| Forum Reply | Getting out of hand. at 12:58 2 Mar 2023
Spot on KK, Swansea is going to the dogs. This is basic stuff we are talking about. We are not asking for gold plated lamp posts, but keep the place tidy, it putting folk off coming here, its bad enough as it is. |
 | Forum Reply | So it's now evident that public health officials lied to us all along at 12:52 2 Mar 2023
To be fair to CJ. Myself and Mrs Bear, were on holiday in NW italy September 2019, on the day before we came back, i felt a bit weird, by the time we came back to the UK, i was in a right state. Flu like symptoms, very similar to COVID. i was laid up for over a week, couldn't move out of the chair, coincidence or what. I think i read similar to CJ that it was found in Italy around about the time we were there. |
 | Forum Reply | Mates, I’ve mentioned this before at 20:07 21 Mar 2022
Friends, most over rated commodity ever. Most are too selfish to be real friends. Most are only out for themselves and could give a toss for anyone other than numero uno. The only person in this life you can trust is yourself. The world has lost the plot. |
 | Forum Reply | NHS workers not happy at 13:17 4 Feb 2022
Have you even bothered to read some or all of it. open your mind, you may find it refreshing. you know, listen to the other side, not the narrative from The Government or The BBC.Unless of course you think that every government in every country are telling the truth. Even if 20% of what is written in the article is true, its shocking. Folk need to wake up, and see the long term affects of what this pandemic has and will cause. The trouble is everyone is so wrapped up in the thing, everything else has gone by the board, this will end one day or we are going to have to live with it, so get used to it people. The aftermath is going to be so much worse for so many people, not withstanding whats happened to them thus far. Anyway, that's enough from me i'm done here. |
 | Forum Reply | NHS workers not happy at 19:43 2 Feb 2022
The sheeple wont accept this, you know that dont you, either that or this post will be ignored. It's the way it goes. |
 | Forum Reply | Unvaccinated NHS staff at 20:52 27 Jan 2022
I see that Dr Steve James is launching a legal challenge against the Governments NHS vaccine mandate. |
 | Forum Reply | Unvaccinated NHS staff at 18:42 27 Jan 2022
I agree with your last paragraph. The threat of losing your job, because you are not vaccinated, is unacceptable, and more worryingly coercive behaviour. This is why I think it is more likely sabre rattling, which I find very distasteful. Shocking infact. |
 | Forum Reply | Unvaccinated NHS staff at 19:25 26 Jan 2022
More bo!!0x form Dippy. If theres 10s of thousand being sacked, because they dont want to be vaccinated, who the hell does he think is going to be looking for work in our hospitals. |
 | Forum Reply | NHS workers not happy at 19:05 26 Jan 2022
Ok, if you say that you do not want to have mandatory vaccines, and folk are stupid for not having them, yet you'd be happy to take unvaccinated staff from NHS England to man our hospitals here in Wales, where exactly do you stand on the mandate for compulsory vaccines for NHS staff and ancillary workers. You still haven't answered my hypothetical question, how are you going to fill thousands of jobs. So in summary and you can answer individually, yes or no will be fine, no need to elaborate. Here we go. 1. Do you think there should be compulsory vaccines for all NHS staff and co workers. 2. Do you think all unvaccinated staff and co workers should be sacked for not accepting the vaccine. TIA. |
 | Forum Reply | NHS workers not happy at 13:15 26 Jan 2022
If the rules as they currently stand are implimented for compulsory vaccination of NHS, and they refuse,and they are relieved of their positions. i'll ask again, how are they going fill those vacant posts. People have been told before why folk are choosing not to be vaccinated, why is that so hard to comprehend.( and i'm not talking of anti vaxxers) that's a different conversation. To call folk out as stupid is just pathetic. There are lots on here that say, NHS staff should all be vaccinated or be sacked, you now say that those very unvaccinated nurses etc are welcome to serve in welsh hospitals, seriously. The hypocrisy and double standards is mind bending. Anyway i'm out of this one, as yet again no one has answered my OP, unless you care to do so. |
 | Forum Reply | NHS workers not happy at 18:22 25 Jan 2022
Argue all you like, it's not what the OP was about. How are you going to replace 10000's of NHS staff, it they go ahead with this illegal nonsense. Go on anyone. |
 | Forum Reply | Unvaccinated NHS staff at 17:57 25 Jan 2022
Ironic isn't it, your offended by Hobos post. Yet that is exactly what the OP is suggesting, division, and segregation within society, jeez, as if things are not bad enough as it, And yet we have some advocating even further division. Get a grip people. FFS. Pathetic. |
 | Forum Reply | The new Highway Code at 21:27 24 Jan 2022
It's a no brainer, specially the roads as they are today. |
 | Forum Reply | The new Highway Code at 21:10 24 Jan 2022
So we agree that a cyclist has the potential to kill a pedestrian, which was my point. |
 | Forum Reply | The new Highway Code at 20:11 24 Jan 2022
We sort of agree, however, a cyclist doing 30mph, will kill a pedestrian just as much as a 40 tonne HGV. The amount of cyclists has trebled or more, not sure of exact figures in the last few years, this means a potential for more accidents. Shared use paths worry me. Cyclists who dont use cycle paths also worry me, but of course they cant open the taps then. Which is why cyclists need some insurance cover, for both road and cycle route use. Holland is completely different to the UK, they've been doing this sort of thing for years, we a just starting out in terms of investment. Our culture needs to change if it's going to be successful. Maybe all motorists should be made to have a refresher course every 5 to 10 years. |
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