| Forum Reply | 1982 Cup Final Replay - Stainrod at 15:38 25 May 2020
I re-watched this a little while back and one thing that struck me was how unfairly we had a goal disallowed before half-time for a non-existent offside. And then the second half performance including the brilliant Gregory chip... I remember the game away at Luton two weeks previously that Glenn Roeder was sent off meaning he would miss the replay.... what an awful cesspool Kenilworth Rd was... always hated Luton after that |
 | Forum Reply | The Last Dance Netflix (NON QPR) at 11:52 24 May 2020
There have been some really great Sports documentaries in recent years and this is up there with them. As someone said above, I would love to see our own "Four Year Plan" as a Netflix documentary. I hate Basketball and loved the Last Dance. Would also highly recommend Sunderland till I die (both seasons). The Test on Amazon Prime (Australian cricket team post-sandpaper); The Edge about the English cricket team and how so many players suffered mental health issues. Looking forward to seeing the Armstrong documentary. Read his book just before he admitted to doing drugs and then read the book of one his teammates that told all. In a way MJ reminded me a little of Armstrong with that win at all costs mentality, but I think to be a real winner in professional sports you have that selfish drive that can sometimes cross the line. |
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