the Narco possibly keeping a role within the club if Dunphy returns. That must never happen under any circumstances. There will be a bigger backlash and we will be back to square one. |
 | Forum Reply | Demo before Swindon Town Game at 21:52 12 Apr 2021
A fair post 49th and one i respect. The protest maybe socially distanced and peaceful, how will anybody know until it has happened. The current board will get the message the fans are not going to let this go. Personally i do not think they have integrity and that has already been shown on many occasions. I personally do not think protests have any value, but it will be worth trying rather than doing nothing. |
 | Forum Reply | Demo before Swindon Town Game at 21:34 12 Apr 2021
Fair play to you Kel, you are a decent lad as i told you in our conversation ;-) You are right about hypocrisy and this forum is one of the worst places for it. How many of these keyboard warriors have gone up to people at away games and said take the Chosen Few flag down? I can't remember one person, but i can remember many people talking to the person it belongs too. The name is immaterial and it is part of the clubs history whether people like it or not. Again what fans choose to do as you rightly point out is their prerogative, and everybody will have different ideas. Pressure on top of pressure from all different angles eventually should crack the nut. So many virtue signallers it's untrue. |
 | Forum Reply | Demo before Swindon Town Game at 21:17 12 Apr 2021
Thank you Kel, i am gobsmacked that people have chosen to to make comment just because the poster has the words Chosen Few on it. We have all sat back and waited for the trust to push the board into submission and it's not happening. I know things are happening behind the scenes but every avenue has to be attacked. |
 | Forum Reply | Demo before Swindon Town Game at 20:46 12 Apr 2021
You could have happily skipped past this post if you did not agree with it. But instead you could not help yourself but comment, what has it achieved? The flag on the poster is irrelevant given the "Chosen Few" were active in the 80's and have long since grown into law abiding citizens as you full well know. The name lives on and it was requested on the poster given the "Backs against the wall" slogan which is very apt right now. I have not organised it, i just get asked to create things, but i will be there myself because it has got to a point where there is no other alternative. You just worry about what you are doing to make changes for the greater good. From what i have seen, nobody is making progress so far. |
 | Forum Reply | Demo before Swindon Town Game at 20:16 12 Apr 2021
So you have made this about you?, some ego that lad. People like you who stand by and do nothing are the embarrassment lets make that perfectly clear. Proper lads means people willing to take action rather than writing the nonsense you come out with. Who mentioned hooligans apart from you? Don't bother replying i don't have time for weakness. |
 | Forum Reply | Demo before Swindon Town Game at 19:50 12 Apr 2021
Nobody cares what you think to be fair. Proper lads will be out tomorrow doing their bit, rather than writing absolute bollox and standing by, watching our club getting decimated from within. [Post edited 12 Apr 2021 20:01]
 | Forum Thread | Demo before Swindon Town Game at 19:06 12 Apr 2021
6PM outside the main gates. Some will be ready for this, some will choose a different approach and that is fine. But the time is now right to start turning words into actions. #SACKTHEBOARDSUPPORTTHECLUB |
 | Forum Reply | Season Ticket Boycott required! at 21:17 10 Apr 2021
Unfortunately i was laughed at a year ago when i came on this board and suggested that the current CEO would lead this club down a very dark path. I wont ask for an apology but instead ask that for the future of our club, everybody works together for the common good. I am not going to slag the trust off, i think many people have already mentioned what most peoples perception of the trust is from an outside in view. Maybe members of the trust have seen the errors of their ways too and acknowledged this, which deserves respect. I do not think anybody can be told what to do with their money, and if that means purchasing a season ticket with DB still at the helm then so be it. But i have access to over 3000 fans via social media, and possibly it could be mentioned about putting any monies into a safe account and see what the response is. whoever is willing to manage this deserves much respect and also support if it gets off the ground. As the saying goes "it takes good men to stand by and do nothing" I think everybody is committed to the club and would not want to jeopardise its future. But we are also dealing with a Narcissist and trust me, the only way to deal with them, is to expose them for what they are. Narco's are very good at what they do and making people feel guilty whilst playing the victim. they are masters of gas lighting, triangulation, love bombing and future faking. The only way to get rid of a Narco is to look them in the eyes and say the words "you are a narco" they do not like being exposed and avoid confrontation by passing the blame, playing the victim or crocodile tears. Hit them where it hurts "the truth" Everybody needs to be on the same page right now and hopefully we can save the club from a possible slippery slope into oblivion. |
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