| Forum Reply | Canada trials decriminalising small amounts of drugs at 13:43 1 Jun 2022
A common misconception about drugs are the amount of people actually addicted to them. Most users are recreational and use them to enhance their evenings, weekends, whatever. As an occasional user of certain Class A drugs, I know that being arrested and potentially imprisoned is simply disproportionate. Given that Canada are giving clear amount limits, (2.5 grams of cocaine) this largely exonerates casual users whilst keeping peddlers under the law. It seems to be a sensible move; it also implicitly acknowledges the existence and inevitability of dealers. As Sirjon moots, a state-sanctioned supply could be a way forward. However, this may lead to stockpiling and dealing from people down the line. [Post edited 1 Jun 2022 13:45]
 | Forum Reply | Class of 92 at 23:42 27 Apr 2022
In order of preference to win it, I'd like - Williams O'Sullivan Trump Higgins. Would love a Williams/Ronnie final. Two flair players, both past 45. Would like to see Hendry's 7 equaled, but a Welsh boy winning it is best eh. |
 | Forum Reply | Will Smith attacks host on stage at 17:25 28 Mar 2022
Absolutely real and completely indefensible. What a weak, lapdog of a man. Smith didn't stamp his foot and correctly rotated his body to achieve a powerful slap. Honestly, some people on here make me laugh. If anyone here thinks physical violence is an appropriate retort for a joke, however offensive, then they are equally weak. Smith could have easily asked for an apology online, and raised awareness about his wife's condition at the same time. Imagine is Rock was a woman? How is this at all acceptable? The fact that Rock is a black man seemingly makes this easier to dismiss. He should have his award revoked. [Post edited 28 Mar 2022 17:26]
 | Forum Reply | Emma Raducanu 2022 at 01:48 21 Jan 2022
Great thread and pictures Dr P. Now she's out, please still use this thread to share your pictures etc. Who's your current favourite for the men's and women's singles? The women's I've no real knowledge. As for the men's, can you see past Medvedev or Zverev? I'm leaning toward the former. Nadal a danger too... And please just ignore this Shingle fella - his tedium is unreal and not worth your time pal. The people who don't understand will, in the face of exhaustive explanation, only continue to misunderstand. |
 | Forum Reply | 60% of people in Wales prefer Mark Drakeford's Covid approach to England's at 01:14 21 Jan 2022
If by 'well done' you mean an ideologically-charged overreaction to the Omicron variant, which has contributed further to an economic and social disaster, you're bang on the money. His contrarianism has cost lives and livelihoods. As usual, we are the outlier when it comes to relaxing the rules. I will never vote Labour again, and the same applies to many I know. |
 | Forum Reply | Swansea Independent Harmony â¤ï¸ at 01:03 10 Jan 2022
I speak transparently and without compromise, and yes, often over the mark. But I do this because I know others on here, often with conflicting opinions to my own, have the gumption, knowledge and intellect to counter my arguments well. This is essential! An echo chamber is drudgery and this place is certainly not that. I have genuine respect for many posters, regardless of their backgrounds. This is the only forum I ever post on, and even then it's a quick flurry then gone. Bit like hives really. A quick perusal on the other forum reveals a site far less dynamically interesting: it lacks a certain vigour. Let people talk; it's all good for the brand. Glossy is here for the long-run (7 years so far maybe?) and I hope you all are too. |
 | Forum Reply | Italy over 50s at 12:44 7 Jan 2022
We are losing sight of individual accountability for our own health at an alarming rate. It is the only surefire way of being in the best position, the next time a virus comes to town. Obesity rates up especially in children, alcoholism up, depression up, mental health in tatters (I should know), sedentary lifestyles fast becoming the norm. Doesn't seem to matter too much for the vaccine absolutists. I'm off to bench some good weight. |
 | Forum Reply | Colston Statue vandals innocent at 12:38 7 Jan 2022
Indeed, he used to be cruel to his woman. He beat her and kept her apart from the things that she loved. |
 | Forum Thread | Professor at 11:58 7 Jan 2022
I want your honest opinion here, no games. My mother and sister both work in the NHS and are double-jabbed. Both are reluctant to take the booster owing to the way they reacted to the vaccine. My sister felt drowsy and fatigued for weeks, had numbness in her legs and noticed some quite disturbing arrhythmia. (She's a cardiologist by the way). It seems that the booster will soon be required in order for people to be fully vaccinated and for their COVID passport to be valid (take this as a given please for the sake of the Q and A). NHS will require this booster by April 1st, it seems. So what do you say of them? As the double-jabbed are not adequately protected against Omicron, are they, too, selfish? What would your impartial advice be? Neither want the booster in the slightest. My mother is 35 years+ with the NHS If your response is anything other than addressing the question, don't bother replying. As I've said before, the forum works best when sincerity is taken as a given. This situation is true. I look forward to your response. [Post edited 7 Jan 2022 12:00]
 | Forum Reply | Italy over 50s at 11:43 7 Jan 2022
His really is on this issue. I like OHL but have quickly realised there's no room for alternate viewpoints with him here. Same applies for builth, with his single-sentence scaremongering. And he says I don't understand. Jesus wept. |
 | Forum Reply | Colston Statue vandals innocent at 11:39 7 Jan 2022
With Prof, sirjon etc, we have educated individuals in their fields who sometimes fail to apply their knowledge at a human, societal level. The world doesn't work like that - it's capricious, reactionary and impossible to predict. They ensconce themselves in their world of data and spreadsheets, thinking that this can be neatly applied to the real world. We know that juries don't set 'precedents', but we also know this ruling sets a dangerous precedent. Understand? It's quite funny how the 'experts' on here are at pains to point out the legal small print, and then imagine that this is enough to ensure no mob, or fanatic gets the wrong end of the stick. |
 | Forum Reply | Italy over 50s at 11:28 7 Jan 2022
Let's not ignore the fact, told by NHS bosses, that over a third of hospital COVID cases are incidental. This has risen from a quarter in the autumn. Quite a clear gauge on how much milder the strain is. I appreciate the detailing of the vaccine efficacy, but you've failed to engage with me on any personal level, regarding choice and the morals around stockpiling. Nor have you managed to prove anything I've said as factually 'wrong'. Just like sirjon yesterday, my interlocutor is simply a person hiding behind a profession. It's tedious and one-dimensional. All your expertise doesn't mean you have a greater right to label all those who disagree wrong. You're no one's doctor and I firmly believe you lack the faculties of nuance and individuality surrounding this issue. You're not incorrect, but nor am I. Have a day. |
 | Forum Reply | Italy over 50s at 11:11 7 Jan 2022
You have utterly failed to listen or understand my argument. I know your authoritarian take on this, and it seems to have blinkered you entirely. No I am not concerned in the slightest. Given that I'd arguably more likely to be unwittingly carrying the virus if I were jabbed, it is simply no argument to suggest I'd be more likely to pass on COVID to someone whilst unjabbed. I have isolated when required. I have tested when required. Your point is redundant. |
 | Forum Reply | Italy over 50s at 11:02 7 Jan 2022
Bravo. It genuinely cheers me to read that. [Post edited 7 Jan 2022 11:03]
 | Forum Reply | Colston Statue vandals innocent at 10:52 7 Jan 2022
You really believe, given the mass online ignorance and herd mentality, that this outcome suggests nothing about the potential for further criminal damage? It doesn't matter if juries don't set precedents. The fact is, you and the usual bunch are giving people far too much credit: the mob is ignorant to your law-based knowledge. You're ensconced in it, comforted by it. These online fanatics are blind to it and will likely see one thing: a green light. We don't live in a world of legal absolutes. You're on here spouting legal this and protocol that: it doesn't matter. Pull your heads out of your books and look around. People are, in general, utter morons. [Post edited 7 Jan 2022 10:57]
 | Forum Reply | Colston Statue vandals innocent at 10:48 7 Jan 2022
Dr P is extrapolating logically. Nothing naive or wayward in his thinking. If people insist on being so morally horrified with history, the safe bet is to tear it all down and start again. But they won't, and they'll be using their smartphones made from a near-slave in the far East to further espouse their selective outrage and all-encompassing virtue. |
 | Forum Reply | Italy over 50s at 10:43 7 Jan 2022
What is incorrect exactly? The strain is milder, full stop; and the reason why it is milder isn't solely due to 'vaccine elicited immunity' (which is wrong, as you can't be immune from something that you can catch a milder variant of). Saying this strain can cause hospitalisations and death is completely unnecessary. We know. That's why people like me do all they can do, naturally, to reduce the risks. For the last time, I support the vaccination of those who require it due to their age, health condition, or being immuno-suppressed. We have vaccines coming out of our ears, whilst many countries go without. We have effective anti-virals; I've tested when required and self-isolated when told to. So who is selfish? Me? A man who is very, very unlikely to use hospital services in the near future, owing to his high levels of health; or the stockpiling countries insisting that it is more important for 3rd (and soon to be) 4th jabs, whilst poorer countries have little to no access to first doses? And before you accuse me of hubris, remember that life has no certainty, and it is more about reducing the risks or premature death through healthy living and making the correct choices every day. A jab will never, for me, replace that. This is bigger than the UK. Pat yourself on the back for having 144m boosters available, and call those who see in unfair imbalance in vaccine availability between countries 'selfish'. Absolutely pathetic: tacitly, you'd rather me be a wheezing obese man as long as I'd had the vaccine. Do one. [Post edited 7 Jan 2022 11:12]
 | Forum Reply | Colston Statue vandals innocent at 23:40 6 Jan 2022
This baffling appeasement will soon come back to bite us, probably with a spate of statue abuse and general thuggery. And what then? The precedent from this decision will come in handy for the fanatical, posturing, pseudo anti-fascists. A green light for statuecide. |
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