| Forum Reply | 83/84 season at 21:50 8 Dec 2020
Was an amazing side and don't believe anyone who says we did so well because of the Omiturf pitch: we had the equal most away wins in the division that season. More than deserved our European spot and with a few additions could have challenged for the title within a season or two. Mullery wasn't a risk appointment - his record up to that point though not amazing suggested that he could do well for us - but he was never going to be accepted by the fans or players after TV left and we needed someone who would have everyone's respect immediately. I've have never understood why we didn't ask a man who knew the club, was respected by most and had just shown that he had something about him: George Graham... History could have been very different. |
 | Forum Reply | Millwall fans. at 21:36 8 Dec 2020
The alternative view is that it proves that they don't have a problem with race equality movements such as Kick it Out (something which has never been subjected to booing at Millwall) and were actually being honest about it only being about BLM. What this does is allow for an adult debate about the symbol which has, rightly or wrongly, become synonymous with the discredited political movement BLM and the desecration of War memorials and statues committed in their name. Other fans will boo - that it certain - and clubs will be asking the PL and FL to come to an agreement about when the gesture will be discontinued to prevent acrimonious and divisive atmospheres at matches when they have more fans back. [Post edited 8 Dec 2020 21:39]
 | Forum Reply | Millwall fans. at 19:14 8 Dec 2020
I'd agree with those sentiments to be honest. The former Millwall chairman, Reg Burr, once said that Millwall were a convenient coat peg for society to hang their ills upon and the Media will be hoping for another story to run with. No paper or media outlet wants to really write 'Millwall fans behaved' tomorrow as it generates less clicks. |
 | Forum Reply | Millwall fans. at 19:09 8 Dec 2020
I completely agree with a lot of your post. Nepotism is rampant in the UK with Brooklyn Beckham's platform for what can only be described as 'amateurish at best' photography being awarded a significant profile platform being a great example. Where I would disagree, however, is that although some companies may offer internships and lower entry roles as favours, few of those without any ability will rise from those positions. I'm not condoning the practice - which clearly could cause more able persons miss out on opportunities - but most successful companies are run on a meritocracy with those at the top normally the right person for the role or at least with the ability to hold such a vital position. I would also add that, at least in terms of the Arts, there probably hasn't been a better time to be a Black or BAME artist. Galleries have spent the last year falling over each other to promote black artists even if there are genuine criticisms of their ability. In theatre there has been over the last 2 years + an obvious trend to colour-bind cast roles to the extent that an actor of Nigerian descent played 'The Gentleman caller' in Williams' 'The Glass Menagerie' despite the plot - and dialogue - resting entirely on him being Irish and white. [Post edited 8 Dec 2020 19:10]
 | Forum Reply | Coming to a head - Preview at 18:35 8 Dec 2020
I blame the X Files before which I can honestly not remember conspiracy theories being so prevalent before it aired. Shame they've become such because of Social Media because, as Clive says, they create entrenched positions - on both the left and right - which people find it impossible to move from. [Post edited 8 Dec 2020 18:35]
 | Forum Reply | Millwall fans. at 18:27 8 Dec 2020
Genuinely sorry if I offended anyone the other evening. Was having a bad day and this probably showed in a number of posts. Am genuinely not a dickhead and hope to show this going forwards. |
 | Forum Reply | Millwall fans. at 18:25 8 Dec 2020
.. [Post edited 8 Dec 2020 18:26]
 | Forum Reply | Millwall fans. at 18:23 8 Dec 2020
That's a good point about feeling something about the players you see. We probably had the same amount of Black players as Spurs in the early 1980s but, if we're being honest, Garth Crooks was definitely more watchable than Bob Hazzell! I read an article recently which said youngsters are becoming fans of players now rather than teams because of media like the FIFA console games and the marketing the top players have so maybe this is something which, if it hasn't got worse, will. Totally agree that a young and exciting team will attract more fans, but we shouldn't beat ourselves up - or allow suggestions that the fanbase or club are racist - if it doesn't attract a significant increase of black fans. Everyone's £ is the same. |
 | Forum Reply | Millwall fans. at 18:15 8 Dec 2020
Some counter arguments: 1) Being an actor requires little training - hence McQueen found what he needed - but to operate the machinery and to have the photographic capability to direct needs the education, know-how and experience. It is a very niche area and McQueen should not expect to find significant numbers of non-white crew members. 2) I base this assumption with black friends - and extended family - with whom I have discussed a number of issues such as this to gage their opinion(s). They find this kind of stuff embarrassing - and few were loudly protesting about this before the last 5 years either suggesting it wasn't an issue many cared about - and put it in the same category as 'Rule Britannia' being dropped from the Proms (later rescinded, of course) as decisions made by Middle-class, white Liberals wrongly gaging what the Black community actually want/need. 3) If you live in London I'm surprised that you find any suggestion that black or the wider BAME community tend to support successful teams. Think about how many black people you know and their football allegiances and work out how many support anyone other than Man Utd, Arsenal, Liverpool, Man City or Spurs. Also, think how many times you see members of those communities wearing any other football shirts/attire from those clubs. It's a similar problem to what we're facing with the younger White generation too as we - a smallish club with no chance of success - compete against SKY and BT where you can watch thousands of games per year, staring the best players in The World for less than it costs an adult and child season ticket at Loftus Road. Being a London club is also a hindrance to us because of how much else is on the 'doorstep' instead of QPR. [Post edited 8 Dec 2020 18:40]
 | Forum Reply | Coming to a head - Preview at 17:15 8 Dec 2020
There's someone on Twitter - can't remember his name now - who stopped supporting us because Karl Henry was a Tory... Our online presence as a fanbase is unbelievably embarrassing at times: both left and right btw... |
 | Forum Reply | The Gift of Retro at 17:06 8 Dec 2020
Didn't the club take/threaten to take legal action against them? Anyway, to answer the OP, for about 4-5 seasons now there has been a nice selection of retro shirts though they do lack the original manufacturer's logo. Hoping for a Classic FM one at some point. |
 | Forum Reply | Millwall fans. at 17:00 8 Dec 2020
In the last Census just 3.8% of the population of the United Kingdom were listed as being Black. This equated to just over 1.86m in a population size of around 60m. Some genuine questions: 1) Considering how many of the 1.86m will be of school age or retired, how many black crew members did Steve McQueen genuinely expect to find? 2) If 'identifying themselves' in novels and works of fiction doesn't seem to have been a widespread issue for older generations of black people living in the UK, why the pressing need to add token characters to works of literature? 3) How do you suggest the club increase the black support? Should we have a 'Bring a black mate' day at Loftus Road every now and then? Should we have cheaper tickets for Black people? Alternatively, should we just accept that QPR operates a widely used system which does not use prejudice or a de-facto Apartheid ticketing system and black people have an equal opportunity to purchase tickets for our matches? Is it also fair to point out that most Black football supporters are more inclined to support successful sides - from their armchair - hence the number of members of their community who you see wearing attire declaring support for a top 5 side? [Post edited 8 Dec 2020 17:02]
 | Forum Reply | Millwall fans. at 23:14 6 Dec 2020
People who find that kind of stuff interesting? |
 | Forum Reply | Millwall fans. at 23:13 6 Dec 2020
No regret at all, people used to laugh at stuff like that then. You'll have to ask a lot of fans from that period if they are ashamed that they waved cash at in areas affected by the miners strike during the height of the industrial action. Whether they are ashamed they sang 'Spurs are on their way to Autchwitz' at Wembley in 1982. Whether they're ashamed to have sung Munich songs. Whether they're ashamed to have song songs mocking the Scousers for being unemployed. Whether they feel ashamed to have mocked Matthew Harding with songs. The list goes on. People in those days had a sense of humour about different things and it was all tounge in cheek. One can't help but think that the snowflake generation and the middle class who discovered football in the 1990s are the ones who get it wrong because they take offence on behalf of everyone even when their sympathy is not wanted or requested. |
 | Forum Reply | Millwall fans. at 22:57 6 Dec 2020
One of the greatest firms ever assembled outside an England match. Ridiculously in size and capability. |
 | Forum Reply | Millwall fans. at 22:03 6 Dec 2020
1984 that was and Chelsea took the p*** all day at Highbury. Take a look at the footage on You Tube at how many they had in the ground (easily 20k+) and, though not questioning your experience, have never read anything in any Arsenal account which contradicts the opinion that Chelsea ran riot that day and faced no/little resistance. [Post edited 6 Dec 2020 22:04]
 | Forum Reply | Millwall fans. at 21:49 6 Dec 2020
To be honest, I gave up going for the most part during the 'Boutique' years and left it to those who didn't mind us selling our souls quicker than a desperate whore drops her knickers for a score so I can only go on what I was told by people who still went. The opinion he was awful/poor/inadequate when he signed was the consensus and it didn't differ much. If you and friends shared a different opinion to mine than we'll have to disagree. |
 | Forum Reply | Millwall fans. at 21:44 6 Dec 2020
Slightly older now but was regularly attending matches from the early 1980s and know/knew almost every significant face from that period to the extent that most came to my parents wedding and the Old Bill even popped by to say hello... These come from good sources if I didn't personally witness them.. |
 | Forum Reply | Millwall fans. at 21:41 6 Dec 2020
"I am a proud anti-fascist, as was my dad ...and we were both proud lifelong QPR fans, who always thought those two went together." Ah, the old QPR are left wing, Chelsea, right wing myth... Sorry to disappoint you but it was never like that. We have always had a fine mixture of opinions at Loftus Road ranging from far-right to far-left with everything in between... The only thing we ever agreed on was politics had no place at Loftus Road. Many Rs and Chelsea fans used to attend each others matches too and a lot of families in West London had divided loyalties. |
 | Forum Reply | Millwall fans. at 17:05 6 Dec 2020
Some have honestly started protesting the 10 GB song and some petitioned the FA to have anyone caught singing it banned... We had a few Asian lads who travelled with us in the 80s who would always sing 'Glad to be a ... than a Scouse' they were having a laugh with their mates and if they were subjected to REAL racist abuse than we would have laid into the perpetrators. You would want fans to have criminal records for singing a song? |
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