| Forum Reply | Nourry on The London Sport Show at 01:40 8 Sep 2024
The very best English song writer, guitarist (both electric and acoustic) solo and band leader ever. Contemporary of Hendrix, still recording and playing live now. The most under-rated genius on these shores… |
 | Forum Reply | LFW Message Board Glossary at 11:38 31 Aug 2024
“Long time lurker” A member of the ‘Loft For Words’ forum for considerable length of time but contributes to a thread a maximum of once every three years; usually to complain about misogyny or support a stadium-wide smoking ban. On the very unlikely event of a LTL’s post being linked to a football related matter, expect it to be both wrong and absolute cliched twaddle (ex. “I’d like to see Ainsworth get a whole season under his belt so he can bring in his own people). Likely to inexplicably use real name as moniker. Expect LTL’s post to be ‘down-arrowed’ to double figures ensuring no further contribution until 2027. |
 | Forum Reply | Chair jailed for a year at 18:10 23 Feb 2024
Apparently they’ve tabled an appeal. Not too sure he’s got a leg to stand on. I hope his lawyer couched his defence appropriately when he approached the bench. It all started when the driver got in an argument and tried to deck Chair. The club were hoping to sit on this until the end of the season. Hopefully we can still build a cushion between us and the bottom 3 by the end of the season without him. |
 | Forum Reply | Banned for your views at 11:35 4 Feb 2024
People often confuse freedom of speech with freedom of thought. We all think we have total freedom of thought, but what we think is heavily influenced by our peers, parents, media, tradition and culture. In that sense are we really free? Freedom of speech is considered by many cultures as a human right. However, along with freedom to act, it comes with a responsibility to others. Words are powerful, speech can kill, and sometimes a group or society will ban it (Clive has banned some people from his site, Gerry Adams was banned from speaking on TV and Abu Hamza arrested and imprisoned for inciting violence through his speeches). Libel laws also constrain our freedom to say what we like, and many other things are censored. Advocates of freedom of speech often really mean they want the freedom to say what they want, but rarely cherish others’ freedoms to contend. However, I thought we played well against Blackburn, and when Armstrong sorts out his first touch, he’ll be unstoppable. |
 | Forum Reply | Long time lurkers....dont be shy. at 13:48 7 Jan 2024
Hello, Lurked for a decade. I used to be much more active but flounced off after another bout of homophobia from the usual posters. Find some non-football related ‘opinions’ too much so keep quiet. Love Clive’s writing and he’s taken us through a lot, including some really baron runs and the pandemic. I’m proud to donate a little each month to the patron subscription. Still go to see the R’s at least a couple of times a season. Still love club despite everything and will continue to do so. Right, that’s enough, see you all in another 10 years. P.s. I don’t eat cheese, so don’t have a favourite as such, but if I did… Stilton for me! |
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