| Your Report | Oldham Athletic v Salford City Your Report added at 23:21:00 70mins with 10 men, 3 mins to hold on, with a 1-0 lead...and........once again, snatch defeat from the jaws and give them every chance by conceding a free kick! Sickening again. Writing on the wall i'm afarid. Doesn't do your health any good supporting this lot every week. |
 | Your Report | Oldham Athletic v Salford City Your Report added at 11:39:53 I'd given up before the Southampton game. 2 back to back wins and I was being enticed back in. Then yesterdays result. I should have known. Lift a little....give hope....then Drop! A day in the life of a R! But can't fault the commitment. If only it had started acouple of months earlier. |
 | Your Report | Oldham Athletic v Salford City Your Report added at 22:11:54 I must say that I feel a tiny sense of relief, as this season and the last has taken its toll on me as a supporter. If this is us in the Premier league then bring on the Championship. Our premier league campaign has been an abortion from the off!! Hope we can off-load the dead weight now, as the inevitable is upon us, after this latest joke of a performance. I think we just have to face up to the fact that we support a crap side. If, by some unheard of miracle we managed to survive this season, it really would be a travesty, as we are probably the worst team in the Premiership. Harsh words, but enough is enough! How much more are we supposed to take?? If Ihave to see Michu's gob once more FFS!! Odds on we'll be mathematically down by Easter, so at least we won't have to endure the last few nail biters as we did at the end of last season. Hope the finances dont kill us, that's the real worry! |
 | Your Report | Oldham Athletic v Salford City Your Report added at 21:32:03 No goal threat and Cesar saving the day, yet again. The rest of the teams around us obviously 'want it more', ours haven't got any 'umph' which is why we're going backwards again. Norwich, at home, all the money spent mid week, bottom of the table by 4 points and only 13 matches remaining. What more motivation does this team need??? Obviously most are in it for the dosh and couldn't give a shit about QPR. We've got players from far and wide banging on the doors (almost literally P.O.) begging to be signed up, to a club that's bottom of the league. Strange ??? I feel as deflated as I did at the start of the season; all the summer signings, expectations high....and then the anticlimax of some of the worst performances I can remeber. Wigan, Reading, Villa, Sunderland...etc all play like their premiership survival depends on it, we don't......and it shows!!! Hanging on against Tottenham, Man City etc won't be any use if we can't put the likes of Norwich to the sword! |
 | Your Report | Oldham Athletic v Salford City Your Report added at 11:31:15 Agree with Bill...Nelsen now a legend. Hail Cesar too....best goalie in Britain! 4 points from this and the weekend and we're BACK!! Hope the Twitterati leave off TF too...he's done everything he can and deserves praise not slagging. |
 | Your Report | Oldham Athletic v Salford City Your Report added at 20:26:39 We are still holding on to salvage a point. Wouldn't it be marvelous to watch a match that we dominated and put 2 clear goals between us and them,(Fulham game excepted...as it was still a nail biter for the last 5 mins.) a game where Cesar wasn't always our man of the match! Defence seems to be sorted, attack is in the process of being sorted....but what about the bit in between. Would love to have a midfield that bosses the opposition and relieves the pressure on our defence. There is no doubt about the massive improvement under Arry, but the fact he is having to re-construct the 3 elements of the team, shows just what an incompetant farce we had before, under Hughes. Hope there's still enough time?? Still, 5 points is very do-able. |
 | Your Report | Oldham Athletic v Salford City Your Report added at 18:26:21 Hope springs eternal. Note that non-hacker Bosingwa was not even on bench! It's made for a surreal weekend.....a Win....not sure I know how to handle it? But I am doing. Good old Arry. Still far to go yet though. |
 | Your Report | Oldham Athletic v Salford City Your Report added at 18:52:28 Onwards and Upwards with Honest Arry! Only heard it on radio myself last night and Messrs Green & Nevin seemed impressed with our performance. Still had a couple of near misses though,for our two gaolies to deal with, but sounded much less panicky apart from that. Defence seems more stable, as does the midfield with heavies Mbia & Diakite, doing the business. Just need some firepower up front, for that elusive win.If anyone can get us out of this 'merde', though, it'll be Arry. |
 | Your Report | Oldham Athletic v Salford City Your Report added at 18:16:42 Hughes OUT NOW!!!!!! Harry IN NOW!! Before someone else snaps him up. Every week with Hughes is another nail in our coffin. Get rid of him TF and give us a chance of survival!!! |
 | Your Report | Oldham Athletic v Salford City Your Report added at 11:21:59 This team haven't got a win in them. You can see it every weekend. We've been playing since early August and STILL haven't won a game! I actually didn't feel the usual hurt yesterday, I've become insensitive to defeat and that bothers me. What does it take for the penny to drop?? This guy's a loser and will take our team down with him if something isn't done very soon. Yes, 'much more possession', 'right team'....'not getting the results we deserve, 'unlucky''....blah blahh...blah We've played 11 games, nearly a third of the season, with MH. Can't afford to squander any more. A new manager is a must, but a haunting thought, that troubles me more and more every week now is.... is this team good enough?? I know on paper it should be, but is it?? Or do we have a team not good enough for the Premier League, despite all the millions lavished on it? |
 | Your Report | Oldham Athletic v Salford City Your Report added at 21:43:27 Well if this is the so-called 'stability' that we need by sticking with Hughes, then Id rather sack him and have chaos. Like Bill, and for the first time ever supporting QPR in 35 years, I actually wanted us to loose so we could get the pain over with and move on. What a sorry state of affairs we've come to. If the 'stability ' merchants can tell me where a win is going to come from, this season, let alone in the next few weeks, I'll throw in my hat with Hughes. |
 | Your Report | Oldham Athletic v Salford City Your Report added at 20:41:01 This has at least clarified things. There can be no doubt now, that anything short of 2 wins in the next 2 matches, must mean a managerial change (Many a Premier league team would have given MH the long before now). For if we hold on to him until Christmas, still playing SWP, still with a timid and shaky defence, still allowing players to think that getting sent off is just unfortunate, then come May, or probably a long time before that, we will be Relegated! Mbia should be hung out to dry for that yesterday. Is he on Wenger's payroll or something? 9 matches, 3 draws, 6 defeats. No further comment necessary!!! |
 | Your Report | Oldham Athletic v Salford City Your Report added at 10:56:06 It's like watching the Amytiville Horror....George always wakes at 3.15am and the haunting starts.......QPR always concede after 5mins and the nightmare continues. SWP starts again???? I hope, as mentioned above, that 'soundings' have started. How about it Harry, up for a REAL challenge??? Lets get someone in who can get these idiots playing with the talent they actually possess and some co-ordination. Lets have a sensible mature captain, who'll get em in order. Park as captain is about as daft as Taarabt with the armband. At least he showed some fire yesterday after his goal. |
 | Your Report | Oldham Athletic v Salford City Your Report added at 12:33:41 SWP a dud from day 1, for me, but keeps getting picked. Midfield over-run, once again! MH bending over backwards to keep Dyer. Why? Taarabt on bench yet again. Why? Why is the defence still a farce?(even with the injured players) MH has had 2nd half of last season and all Summer so why are we still getting this shite? Other teams play with drive and forceful determination, to win. This lot don't know what winning means. Is MH up to it ????? What more does he need?? How can this team be fixed; new manager???? |
 | Your Report | Oldham Athletic v Salford City Your Report added at 13:36:31 Mackie has to be Player of the season for me. Through thick and thin (and there's been a lot of thin!) he's been up for it. Much as I'm not a JB fan, he has been sent off no more than Cisse, and both times with massive provocation and outrageous over-reaction on the part of Tevez. As for the kick after - well if you're going to be sent off for nothing, might as well make it worthwhile. Can't believe I defended JB - what a weird weekend. Total congratulations to all the team is in order though. |
 | Your Report | Oldham Athletic v Salford City Your Report added at 18:21:15 Yet another full blooded kick between the legs! Hope Man U. beat city, and give them nothing to play for, or we're finished. Can't believe I just said that! But thats what supporting this lot does to you. |
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