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Season Ticket Renewal / Purchase update
at 16:04 28 Apr 2016

You can discount (i.e. not include) any school in the borough south of Magdala St in Hopwood as you're into Middleton and FC United / City / United territory.

In essence, the kids ticket appeals to the floating Dad who is at a loose end every other Saturday afternoon. What are the club doing to target this new customer? Nothing really. I don't understand why there is an additional charge next season for non special promotion period customers. I don't think there would be a revolt if the club just said it is one price, irrespective of whether you purchased this years season ticket between a certain time period.

Can you imagine Sky TV having a higher price for new customers compared to existing customers? By all means hose down loyal supporters with all sorts of incentives to remain customers / fans but please be a bit more creative when it comes to trying to attract new customers / fans. Pester power from kids only works when the financials allow it.

Also, if these kids suddenly turn up, what provision is being laid on to keep them entertained? Studds bar is a toilet and whilst the recent activities have been appreciated (card making, dinosaurs, ghost busters etc) today's kids tend to have an attention span that can be measured in minutes rather than hours. Have provisions been made for a different kind of catering? The foot long hot dogs are great but how about things with more e-numbers in 'em or a 'Happy' meal type snack box.

I hope there is some harvesting of the new season ticket holders details with other areas within the club. Send a reminder e-mail / letter a month before the kids birthday letting them know they can have a party with their friends at the club. Pass on the details to the Trust to see if they can pique any interest with them. How about discount travel for away days for season ticket holders? 10% off at any bar in the ground on production of a season ticket? Entry into a draw for a matchday dining experience?
Season tickets
at 16:43 18 Apr 2016

As there has been no increase in prices I'll just write out a cheque based on what I paid last year for Pearl Street. £308 according to the cheque stub. I wonder if it will get cashed?

I thought we had turned a corner given the fraught relationship between the club and its fans after a shaky last couple of months ... #teamrochdale and all that. It just appears that it's the same old same old with a drip drip effect that's become annoying:
Directors having a go at Exiles for supposedly defacing a tactics board.
The manager having a go at fans for having a moan.
Out of date cans of Red Stripe being sold to punters in the Ratcliffe.
No smoking at half time when every other FL1 club allows it.
Searches outside the ground.
All ticket games being anything but and no offer to reimburse admin fees that weren't required.
Games called off because frost covers weren't put down.
'Special' vouchers that require a tortuous process to be followed if they are to be used.
Matchday dining that is obviously done to a budget.
Ticket prices 'frozen' when they clearly aren't.

It smacks of sharp practice (you should have read the small print) and is similar to the never ending DFS 'sale'.
I wouldn't be surprised if folk voted with their wallet and started to pick and choose matches. I love watching Dale home and away but it feels like right now I'm being mugged off.
Season tickets
at 12:44 18 Apr 2016

Have you tried to use your 10% off a replica shirt recently?
Not valid as prices have been cut by 25% so that's one unused voucher that's about as much use as a one legged man in an ar$e kicking contest.
As another poster alluded, the bring a friend for £x only benefits the friend / club so no real personal incentive to utilise it.
With no early bird there does not seem to be any incentive to beat a path to the ticket office and if I leave it until after the 'special' voucher period then I'm not really that fussed about getting vouchers that cannot be used / don't really benefit me.
It just seems like an opportunity missed and smacks of a decision made by a committee when it was the last item on the agenda.
Is bury pay on the day yet?
at 16:52 10 Mar 2016

Maybe by making it all ticket we are doing them a favour.
Stewie can improve the cash flow and rake off a couple of quid a ticket in 'administrative' costs. The money would sit in a bank account earning interest. Then he brings a big bag of money to Spotland with the proceeds from ticket sales.Then I woke up and it was all a dream ...
Have Bradford received their share of the FA Cup tie yet?
Have we received the proceeds from bury's ticket sales for the FA Cup tie?
Castro Pereira
at 09:13 26 Feb 2016

Searched 3 times!!!!
For God's sake, if folk read that on here they'd be ripping up their season tickets in disgust.
Do they let you have a fag at half time?
at 09:38 17 Feb 2016

Some of the senior players need to take a long hard look in the mirror this morning. Some of the jibes I heard from some of our midfielders mainly aimed at our # 39 for not back tracking and providing cover for the left back position bordered on bullying. Especially when the players delivering the criticism were the ones whose individual mistakes and positional naivety put our defence under pressure.
Defending starts from the front and Henderson & Bunney both put a shift in.
Our midfield? No chance. Supporters can see through the bluster. Putting a hard challenge in every now and then is no substitute for hard graft against a workmanlike Crewe team.
Replies from the club re. Ticketing and searches at games
at 16:46 12 Jan 2016

Maybe the ones who doth protest too much also complain about being stopped / not being stopped at customs at the airport when they come back from their two weeks away.
It's called profiling.


the use of personal characteristics or behaviour patterns to make generalizations about a person, as in gender profiling.
the use of these characteristics to determine whether a person may be engaged in illegal activity, as in racial profiling.
Replies from the club re. Ticketing and searches at games
at 16:20 12 Jan 2016

Add to that list searches at Blackpool, Bury away (although they did generously provide an amnesty flare bin) and Millwall (almost expected).
Not sure about the racist comment. What does a Muslim look like? What does a Roman Catholic look like? What does a Jedi look like?
Current threat level is classed as severe. There's only one higher status than this which has been reached twice in its history (2006 & 2007).

I can understand but not condone the haphazard way that the searches have been done. Compared to other grounds I'd say our stewarding was, on a scale of 0-10 (10 being very good) about a 3.5.
There's something going on which the majority on this board (including me) are not privy to. I doubt you'll get an answer as to what it is but I'm sure it's not the hunt for a smuggled sausage from the chippy. The guys and gals doing the searches are only following instructions and doing their job. I'm sure the majority on here would comply with the instruction of a club appointed steward and if that instruction is one of "I don't need to search you" then so be it.
Me - I'll be in the Dale Bar on Saturday, entering via the Ratcliffe Arms, past the SIA appointed doorman who has the right to refuse me entry. The same as any licenced premise in the country. I think he may even be allowed to search me. I hope they've still got some of that £1.50 Carlsberg left although best not have too much as it's an offence to be drunk in a football ground. And it's against my religion.
Rules - for the guidance of wise men and the obedience of fools.
Replies from the club re. Ticketing and searches at games
at 14:55 12 Jan 2016

The searches started on the day of the Wigan game, the one where we had a minutes silence in recognition of the victims of the Paris bombings the night before.

I got searched at Doncaster (twice, as I had to nip out at half time) and Scunthorpe. I must fit the profile that they are looking for!

A one size Fitz Hall approach should be applied. Wasn't there an instance (Oldham match I think) of somebody impersonating a steward in a hi-viz jacket? Although the definition of impersonating a steward probably means wearing an ill-fitting jacket and looking permanently out of breath ;-)

I believe it is one of the conditions of entry, not just for Spotland, but for any football ground that all persons seeking entrance to the Ground acknowledge the Club's right to search any person entering the ground and to refuse entry to or eject from the ground any person refusing to submit to such a search.

It is embarrassing and degrading but this is the society we are living in at the moment. Go and take a flight from any UK airport and it's a shoes off, belt off full body pat down / scan. If folk don't like it then don't fly. Try and get into one of the places I work and it's a full car search (including engine bay and underneath) and the Civil Nuclear Constabulary there have guns and attack dogs if you don't want to play by their rules and I've got enhanced security clearance. Their fear is that somebody may know where you work and have planted a bomb in your car. The company even tell you to vary your route home from work and be aware of anybody following you!

I can see that some folk are thinking twice about coming along and I wish the club would issue a statement but would wonder what that statement would contain.
"Dear supporter, we are carrying out random searches as we have been told by the intelligence services that somebody is planning to set off a dirty bomb at the ground. If you hear any explosions above the sound of the tannoy then please take refuge in the smoking shelter between the main stand and the Sandy but No Smoking whilst you're there. Enjoy the game."

Sorry Jimmy Rustler for being flippant but I've spent the first half of my life in Northern Ireland living under the threat of the IRA bombing the beejeezus out of me. It's just the way I'm wired.
Replies from the club re. Ticketing and searches at games
at 13:37 12 Jan 2016

The Paris argument is flawed unless their is specific intelligence of a planned Spotland attack.
[Maybe there is specific intelligence. It's only 500 miles away. Look at the demographics around Spotland. Most of the Paris bombers came from Brussels]

Why would ISIS Rochdale splinter cell target the pearl street and not the main stand??
[It's a couple of quid cheaper in Pearl Street! Check out the 4 Lions type bombers who targetted an EDL rally but got pulled up for having no insurance on their car]

Do you think this weekend everybody attending the Trafford centre will get frisked?
[No, but I bet every car in and out of there is logged on ANPR and every visitor is captured on CCTV]

The point is it's unnecessary and being carried out by poor untrained high vis who have no idea what they are looking for!!!
[MSS were doing it last weekend. The chap who 'did' me had SIA accreditation so I guess he has more clue than most what he is looking for and how to find it]

Does anybody think we would not get attacked because a terrorist thinks they will be frisked? That thought is laughable.
[Check out that Wall St Journal article above where the Paris bomber detonated before he could be frisked. He's not laughing now]

I know a few who are getting mightly pissed off with this myself included.
[Come on. It's 10 seconds out of your life that you'll never get back. Chesterfield wasted 50x more than that last Saturday]
Replies from the club re. Ticketing and searches at games
at 12:15 12 Jan 2016

I dunno Len. I'm not a security expert by any stretch of the imagination.
I also noticed that it was a legitimate company (MSS?) that were at the Pearl Street end and they were filming / videoing the searches. I'd call it positive discrimination / targetted vetting.
Searches in the library / ASDA? Again, I dunno. it's their perceived level of risk I guess. Music venues? How many of the 130 people who set out that Friday night to watch a concert ever thought that they wouldn't be returning home?
It only takes one idiot to get lucky once to cause an incident, be it a smoke bomb, a flare, a Keith Hill out banner or a suicide vest. The security and intelligence services need to be lucky all the time to stop idiots ruining our lives, and I mean ruining our lives by having bits of your body blown off you not being delayed by 10 seconds so somebody can check that you're not carrying something.
I'd guess there are hard and soft targets out there. I'd also guess the club are acting on information that we are not privy to but you (not you personally) must have been living off grid for the past 6 months not to feel heightened levels of terror threat in all our daily lives. I'd say it's a price to pay for living in a civilised free democracy.
Did you know that the club do a sweep of the ground prior to every home game? Would you rather that they did not bother to search the entire ground including every row in every block? What if the club said "We've only searched the Sandy Lane end today so come in and take your chances."
Thank God we don't play womens football at Spotland. Just think how much of a target that would be if you believe 47 virgins are waiting for you on the other side.
[Post edited 12 Jan 2016 12:22]
Replies from the club re. Ticketing and searches at games
at 10:38 12 Jan 2016

Good point Dalebolt.
I don't know if it's just the way I look but I've been searched everytime since it was introduced. I also got frisked at Bury and a bag search at Doncaster.
I think a few people are forgetting why these searches are being done. It's not in the hope of finding a concealed bag of chips or a hipflask. That stuff has always gone on and always will. The old boy who sits near me regularly has a glug or two from a flask during a game. There was an event that occurred in Paris at the back end of last year. A low risk football game that was targeted by terrorists to cause multiple deaths. How many people died at the Stade de France? None, apart from the terrorists who blew them selves up.

Read the article above and the security team are being classed as heroes for foiling the bomb plot. Remember the panic that set in when the Manchester Christmas Markets opened up last year? Many (or the vocal minority perhaps) thought it was going to be a terrorist target and the Chinese whisper rumour mill started production. The result ... lots of unsold bratwurst and currywurst.

I'd like to know if some of the people posting on here object to being frisked when going on a flight? Festwich festival in the summer? Christ on a bike, it's almost a full strip search to get in there. The 7/7 bombings may have been prevented if everyone was searched prior to getting on a bus / train / tube but the threat level back then was not considered as severe as it is now. It only takes one or two random nutters (not the 'celebrity' chef) to cause an incident. Who's to say a Lee Rigby type incident can't happen again?
I consider it a small price to pay to watch football with a feeling of relative safety. If you feel that you are being targeted for searches when others around you aren't then don't be like me! Have a shave, wear some smart clothes and don't have your red headphone wires poking out of your manbag!
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