| News Comment | That FA Cup preview again – Preview at 01:46:55
Reminds me of the end of last season and the win at Coventry. That was a game that was won with a professional approach and an expectation of winning, set by Marti - in years gone by that would have been approached as a fun day out and who cares about the score. He'll have a harder job getting us to drop the defence mechanism as twice-bitten supporters than he will team of young players. Go and show them how good you are lads. |
 | News Comment | The Coventry Conference – Report at 00:17:24
'that we were committed, organised, professional and set up well enough to do the opposite, that our mentality was such… – is enormously positive. This stuff does matter, however much we may pretend it doesn't.' Nail hit on the head there Clive, this feels like the difference. Whether we play a game to survive on the last day, gain promotion or whatever, if you are a professional the process should be the same. I think this is what helps Marti appear so balanced regardless of the outcome, he seems to understand that when you do the right things often enough outcomes take care of themselves. Thanks for enduring the trauma of the year, please know that your writing makes a difference to people around the world who dont want to lose connection with our own little Mecca in West London, nor those that share our affliction. U R's... |
 | News Comment | Me, The Auld Fella and Charlie Austin — Column at 08:27:18
That was beautiful...laughter and tears here, like the last few years for you. I've no idea if your Dad is the sort of man who would have said it out loud, but I'm sure he'd be very proud of a son who could write that. |
 | News Comment | The Nedum Onuoha hour - Podcast at 05:45:52
Best podcast guest I've heard, so rare to listen to someone who isn't afraid to say what he thinks - and Nedum clearly thinks. Insightful, intelligent and didn't pull punches when it would have been easier to do so. Really enjoyed that. |
 | News Comment | Season Preview 2020/21 — Strugglers at 05:00:58
"There are things in the cupboards under your kitchen sink you could fashion a more competent goalkeeping display out of than the two he produced home and away against QPR" I love that you do this Clive, please never stop. Now, if I could get the bloody Patreon thing to work I could give you some money too... |
 | News Comment | Turning for home - Preview at 12:32:33
‘We had enough grinding last year under Steve McClaren to start a gay dating app’ My wife has just come out to ask me why I’m crying at our kitchen table; the mans a comic for the ages 😠Couldn’t agree more Clive, stuff compact - damn the torpedoes...full speed ahead! |
 | News Comment | One year on - Preview at 03:50:35
Thanks for the preview and for sharing so honestly Clive - don't see that sort of honesty in many areas of the public eye very often, and like it or not, this site puts you in the public eye. The difference here though (well it should be) is that we're all R's, and we should look after our own - not agree with all the time, but still, look out for. Thanks for persevering when it was difficult and for continuing to provide us with some of the best football writing anywhere - you are by far the bigger man |
 | News Comment | Memories of the 1983 Venables promotion team - History at 07:26:13
Is that contentious game at the Baseball Ground the one where Derby fans were ringing the touch line by the end? Didn't a Fulham player get kicked by a Derby fan or is my memory finally sliding away from me...? |
 | News Comment | …song as old as rhyme — Report at 05:33:44
Thanks Clive, even amongst the rubble you made me laugh out loud " If you’re down on your luck, out of your depth, on a seemingly terminal run of awful form, either as a player or a team, then fear not... restore some pride and self-esteem with a nice session on our willing hooped gimp" You're a funny bugger, and a sense of gallows humour must come in handy... |
 | News Comment | Chickens, eggs and sacred cows — Preview at 09:59:14
Thanks Clive, that really is a great piece of writing. To focus on just one of the points you make, do we know what the impact on numbers would be by making the Lower Loft safe standing (in terms of the increased number of people that could fit in the ground)? are we talking a couple of thousand? I remember.a game against Spurs in the 80's ('the only game in town') when the paddocks were also standing and we had 27000 in....would safe standing get us to 22ish if rolled out to the paddocks too? Thanks again for the great read, I will be introducing my antipodean friends and relations to the phrase "cockwomble" for the rest of the weekend. |
 | News Comment | Where others fear to tread - Column at 22:06:04
Perfect summing up of the situation Clive. Set a goal - what sort of club do we want to be - break down the steps required to get there, and stick to the plan. It doesn't sound like rocket science does it? All the parties you've mentioned, Hoos, Sir Les, JFH are all parts that go toward making the greater whole, as are the players; from time to time parts will be replaced, but the goal remains the same, become the club we've decided we want to be. Good luck to JFH, all the signs are positive based on what he's done to date, but you never know until he's actually in there doing the doing. Hope springs eternal....come on you R's |
 | News Comment | Huddersfield trip reduced to side show by football's loathsome 'real quiz' - preview at 00:04:33
Brilliant stuff again Clive, wouldn't it be great to see this printed through club programmes throughout the land....perhaps the scales might fall from the eyes of those suckered into the fatuous whirlwind of shite that you've so beautifully torn to shreds? Not very likely though is it? And by the way, the various reasons for a particular player not being available each week are comedy highlights each week... |
 | News Comment | QPR back Ferdinand’s plan with Ramsey risk — column at 13:39:55
"QPR make predictable and slightly dull managerial appointment shock" Well thank Christ for that. Just for a change we're going for the bloke who won't attract headlines but will actually coach players He's not and won't be perfect (who is?) but we know what we're going to get, or at least as much as we can under the (FFP) circumstances. We just don't need another messiah riding in to save the day, we need what Ramsey brings already - organisation, player development and a view that he actually owes the club not the other way around |
 | News Comment | QPR head to Manchester for last rites — preview at 03:20:21
No one, absolutely no one expects anything from this game....so surely we just throw caution to the wind?? If we're going to lose anyway (?) lets go down 5-3 rather than 1-0.... |
 | News Comment | The merry-go-round — preview at 02:39:18
Thanks Clive, thats a great summary of the vacuous approach of most jouranlists. Never mind if something we"re told is true, accurate or is blatant propaganda, we've got something so we'll print it... As you say, it really would be great to see a man who has invested time and effort in developing his skills over a long period rewarded. Give me substance over presentation anytime |
 | News Comment | A question of maths - preview at 11:01:33
So....we're about to break a record for consecutive away losses (or match it at least), the only bloke to have scored a goal for us away from home this season isn't playing and absolutely everyone expects us to lose to nil. If that isn't the perfect recipe for a win to the R's I don't know what is. Expecting the unexpected...Vargas to be the man....COYR's... |
 | News Comment | Can Morrison gamble continue to pay off for ‘Arry? Preview at 03:02:29
"the current Birmingham team could probably be given a reasonable game by the characters from Morph"...love it....the work of a comic giant... Caught in two minds here - always want the R's to win, no questioning that. 3 pts here with a couple of winnable games coming and suddenly Burnley might be looking over their shoulder... BUT, if its another Morrison inspired victory then 'Arry is a genius for identifying an out of sorts genius who just needed to be handled correctly to get the best from him. The transfer 'policy' is justified, and the chocolate wheel keeps spinning when the window opens. I want us to go up, preferably automatically, but without any lessons appearing to have been learned from last time (by anyone?) why will it be any different..? and I couldnt take that again... Probably not the right time to raise this, but if we do go up is 'Arry the man to be in charge for that 1st season back...and to bulid a stable platform for the long term...? He can certainly get us there, but perhaps then we say thanks for a job well done..? God, I'm on the other side of the planet and it's still hard work following the R's, but once you're hooked they've got you... |
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