| Forum Reply | Pointless Match Thread at 14:17 9 May 2021
Don't dare say anything positive James - it is not allowed on this board any more......... |
 | Forum Reply | The Road to Nowhere at 17:31 8 Mar 2021
Excellent post - in addition to a very thoughtful first piece - I hope somebody 'out there' is reading it! |
 | Forum Reply | Sensationalism vs realism at 14:23 20 Feb 2021
Hooray - a sensible view for once - fully support your point of view! Some of the posters on here seem to participate in every thread ( do they have anything else in their lives?) and bring out the same tired points often about things that happened years ago. Anything positive is the only time they are strangely quiet - ‘well balanced’ they are certainly not. I will be watching the match today and yes I have bought my halfway time draw tickets. I hope we win, and put in a performance we can be proud of. Frankly there are some on here who I suspect would almost be happier if we lose, so they can release some more vitriol..... |
 | Forum Reply | Statue for Cloughie at 18:07 30 Jan 2021
Cloughie would have loved today’s result - bless him! Perhaps he might get a mention on Quest tonight? Let’s hope so. |
 | Forum Reply | Lotto News at 19:25 27 Jan 2021
Well me and my family have 12 numbers and have won b*****r all, so clearly Chalky has more luck than us, or there are more people in the Lotto than you suggest! [Post edited 27 Jan 2021 19:29]
 | Forum Thread | Steven Humphrys interview at 20:49 10 Jan 2021
A fascinating insight, basically Paul McShane came on, starting shouting at them to get forward etc, they changed shape to Humprhys and Beesley as a front two, and basically got in amongst them - ie. more direct! Surely that must be our style for future games? |
 | Forum Reply | Crewe report of the game at 14:01 10 Jan 2021
Ground staff first, followed closely by Matt Lund - 2 great goals! |
 | Forum Reply | Match Thread: Rochdale vs Crewe at 14:20 9 Jan 2021
Great team, great team effort from everybody at the club. Bought an iFollow pass and some half time raffle tickets to ‘say’ thank you! |
 | Forum Reply | BBM's review of the year at 20:19 24 Dec 2020
However when you watch the full piece on the website today you can’t but help like the man. Let us hope that he isn’t just too nice a man, I sincerely hope he succeeds and he has my very best wishes for 2021. |
 | Forum Reply | BBM's review of the year at 20:43 23 Dec 2020
He looks a worried man! Biting his nails, chewing his lip etc - what does he know that we don’t? Then again ........ |
 | Forum Reply | CEO Interview link at 11:03 13 Nov 2020
Excellent interview - personally I think they should have put DB in front of the Commons Select Committee rather than Rick Parry! |
 | Forum Thread | According to the Times at 20:00 9 Nov 2020
Saturday was the 52nd time we have lost in the first round of the FA Cup - a record apparently. To add to the number of times we applied for re-election I think. TVOS will advise I am sure, I certainly remember when I was younger we seemed to do both most years! |
 | Forum Reply | All FA Cup ties to go ahead at 21:29 2 Nov 2020
Perhaps if Stockport win they should have a 'decider' on Friday night (some good memories there!) Whatever the result they will be playing a day after us which should ensure some nice tired legs to face us on Saturday...…... |
 | Forum Reply | Club secretary vacancy at 17:34 26 Oct 2020
The current incumbent is John Smallwood who has done a fantastic job but I think is reaching a milestone birthday and has decided that he wants to step down from what must be an onerous position, particularly in the current circumstances. Nothing mysterious, just the sort of thing that happens in all organisations. |
 | Forum Reply | Match Thread: Accrington vs Rochdale at 08:14 11 Oct 2020
As with his chance at Ipswich Beesley tends to flick the ball - put your boot through it lad - big Reg style! As for Ollie I think that is the reason he is still with us, his conversion rate of chances is pretty low, although their goalkeeper did make a good save from him in the first half. |
 | Forum Reply | Match Preview: Accrington vs Rochdale at 13:57 9 Oct 2020
BBM might even have a choice - quite unusual for him to have a selection dilemma! Personally as the team played so well last week I would be tempted to go with the same starting XI with a much stronger set of subs |
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