Firstly, many thanks to all those who donated to the above, to the Trust for publicising the event and also to blackdogblue (you know who you are even if I don’t!), who publicised it on the Fans Forum: “Spare a few quid”. Just before we set it off, it was announced that some 500 walkers had registered for the event and as of Saturday morning £17,000 had been raised. My (our) modest contribution to that is £465 which with Gift Aid amounts to just under £600. The weather was fine but blustery, and I managed to make it back in time for the football – what a disappointment that was! A bad day at the office as they say; let’s hope there’s not too many more of those.” Here’s a link to a short video taken just below Lobden golf Club. Rochdale Online reports that the event raised £37,000 for Springhill Hospice. |  |