| Forum Reply | Trust Update on Shares at 21:44 2 Sep 2021
Key to all this is getting the Trust to have control of 50.1% of the shareholding. So pledging/proxy your shareholding to the Trust could privecrucial This could potentially give us the chance to go for an EGM and push through a resolution to issue shares without pre emption. Im no guru so would like others with more experience to comment. (RAFC ? ) Guesswork is no good at this stage. Hopefully the new board will have a plan in place. Still need to be wary of the snakes |
 | Forum Reply | Further Q&As at 00:11 11 Jun 2020
There certainly seems to be a charm offensive going on here. giving all the 'right answers' to the questions posed. I have a couple of concerns around the answers. i'm no expert but here's my observations for what they are worth Holding a Controlling Interest but saying the current Board are doing a fine job and if they want us (them) to join then all they need to do is ask.... Really ?? If I held 51% of the shares i'd damn well want to be Chairman. "In the event of NO INTEREST LOANS then there would be no security required". What about LOANS WITH INTEREST ? These investors are not putting their money into Little Old Rochdale for the love of the Club or in memory our Our Gracie. They are going to want a return. These types of Loans could be taken out visa vie SD1@bURY with potentially the same 'introductory fees' and higher than normal repayment terms. Also would the NEW Commercial Staff really be an investment or just a costly overhead ?. Just like a signatory signing on too high a wage that breaks down in training after a week never to be seen again. I, personally, am very sceptical about the whole approach AND the End Game behind it from our new 'as Supporters' Beware the wolf in sheep's clothing |
 | Forum Reply | New shares at 15:00 12 Mar 2020
Here’s a thought If the Club ‘needs’ a more up to date training facility then they have at their fingertips a base to start from. If it was me, and i know its not, i would be approaching Rochdale Cricket Club to form some form of partnership and start looking at ways to develop Redbrook into a ‘Centre for Sport’ in Rochdale. There is an agreement of some sort at the moment and this could possibly be expanded on. Grants both from various sources could be available. There is sufficient land for a 4/5G football pitch and the ‘lacrosse pitch’ also could be upgraded to 4/5G. I think there may be enough room for a couple of Hockey pitches as well. All of which could be available outside a normal training schedule for the use of Schools and local clubs etc. The clubhouse has changing facilities and a kitchen to provide meals for the staff and players. There is space for Team/tactical talks etc both down and upstairs The Cricket Club would benefit from extra footfall with the extra benefits of more food and bar sales Whether this would be owned by RCC or RAFC or a Joint Venture i don’t know but i think its worth exploring |
 | Forum Thread | tomorrow can't come quick enough at 14:17 16 Oct 2015
Not for us, but for Bury. i was credit checking a potential customer and decided to nosey onto BFC's file and was (or maybe not) supprised to see a new CCJ for circa £22k lodged only Wednesday this week. looks like they are in need of a bumper crowd tomorrow to settle some bills |
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