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Paul Waugh
at 15:45 7 Jul 2024

The questions no one is asking are as follows:
1. Why did Niknak call the election at such short notice, one thought is that he was scared of Farage, which I personally doubt, another being that the world economy is collapsing under the weight of all the QE the cost of loans and the possible collapse of the Petro-Dollar. a huge oil-buying scheme which dominates world oil purchases ( and most other trade too as a consequence) and on which billions of US borrowings are predicated and the reason why commodity prices are set in Dollars.
The Tories had such a lacklustre election, its easy to conclude they didn't actually want to win and be faced by an impending calamity...
2. They may have left Starmer with a huge problem, the Unions will expect big pay rises , where is the money coming from if there literally is none? I am expecting the sort of tax increases that would make a Venezuelan President blush including Haircuts on savings accounts, property, cars, oil and gas , and anything else that has cash attached to it... the option is for a back-to-the -70s era of un-buried bodies, uncollected rubbish and power cuts ..and a 3 day week... its has the ingredients to be very ugly..
3. What was Obama doing in Downing Street a few weeks ago? Nothing we are going to like is the odds on bet, Last time he was there he was attempting to gerrymander the Brexit vote... and I see the un-flushable T Blair is swirling around the pan again demanding Digital ID etc. to stop the illegals , with no mention of what it will do to the vast majority of us...
4. How come another WEF adherent , Macron, also called an ill-timed election?
5. The UK election has been totally parochial, meanwhile world events are turning at a fast pace and all the while a mentally challenged President sits in the white House with the probability of having to run again if only to prevent him and most of his family going to jail. In Europe, there is a large lurch to the Right in progress, Something is afoot. The tide is going out and we are about to find out if we have been swimming without a costume....
Paul Waugh
at 17:52 5 Jul 2024

You realise of course that half of Europe has been on the brink of or actually in recession, that the country was actually closed for the better part of 2 years and that the Climate Change nonsense has and will cost billions if not trillions of pounds. Add to all that millions more mouths to feed and more millions who add nothing to the
economy but who drain our vital services.
The Conservative lurch to the centre with the Maybot has been catastrophic and a Labour Government will be equally disasterous for the same reasons, " events dear boy events" . Biden has been an economic disaster for the West, mass legal and illegal immigration helps noone, billions spent on vaccines wasted because they didnt work.
Its hard to imagine that all these things simply happened in such a short time frame
by accident and yet here we are £2.7Trillions in debt at a cost of £100 Billions a year in debt repayments

Starmer will spend more and increase the debt, build millions of houses on green fields, make life harder for farmers, double down on intermittent energy sources, speed up the ruination of North Sea oil and gas, and with it a major part of the stock exchange and then wonder why the lights keep going out. Laughably the majority of local authority pension funds are heavily invested in Shell and BP but we don't hear many complaints about that do we?

The Tories are far from blameless in all this, they have literally sat back and let it all happen. We have been done over as a nation by smartarse, self- serving , PPE-at-Oxford educated idiots. Parliament is simply a career choice to avoid getting a proper job... watch Question Time and see a constant trail of privately educated, never- had- a- proper- job simpletons telling a carefully selected audience how its alway someone elses fault .. because they have no idea how to fix things, but hey, £90k a year and another £250k in expenses plus telly appearances, articles in the dead press and all the rest of it is much better than actually working for a living.
But go ahead, blame Brexit.. under no circumstances must you blame the incompetents and deliberate naysayers of the simple service or the Ministers who have no idea how to run a bath.. Left and Right politicians have not had a bright idea between them for decades, all they are capable of is spending more and more of our money and getting less and less value for it. With each election, the speed at which the country slides down the crapper simply increases. And now I hear that Angela Rayner, a woman whos only qualification is a positive pregnancy test, will be in charge of building millions of new houses for millions of unemployable new arrivals, what could possibly go wrong? On the plus side, at least some of the hotels might become available again for the few people who will still be able to afford a holiday.
Paul Waugh
at 15:47 4 Jul 2024

I am hearing that turnout in some places around the country is up by around 30% , clearly people are motivated to vote, a good thing for democracy I am sure you will agree. Apparently some are saying that it is similar to the 2016 Brexit vote......
Uchegbulam To Join Oldham?!
at 22:37 3 Jul 2024

This is on a par with selling Donnelly to Tranmere for £10k .. Wonder if we got a fee or did we pay Oldham to take him? I doubt Oldham will get a tune out of him but it makes room for someone who can actually play football here, all well and good.....
Aidan Barlow
at 18:06 1 Jul 2024
Rodney Signs New Deal
at 19:58 21 Jun 2024

If he is now really free of whatever his illness was, he will hopefully benefit from a complete pre-season and emerge as the player we have not yet really seen but hoped he could be.
McNulty still has a lot of work to do but this signing signals an intent that I feared we might not see again.. not home and hosed yet by any means but moving in the right my late father in law was apt to say, "you can't shit 'bout shite" .... and you cant play good football without good players.
Eng v Den
at 13:48 21 Jun 2024

Nothing wrong with playing long if Kane had been anywhere near the penalty area (theirs not his own) ... one touch in the opponents area is shocking, OK he scored, but he needed to strech the pitch and force their defenders closer to their own goal, not ponce about in midfield. Who was Saha supposed to cross to?
England have a left back problem, Trippier is a decent player, but he is not going to get away playing as a right footed left back at this level, nor was Alexander-Arnold going to suddenly become a midfielder, or Foden a left Winger. To misquote Eric Morecambe , all the right players, not neccessarily in the right places....Southgate is middle management, not bad but not great, we need a brilliant managing director who knows how make things work properly.
Politicians, opportunists and Dale
at 12:13 20 Jun 2024

Labour and Hope not Hate collaborating illegally in Rochdale?

George Nevett to Peterborough
at 18:40 18 Jun 2024

Hopefully it starts with a bigger number than 1....

We need to recruit at least 2 more central defenders now and a keeper.
George Nevett to Peterborough
at 18:10 18 Jun 2024

Club has just confirmed he has gone .. undisclosed fee..
Will Jim now get a bigger budget?
[Post edited 18 Jun 18:11]
George Nevett to Peterborough
at 11:50 18 Jun 2024

I wonder who is doing the negotiating for Dale?
At the right price.
at 22:28 13 Jun 2024

It would be interesting to see the fine print in these add-on deals, I imagine most of it would be loaded onto a percentage of any sell-on profits, say 10% and maybe a smaller amout for say 50 first team appearances perhaps £5-10k. I can't see that Rochdale would receive another payment when the 3rd club sells to a 4th club or the 4th sells to a 5th.
We got £750k for Hogan from Brentford, they sold him to Villa for a rumoured £12- 15m. I dont think we got another million+ out of that deal, so were there any add ons in that deal or was it just the initial fee??
Forest sold Holt to Shrewsbury for £170k ( a loss) so we got nothing extra there.
Bristol Rovers sold Lambert to Soton for £1m so maybe we got 10% of 800k profit..another 80k. Hogan and Dawson look like the only players we have sold where the add ons have actually amounted to much more than £100k but Holt Lambert, Buckley, ALF, Murray, probably didnt.
The reason we had a reputation for being well run was that we couldn't afford to be in debt. Probably because no one would lend us any money any way we managed OK in L1 when big away followings came to Rochdale, we got some great cup ties and we kept a tight rein on the outgoings. The problems started when there were no crowds and the cash started to run out, Bottom spending shitloads on stuff we didnt need like 100s of gallons of sanitzer, signs, cashless turnstiles, and the pitch didnt help the cash situation either.
At the right price.
at 23:36 12 Jun 2024

A million in the hand is better than get the gist. We supposedly got £1m for Matheson but how much of that did we actually collect? Add-ons are the riskiest bit for the selling club and only work in a small % of sales. A big club can put add-ons into a deal with very little risk... if the player becomes a big star, the add-on is pocket money to them if he doesn't make the grade no one benefits.
As we have recently proved, cash is King, put the add-ons in the deal by all means but the upfront payment is what actually goes into the bank. Where is the harm in asking for £1m or more? Until someone says no, you might as well ask for big money. If they do say no, at least you are negotiating down from a big figure and might end up with £750k+. Sometimes you have to give the buyer a deal he can go back to his directors with.. " they wanted a mill, I got them down to £750k"... sounds
like a win..... And interestingly, we might get into a bidding war for him if there are 3 or 4 clubs interested, even more reason not to undersell him.
At the right price.
at 17:12 12 Jun 2024

Nevett is 18, left footed, well over 6 feet tall, has a season of men's football under his belt and is an U19 Welsh international, Find me another one!
We need to stop it with the negative waves.. slap a £1m price on his head and include 10% of any future sales in the deal.. If he stays for another season he will only be worth more! If you start low expectations, you get low payments.
The money would be nice, but thankfully we are not now desperate, so there is no need to accept lowball offers. Lets not allow this lad to become another LeFondre or Lambert. New era.. new thinking!
EEL Stays
at 01:06 8 Jun 2024

I thought Mitchell had several perfectly presentable opportunities that he completely fluffed his lines on... his heading is a weakness that will be difficult to improve and which nullifies the wingers to an extent. I fear he doesn't make the centre halves he is up against work hard enough.
EEL Stays
at 18:09 7 Jun 2024

Whilst all defences will leak poor goals occasionally, our defensive problem for most of last season was crosses from our left hand side not being properly defended or prevented in the first instance. A bigger problem was not being ruthless enough in front of goal. Had we scored another goal every other game , say 20 more over the season we would have been into the play off places..taking chances must be an area for improvement in the coming season. I am still hopefull that we will bring in a competent left back with Armstrong as back up.
Pre-Season Friendlies List
at 17:58 7 Jun 2024

Fleetwood Town, Away, 20th July. Behind Closed Doors.... Announced this afternoon....
[Post edited 7 Jun 18:54]
Finlay Armstrong Signs
at 15:30 6 Jun 2024

Don't knock him, he's a left back!
Oops... unintended consequences.....
at 15:26 6 Jun 2024

Oops... unintended consequences.....
at 12:21 6 Jun 2024

Premiership money to the EFL in jeopardy?

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