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Rodney Signs New Deal
at 16:00 21 Jun 2024

Keep him fit and he's a valuable asset at this level. Two year deals are important if we are to build a promotion squad and develop players with the hope of selling them on for a healthy profit. Isn't it great that we can now fully focus on footballing matters and trust the running of the club to those in the Boardroom. New deals for Rodney and Henderson is good work by all involved at the club.
Congratulations to TVOS
at 11:50 9 Jun 2024

The standard that should be set throughout the club. In everything we do let's strive to be the best and have pride in your work. Its no accident that TVOS constantly picks up these accolades, it's a professional production and full credit to those involved.
EEL Stays
at 23:10 6 Jun 2024

Sorry marked that down in error. If that's the managers mindset and he doesn't see dropping out of form players in favour of giving others a chance then it's very poor management. Anyway, McNulty will live or die on results, he's no different than any other manager in that respect. I take your point regarding EELs age and also wonder how much more he his capable of improving his game.
EEL Stays
at 11:34 6 Jun 2024

His actual defending is ok, in fact he puts in some great last ditch blocks and tackles and never shirks a challenge. In a different era he would be viewed as a decent solid centre half. Football has changed and defenders now have to be comfortable on the ball and capable of instant control and accurate passing, that's the part of his game that he needs to improve. We will have a squad this season so any player who isn't performing won't be guaranteed to start week in week out, EEL won't be a exception to that. Overall i thought he did alright last season and it has to be remembered he is playing under instructions from the manager when it comes to passing it around at the back.
[Post edited 6 Jun 11:37]
Meet The Board Tonight
at 10:33 4 Jun 2024

The end justified the means in the end. We had charlatans in the boardroom purporting to be custodians of the club and members of staff and hangers on who supported them in order to feather their own nests. The Club was rotten from within and needed cleansing. Thankfully the shareholders stuck together and the revolution kicked in. When the CEO and Director receives a two year ban from all football that speaks volumes, that was David Bottomley, the fella who was supposed to be looking after our club. His mismanagement and misdemeanours wasn't a figment of people's imaginations as some liked to suggest, they were very real.

So as you say, a long three years and one which has seen us drop out of the EFL but ended up with new owners that we could only have dreamed about. Just catching up on last night's meeting and I've heard nothing but positives, time to start moving forward now and over the next few years build a squad of players that can see us regularly competing in and around the play offs. Thanks to everybody involved

[Post edited 4 Jun 10:40]
Meet the board
at 20:41 16 May 2024

Yes, what's happening in relation to the externals of the club, the stadium and training ground is important but that's all dependent on what's happening inside the club on a day to day basis. The whole structure of the club needs looking at and investment in specialist roles will be just as important as investment on the pitch. The Ogdens will know that anyway and so will the new Directors. The club can't progress until the right staff are in place.
Meet the board
at 18:00 16 May 2024

The hospitality experience needs a urgent upgrade, no tablecloths on tables, which is very poor. The room is very tired also. I appreciate we have had no money but it was really poor when we had a pre match meal up there just prior to the end of the everybody had just given up. Blue and White tablecloths cost nothing, compared to how it used to be the standards in appearance had clearly slipped, small details but they do leave a lasting impression. Hopefully a member of staff will be assigned to oversee the hospitality experience for everybody on matchdays, there has to be a reason to rebook it again and enthuse to others.

It's a new era, why don't we aim to be better than every other club in this league at everything we do, is there a valid reason why we can't do that? We need somebody in the club who is going to set the standards, a person who has his/her pulse on every aspect of the club and will set the bar high. Can anybody currently see who that person is? I hope Cameron Ogden is also asking himself the same question when he looks around the club. I'm sorry but pie and chips isn't good enough when it comes to hospitality, no matter how posh you try to describe it on the menu. The Ogden family have a lot of work to do, there are plenty of people with money to spend but the Club needs to really up the standards and to do that they need staff who specialise in their field, people with energy and drive and pride in their work. I think a experienced CEO who has worked in football would be a great appointment. Somebody who could report directly back to the Ogden family. There has to be a change in personnel ( specialist staff) inside the club or else we will just see a continuation of what has gone on before and that didn't work.
[Post edited 16 May 19:18]
Club Statement. Deal done
at 19:48 14 May 2024

Thanks for your post, i genuinely wasn't aware of any of that or any plan to try to oust the Chairman on the night. Yes, as you suggest it's now probably best to draw a line under everything. My over riding thought going into the EGM was that the result was a foregone conclusion. Desperate times lead to people doing desperate things. If what you are saying is correct then maybe that explains the demeanour of the Chairman on the night. Anyway, you've done your best to explain your previous post so i appreciate that. Let's all move forward now and wish both Chairman the best of luck going forward into the new era.
Club Statement. Deal done
at 18:36 14 May 2024

Well said. He was a man under intense pressure and I'm prepared to see that as the real explanation for the events that unfolded at the EGM. It's not the first turbulent EGM we've had in recent times, i pray to god it will be the last for the forseable future. We've now got two chairmen, i'm happy with that.
Club Statement. Deal done
at 15:41 14 May 2024

Very good. I'm still waiting for you to shed more light into the alleged plot at the EGM to oust the Chairman, you didn't reply on the thread. I've asked several people also in attendance and nobody seems to have a clue about what you are suggesting? The vote on the night was only ever going to go in one direction, every shareholder in the room that night was aware of that. It was always going to be by a very large margin also. Come on, put some flesh on the bones please and who was lined up to step into his shoes?

It's always seemed very obvious to me that without the Supporters Trust backing and importantly their members, it would be virtually impossible to remove the Chairman. I've contacted the Trust twice in relation to this over the last 18 months and been given pretty short shrift on both occasions, the Trust Committee have been fully behind the Chairman and given me a reasoned explanation regarding why they disagreed with my opinion. A grown up exchange with no animosity involved and that's exactly how it should be. I find it very hard to believe there was a plot to oust the Chairman on the night because it would have been impossible to implement without the will of the majority in the room, including the Trust. As i pointed out, the landscape has now changed and the Chairman has help, he will be better for it.
[Post edited 14 May 16:04]
Club Statement. Deal done
at 14:00 14 May 2024

Loads of attraction to sponsor us now, maybe more than ever before. The start of a new era with quality owners at the helm and a three year plan that is achievable with a bit of luck. Things are going to change, they have to do because the way the club operated before was obviously not working. The Ogdens are intelligent people they will know that. A new positive mindset for everybody and that in turn will attract sponsorship. Let's face it, no sponsors want to be associated with negativity and talk of doom and gloom. We've had enough of all that. McNulty deserved to be given next season, with a larger playing budget we should see better performances hopefully.
[Post edited 14 May 14:05]
Released Players
at 07:50 12 May 2024

If we don't return to the EFL next season then we lose funding for our academy, around about £600K/ season in total, i think i'm right in saying that but stand to be corrected (2 years outside the EFL). I would imagine that will be one of the main drivers when it comes to the three year plan announced by the Ogden family. It sounds like they intend to forge partnerships with local schools and colleges, maybe access grants and funding etc. That would be easier to achieve if our academy was affiliated with the EFL. The whole landscape for the club has changed now, ambitions have to be reset in a upwards trajectory. To generate money, serious sponsorship, increased crowds etc we need return to the EFL. That means a complete change of mindset from everybody associated with the club, those in the boardroom, the manager and players and the fans. It's no longer a case of survival, the Ogden family will be looking for sustainable growth and progression starting from now. There are no guarantees but the cloak of doom and gloom needs putting away and replacing with positivity and ambition from now on.
[Post edited 12 May 7:59]
Club Statement. Deal done
at 07:54 11 May 2024

Great advice, it's been a very stressful time for everybody associated with the club. I would imagine nobody was under more stress than the Chairman, i think we saw that play out in public at the end. We have all been the victim of a terrible set of circumstances and that always needs to be remembered. They would have killed the club if they could, nobody played a bigger part than Simon Gauge when it came to stopping that from happening. Let's now all move forward as one and draw a line under this whole sorry saga, a new slate for everybody and the start of a new era. The season ticket prices are spot on, I'm looking forward to buying a couple on the first day of sale.
[Post edited 11 May 8:00]
Club Statement. Deal done
at 12:07 10 May 2024

Sometimes it depends on who is doing the knocking and how loud you knock, give it a good bang. You have to make sure you are knocking on the correct door also. Go back and knock again with a different knocker, take Andy Burnham with you to help, the Manchester Mayor. The Co-Op could do with some good publicity at the moment and helping the club would seem like a no brainer.
[Post edited 10 May 12:19]
Club Statement. Deal done
at 11:48 10 May 2024

Your original suggestion if i remember rightly.
Club Statement. Deal done
at 11:43 10 May 2024

A visit to the headquarters of the Co-Op headquarters would be a great place to start. I'm hoping Cameron Ogden etc have plans to do that. Sponsorship of the stadium would be great.
Club Statement. Deal done
at 11:32 10 May 2024

Can I just ask, what was the plot in the room to oust the Chairman? I was sitting at a table with probably half a dozen long standing shareholders, this is the first time I've heard about any such plot. There were plenty in the room aware of various interested credible investors or other offers of financial help. Shed some light on this plot please because this a new one on me. The shareholders that evening were railroaded into thinking there was only one credible investor and had they not voted a certain way then the upcoming fixture would be pulled. There was a thirst from the Chairman to get the WSH deal done. A shambles of a EGM, one that the other Directors should have got a grip of, instead of leaving it to the Chairman, most of them didn't even turn up to support him. As you suggest, it's best leaving it there but please don't paint a picture of a EGM and a Chairman who was under attack from the shareholders because that's the complete opposite of what happened on the night. Had shareholders dared to vote against Simons motion then he would have had them up in front of the media the following day for them to explain their decision...this is following a democratic vote. You must have forgotten that little gem.
[Post edited 10 May 11:50]
Club Statement. Deal done
at 10:18 10 May 2024

You can put millions of pounds into a football club, it doesn't make you a good Chairman. It doesn't make you a leader of men and somebody who everybody should follow and respect. I think he's been very poor when it comes to decision making, players contracts, managerial decisions and communication skills. His performance at the recent EGM revealed his true personality. I would suggest the shareholders in the room that evening deseved an apology, not the other way around.

I appreciate you see him in a different light but my criticism of him stands and i make no apology for suggesting that we needed a change of Chairman. I fully respect the amount of money his family have put into the club but there are certain things in life that no amount of money can ever buy. A Chairman who had no qualms in publicly accusing the fans of meddling when it came to the process of finding a suitable investor, thank god that they did because if they hadn't we wouldn't have the wonderful Ogden family in the club, something that i'm sure the Chairman can now recognise.. Maybe an apology might be pertinent in respect of that? It's not personal by the way, I'm hoping we might see a difference now he has experienced people to work alongside him.
[Post edited 10 May 11:01]
Club Statement. Deal done
at 07:18 10 May 2024

Simon Gauge has basically written off over £500,000 by converting it to shares. Money that the club now doesn't have to pay him back, it's a fantastic gesture really. The same applies to the likes of Richard Knight, Jamie Sarsfield and the other Directors. I would like to see all those Directors financial help recognised in some way and a line drawn under any petty fall outs. Everyone of them should be welcomed back with open arms to the club and so should the likes of Chris Dunphy and other Dale stalwarts who have done their best to look after the club down the years.They have expertise and contacts that the ogdens could tap into. Chris Dunphy was our most successful Chairman ever, the Ogdens would be daft not to meet up for a cup of tea and a chat with him. What would they have to lose? Nothing.

For the club to really progress any historic grudges and childish spats need to be dropped, especially if the person bearing the grudges is in the Boardroom. I'm sure the Ogden family won't put up with any of that nonsense anyway, it's schoolyard behaviour and doesn't belong in the boardroom of a multi million pound business. Every member of the boardroom represents not only the club but the Ogden family now, that needs to be remembered when it comes to conducting themselves and especially in respect of how they communicate with people and I include the Trust, shareholders and fans in that.

Personal grudges and petty fall outs have really hurt the club over the last few years, fantastic people and life long supporters of the club shunned and disrespected when they could have really helped the Chairman and the Club. That sort of behaviour needs to stop now because it's been self harming and really unprofessional. It's not what this club's about neither, fostering a 'us and them' when it comes to those in the Boardroom and the fans results in supporters not feeling engaged or wanting to spend their money. We all need to pull together as one now
[Post edited 10 May 7:58]
Club Statement. Deal done
at 19:06 9 May 2024

That promotion to the EFL is exactly the type of message that should be coming out of the club. It's imperative that the club has ambition to keep improving on the pitch, results set the tone of the club, without decent results everything else falls down and you have no chance of increasing crowds. Mc Nulty mentioned in one of his recent interviews that all he is bothered about is the performance, well unfortunately football is a results business and results trump everything else, it's all about winning football matches. I hope the fans remain sensible and don't see this three year ambition as set in stone, it's impossible to know when we will return to the EFL. The ambition should be to see improvement in the quality of the squad and on the pitch, year on year.
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