| Forum Reply | Poch on sky at 18:07 3 Nov 2020
He`s going to manure. Been on Spurs payroll for last 12 months was written into clause when he left so in effect "gardening leave" as soon as Ollie fecks up again it`s God-nat! |
 | Forum Reply | JWP Free Kick Specialist at 21:59 1 Nov 2020
If Ralph can instil some confidence and accuracy into JWP`s ability to have a pop with a moving ball in open play we would have a very very special player on our hands. Well done Prowsy and happy birthday! |
 | Forum Reply | Taxpayers Shouldnt Be Paying for Kiddie Meals at 22:26 26 Oct 2020
Vouchers or a food stamp scheme, also stop little local corner shops taking what is supposed to be milk tokens in exchange for Fags, booze and other crap. Child benefit is paid to feed kids so should be used for that or to top up gas and electric. Some don't think twice about spunking a fortnights child benefit on a bottle of voddy, a bag of weed a pizza and Netflix while the kids are roaming the streets in rags with little more than a bag of crisps because the School has fed them the one free hot meal a day they get. And then when the said kids are on holidays from School they are sat in their £100 Nike trainers and tracksuits complaining they can`t afford to feed the 6 little Jonnies they have spawned. Truth is if they never had the 6 little Jonnies they would have to get off their bone idle backsides find a job and support themselves NOT expect the kids to do it for them!! |
 | Forum Reply | Taxpayers Shouldnt Be Paying for Kiddie Meals at 17:33 26 Oct 2020
I will poke in with my 50 pence worth. I know plenty of parents who for no fault of their own have often fallen on hard times but will ALWAYS put food on the table for the kids often going without themselves. BUT I know a lot more who will pump out kids for fun often with more than one baby daddy, swan around in their 20k car, spend 50 quid a day on fags, lotto cards and booze, having lip fillers, perfect nails, nice hair, the very best phone going and a holiday to some far-flung Fnck fest. then as soon as the holidays come along they plead poverty by claiming they cannot afford to feed the kids? Most of these types don`t even want the kids home for the hols as they ruin the social lives of the dysfunctional parents. Its a cash for kids culture and most of these kids are neglected to roam the streets at all hours and will only turn into clones of the parents who should be ashamed !! |
 | Forum Reply | NHS about to run out of PPE at 01:09 19 Apr 2020
I could tell you a whole heap of sh1t about the NHS (not the frontline staff as they are doing a bloody good job under extreme circumstances) But I will leave that to the very many whistleblowers that will appear once this is over and they have LEFT the service for good. They cannot speak now as whistleblowing is in the terms and conditions of the contracts they have signed. But trust me they will! [Post edited 19 Apr 2020 1:14]
 | Forum Reply | The positives of Coronavirus at 10:22 10 Apr 2020
The air quality has changed massively and you have the perfect excuse not to talk to feckwit dullards you cannot abide! |
 | Forum Reply | Debenhams at 02:16 7 Apr 2020
Preventative measures I think.? As when in admin, they do not have to pay any monies owed to creditors. However, I feel they will go pop once we come out of this. |
 | Forum Reply | Boris Johnson at 23:51 5 Apr 2020
Get well soon Prime minister. No matter what you think of him He`s ill as are many others. My thoughts are with anyone suffering or related to those going through hell. May God bless you all! |
 | Forum Reply | This might sound selfish at 01:18 4 Apr 2020
I love the fact that social distancing gives you the excuse needed to avoid all the Bellends you had to be polite to for politeness sake before! |
 | Forum Reply | Charlie Austin now!!! at 23:43 2 Apr 2020
Sniffing the wrong substance again has caught up with him! |
 | Forum Reply | Tottenham and Newcastle furlough non playing staff at 00:15 1 Apr 2020
Showing what greedy selfish Sh1te houses they are. The clubs too (not all) offering meals that are prob from stocks of perishable goods that would be thrown anyway and a few free tickets to NHS workers. So far it does not wash with me and they can get fnucked! |
 | Forum Reply | Amy winehouse at 01:03 30 Mar 2020
Such a sad loss of a young talented life. She seemed to be getting her head together until that Blake fella returned. |
 | Forum Reply | China Seems To Have Beaten The Virus at 00:25 19 Mar 2020
Whoever was responsible for this (man-made) virus most likely has an antiviral (there is no known cure for any virus) ready to go and will soon be cashing in! |
 | Forum Reply | Virgin at 22:51 16 Mar 2020
Now wait for the country that has (allegedly) created this virus resulting in a financial crash pretty much worldwide to start buying up all these struggling companies! |
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