| Forum Reply | Gone Swan at 00:35 30 Dec 2019
Cheers for the responses everyone, and thanks for the support. I've emailed the club.(Glastonbury - the stewards twice came over and did nothing. Your choice if you're able to sit by and watch a kid reduced to tears by adults. I went to help the kid, not start a fight). Edited original post as I'd written NE upper when in fact I've always sat in NW upper, where nothing much usually happens! I think donnybackspin who witnessed it must have already clocked my mistake. |
 | Forum Thread | Gone Swan at 18:18 29 Dec 2019
Dear fellow Planet Swans' posters, After 13 years of watching the Swans with my father - a season ticket holder of many a year - I have never quite been left dumbfounded by my experience at the Liberty (Bob Bradley aside). Around 30 minutes into the first half, myself and another other fan went to the aid of child of about 8 years' of age who was attending the match with his grandfather in the NW upper stand - they were sat alone in the block next to me and a few rows behind (next to the away). The grandfather and his grandson were suffering quite abbhorent abuse from the away support from quite early on. Our stewards had gone over to the away support twice during the first half to warn the away fans about their behaviour but ultimately did nothing. At around 30 minutes, the abuse escalated with the away fans pointing and shouting god-knows-what at the grandfather; this left the child in tears and the grandfather visibly shaking. Myself and another mild-mannered fan took objection to this and went to their aid - a couple of stewards came over and that was as far as it went, the whole verbal to-and-fro lasting about 15 seconds, max, and consisted of us telling them how pathetic they were for abusing a kid and an old man. It was literally the most non-event you could witness at the football. The stewards said nothing to me at the time and moved the kid and his grandad to the seats behind me, and I spoke to the kid before halftime to see if he was OK. I then went to the toilet at halftime (about 15 minutes after this happened) and was approached on the way back to my seat by a steward and SW police and ejected from the stadium for 'approaching the away fans'. I couldn't quite believe what was happening, I asked the stewards to review the footage to check they'd got the right person - apparently they did. Anyway, I wasn't allowed back in, for nothing more than standing up for a child and his elderly grandad. I phoned my Dad from outside the stadium and he in turn walked out in disgust and disbelief, initially believing I was having him on - nobody in the seats next to us would believe it either. So, cheers for the free pint this afternoon Swansea City, but after spending thousands of pounds watching you over the years and the untold hours - travelling the 400-mile round trip from Shropshire every home game - I've dedicated to watching the team, you will not have another penny or ounce of energy out of me. Positives: I missed the traffic. Well done to everyone who endured the 90, and if anyone has any contacts at the club who I can raise this with, it would be most appreciated. All the best Matt [Post edited 30 Dec 2019 0:22]
 | Forum Reply | Ayew at 16:08 25 Oct 2019
Phone formatting - CR and DJ wingbacks |
 | Forum Reply | Ayew at 16:04 25 Oct 2019
I was thinking the same, I'd like to see something along these lines: FW BW VDH JR CR. KN DJ AA MG BC/WR BB |
 | Forum Reply | Team for Sunday at 09:00 24 Oct 2019
Fred Roberts VDH Rodon John Ayew Grimes Naughton Dyer Routs Celina |
 | Forum Reply | Cardiff starting 11 at 15:14 23 Oct 2019
I'd seriously think about Ayew in Centre Midfield, I reckon he can do a job there and provide some much needed bite. |
 | Forum Reply | The Official Wales Vs Azerbaijan Match Thread at 20:39 6 Sep 2019
Great driving runs out of defence, very composed. Shame there’s not many options on for him when he gets to the halfway line. Looked a bit nervous to start but as the half went on looked like he’d been there for years. |
 | Forum Reply | Absolutely fantastic at 22:20 21 Aug 2018
Leroy Fer is the difference, outstanding performance from him. |
 | Forum Reply | Britpop Cafe at 19:23 12 Mar 2018
Went there for tea, I had lasagne. |
 | Forum Reply | Coventry at 22:51 7 Dec 2017
Why would a Welsh city be awarded anything that, politically, would be an own goal by the UK gvt? Culture is devolved, after all. I’m sorry for all those people who’ve put so much effort into the bid. |
 | Forum Reply | Landon Donovan lets the cat out the bag at 13:36 22 Aug 2017
Agree with this. However, this is confirmation from the horse’s mouth, so to speak. I’m unsure whether Donovan is just too openly honest, utterly thick, or this is a deliberate ploy by the club to draw attention to the fact we’ve not signed anybody, and when we do, it will be for a fraction of what we’ve received for Siggy, plus wherever the hell all the other income has gone. Or maybe the whole club is a shambles? If it all goes tits up, it’s Clement’s head on the line. He’ll escape somewhat unscathed because it’s known that his hands are tied, but what does it say about his credibility as a manager? He didn’t strike me as a yes man, and I can’t believe he’d knowingly give up a great job at Bayern Munich, under the circumstances when we looked certain to go down, to be dictated to by Huw Jenkins. |
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