| News Comment | Saints Still Chasing Zaza ! But We Will Have A Recurring Problem ! at 19:29:26
Nicky. You sir, have mastered the art of sprinkling random commas into sentences. If ever there is a competition for it you will win. Now we need to work on full-stops. Anyone who has to read out loud (and there will be some on here) are in constant danger of passing out through oxygen deprivation. But all in all, not a bad try. You conjured an entire article out of almost nothing. Squid is prepared to concede that I may have been wrong about RoKo and it looks like he is going. |
 | News Comment | Media Goes Strangely Silent About Koeman at 13:50:47
nicky, good use of commas. poor use of apostrophes as someone has already pointed out. squid has been saying for ages that there might not be a deal and RoKo might not go, although if he now stays it will be a mite embarrassing. |
 | News Comment | Celtic To Raid Southampton Football Club at 13:52:06
Nicky - squid is desperately sad that you failed to omit two commas in your third paragraph, otherwise you were on for a record lack of punctuation sir. Good-natured and funny the article is, however squid would have been happier with a nastier piece about Brenda and some really wince-inducing religious jokes. Verdict - must try harder sir. P.S. went on the Hythe ferry hundreds of times as a nipper, and it is properly sh!t. |
 | News Comment | Once Again The Media Has Ignored The Achievments Of Saints ! at 12:12:41
It is a great line and the article is full of good stats. One important one that was missed is there is a paragraph above with no less than 61 words without a single item of punctuation. Hilarious. Squid almost couldn't hold my breath long enough to read it. But the piece is bang on Nick. It bugs squid every Sunday when the papers pretty much ignore us. We beat a top 6 club and its all about why they lost. Jam pockets and wizards' sleeves, the lot of them. NB: squid's punctuation is also poor and talking in the third person is lunacy too. It takes one to know one sir. Please keep up the good work next season. |
 | News Comment | 100% Support For The Team Nothing Less at 11:33:51
absolutely. Squid's position is that we stand fast and support 100%. If you want to have a grizzle fook off and do it elsewhere. That is a nailed on FACT |
 | News Comment | Business As Usual For Saints at 12:54:17
you lot are pretty conident with your predicts. you must all be millionaires from betting on the gee-gees. |
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