| Forum Thread | Whiskey at 22:32 18 Dec 2016
While watching us these days a few cans doesn't cut it for me so i've been hitting the whiskey, i found Monkey Shoulder a lovely drink and leaves me so drunk i forget what has happened during the match. Will i get my rehab paid for by the club because i've got through 4 bottles of the stuff in a month or so? |
 | Forum Thread | where's europajack gone? at 14:21 31 Dec 2013
seems like his account has been removed, and he was a trusted blogger too! why would he get banned?? you mods are messed up! |
 | Forum Thread | The Famous Swansea City at 19:01 3 Nov 2013
apart from Zeta Jones and Joes Icecream, what is Swansea actually famous for? and bollox to our 'sandy beaches and the gower' because to be quite frank, they aren't the best, brown/green waters, shite weather, hardly any parking or ease of access to them and on the whole no one has ever heard of them. Forget the football for a minute and think of what is great about Swansea, there isn't much is there? especially when them tossers up the road make mugs of us. |
 | Forum Thread | FAO PlanetSwans Active Members >> CHECK IN HERE at 17:01 26 Sep 2013
just wanted to see how many of the old regulars are still here and actively reading or posting and also any new ones,. Hitman here, checked in, keeping planetswans mods on their toes since 2008. |
 | Forum Thread | trying to go back on this site at 12:02 6 Sep 2013
say i've read a thread and i want to go back to the page i came from, i usually hit back on my browser or backspace on keyboard, for some reason i have to hit it like 2-4 times before i get sent to the previous page. Is this happening to anyone else or is it my end? |
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