from bringing my daughter & new grandson home from the hospital. as ugly grandsons go, he is alright. very sweet & yet to make a real racket. his elder brother seems very happy with himself; a younger brother to terrorise, yet play football with. daughter is doing well too, and will get much attention in the coming weeks. but inevitably, we already have a couple of serious problems: my daughter lives in my house in stanmore having given up on her mother aged 16. she is very happy living there with her husband, and it means they can save money on rental for a deposit for a house when & if. i had not spoken with her mother for 12 years prior to my daughter's marriage, and things are not really better today. that is because she is a bitter & twisted bitch. even my daughter has a strained relationship with her mother. anyway, my daughter called her mother before she went into hospital to let her know. she could only leave a message on her mobile & she has not called back. not that i care, but she is still the mother of my daughter whatever i think of her. second problem is that herbert's parents got choice over my first grandson's name, but we (mother's side) want choice now. herbert's mother now says that the father's side of the family always choose a son's name. well dear, harold was not such a good choice first time round, and my daughter wants this one to be called sam. but she doesn't like sam and wants this one to be called lars after some norwegian relative of hers. i'm off to drink a bottle of good red wine, smoke a fine cuban cigar & relax in my recliner. the resy pf them can all go fcuk themselves. here's to the next generation. | |