| Forum Reply | ST update at 18:34 21 May 2020
so Birch is floating the idea of streaming the games in return of not claiming a refund, now let me understand this i have read numerous posts during the season where supporters who had paid to stream the games who were let down by the by club and the streaming service, so this option does not fill me with any confidence. |
 | Forum Reply | JENKINS HAS GONE at 20:21 2 Feb 2019
Going to be a crazy couple of weeks I think. As Kaplan and Levien don’t grace us with there presence, then Pearlman got to be the target of protests now, he won’t want to be here with a bucket full of abuse coming his way, |
 | Forum Reply | I feel sorry for Mr Potter at 20:18 2 Feb 2019
Totally agree he will go at the first decent opportunity offered to him, but who would blame him, came here on a lot of false promises. You cannot work for someone who lies and back tracks on promises |
 | Forum Reply | FA Cup Boycott at 22:23 31 Jan 2019
Imagine a FA cup 5th round game actually being virtually empty, yes I know it’s hard on the players, but they know why we are doing it, as for the scumbags, no money to pocket, and it may make them sit up realise we are all united now. Previous stadium vocal protests have not achieved much and they sit there all smug. Imagine the call from Pearlman to the hedge fund saying today’s takings for the fa cup game were £0 as no one turned up . We can all dream, but it has to start somewhere !! |
 | Forum Thread | FA Cup Boycott at 21:52 31 Jan 2019
I cannot bring myself to line the pockets of those devious rats with additional revenue for this game. I feel for the boys left to pick up the pieces but a mass boycott of this game will surely raise awareness nationally of what’s going on at our once great club. Typing this in sheer anger and hatred towards these scumbags. |
 | Forum Reply | Connor Roberts sums things up at 21:40 31 Jan 2019
Well done Connor , it comes to something when the players are making there true feelings visible |
 | Forum Reply | After we were relegated (May 2018) at 20:50 26 Aug 2018
If their lips are moving they are F*@king lying. Just call them 360, everything they say is the exact opposite to what they intend doing . They know this and that’s why they won’t show there faces at any home games. Spineless Cowards |
 | Forum Reply | Jenkins and Pearlman at 08:12 26 Aug 2018
With everything these Fu@**%s have and wii take out of our club, everything that is purchased on match day must be extra “gravy” for them. It just infuriates me as to what pearlman actually does as our commercial presence has not really progressed since his inception, classic case advertising in east stand for Cheltenham Races nov 2017 !!! He is just a weasel who is a very expensive eyes and ears for 2 of the biggest slimey devious C@*#s that are doing there utmost best to take us to the so called “next level” take your hot dogs and shove them where the sun don’t shine you bunch of sh#*houses It’s all getting too much for a lot of people to stomach now !!! |
 | Forum Thread | Jenkins and Pearlman at 20:00 25 Aug 2018
So these 2 parasites are taking over £1m a year out of the club, for what ??? Can anyone answer this, what other Championship club have 2 employees who do absolutely f*-k all for this sort of return? A championship club does not warrant these salaries for non playing staff. As we are in this stage of cutting costs I bet these 2 did not have any relegation clause in there contracts. These scumbags have to go [Post edited 26 Aug 2018 7:59]
 | Forum Reply | Michael Oliver at 18:54 11 Mar 2018
I have watched the tackle on Ki a few times now and has anyone seen Oliver walking over to the Huddersfield player and going to his back pocket for the red but changes his mind at the very last second and goes for yellow in front right pocket, what changed his mind, ????? |
 | Forum Reply | Malmo away-roll call at 20:09 30 Jul 2013
Me and 2 others from heathrow on Wednesday staying in copenhagen until Friday |
 | Forum Reply | copenhagen at 19:18 30 Jul 2013
3 of us also on the Scandinavian airlines flight from heathrow on Wednesday happy days |
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