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All this Budget Speculation
at 11:52 23 Mar 2025

And all this doesn't even cover their putting public services into penury for decades with their extortionate, expensive "investment" via PFI. Conning the gullible into believing that they were improving public services, when all they were doing was shopping in Brighthouse.
Council Tax
at 08:27 22 Mar 2025

"Stopped a number of strikes" = Appeased their paymasters in the unions at huge expense. Unions that of course loved the idea of strikes in the run up to an election.

"Banned no fault evictions" - Idiotic move that will continue to reduce the availability of rented housing.

"Overseen interest rate cuts" - BOE MPC is independent from Government control.

"Raised the minimum wage" - It goes up every year no matter who is in Govt.

"Launched planning reform" - Already well down on their housebuilding targets, a target that seemed to have been plucked from the air in the first place as it was utterly unachievable.

So, of these things that they've "achieved", very few actually are. Offset against the staggering incompetence displayed everywhere else after 14 years of preparing for Government, it doesn't seem a lot.
Melker calledup for Sweden national team
at 08:09 22 Mar 2025

That about the dozenth time this has been explained to people.
Melker calledup for Sweden national team
at 16:22 21 Mar 2025

The Montague who was still working for Notts County when we signed Widell?
Dangers of sentiment
at 10:44 21 Mar 2025

Can we (the Royal we, as in everyone else on this board tired of your hypocrisy) assume that you'll never pass comment on our attendances again as you couldn't be bothered to drive 30 minutes yourself?
Dangers of sentiment
at 10:17 21 Mar 2025

I think we can all safely assume that the answer to the question is "No".
Dangers of sentiment
at 10:00 21 Mar 2025

You could just answer the question and then I'll stop asking.

Surely a gentleman as critical of our dwindling crowds as you are ventured to one of your closest games of the season?
All this Budget Speculation
at 09:46 21 Mar 2025

You would say that because you, along with others who think like you, lack the cognitive capacity to grasp that the taxes paid by those people that you're saying "Good Riddance" to then have to be paid by someone else.
Dangers of sentiment
at 09:42 21 Mar 2025

Did you go to Preston?
Dangers of sentiment
at 09:06 21 Mar 2025

The amount of people who have swallowed wholesale that story about players wages is beyond belief.

At one point no doubt Naughton would have been on £20k a week. Maybe more. He was a big money signing in the Premier League. Now? As you say, he's on a quarter of that. Tops.

£5k a week for a supremely fit and professional player who can, at a push, cover three positions? I'd call that a bargain. Perchy's had a bee in his bonnet about him since the day he joined though.
[Post edited 21 Mar 9:07]
All this Budget Speculation
at 09:04 21 Mar 2025

There's no doubt whatsoever that the budget is a prime reason why. Capital flight is already well underway, and companies are recruiting less as a result of the other tax grabs included.

Some people will never, ever understand that raising taxes and expenses on business is always ultimately self defeating, but it is what Labour always do. Millions of people will still be suffering from Gordon Brown's pension fund tax raids (a large amount of today's problems have their roots in New Labour).
All this Budget Speculation
at 21:33 19 Mar 2025

All of which underlines the points made previously.

The Government is spending far more than it is taking in. That is a situation that simply cannot continue, as much as some people seem to think otherwise.

You can try to increase taxation, but as has become increasingly obvious to all but the most twp, there's only so far you can squeeze high earners. They will just move elsewhere and tax take will fall. The best level of tax is one that people are happy to pay.

All Goverment departments need to be ruthlessly assessed for efficiency. There are too many people still sitting at home watching Daytime TV when they should be in the office working.
All this Budget Speculation
at 11:27 19 Mar 2025

The tax take from the 27m (plus corporate and business taxation) is propping up everything else though.

An NHS nurse may provide a brilliant service, but if they receive £40k a year in salary and pay £5k back in tax and NI, the Treasury is still £35k down on the deal. Money that has to come from somewhere.

There are not enough net taxpayers and too many net tax receivers. If that doesn't change the country will slowly go bankrupt.
[Post edited 19 Mar 12:12]
All this Budget Speculation
at 10:59 19 Mar 2025

Anyone who receives their sole income from the government is a tax recycler, not a tax payer.
All this Budget Speculation
at 08:14 19 Mar 2025

I read somewhere that there are 27 million private sector workers in the UK. So that 27 million people are supporting the other 41 million.
Was corbyn the UK's last chance ?
at 22:45 18 Mar 2025

You aren't ignoring me? Excellent.

In which case, did you go to Preston?
Is a coup possible
at 22:36 18 Mar 2025


There is not and never has been an appetite for extremist politics in the UK. It's the reason why even at their height the BUF, National Front, BNP, Communists, SWP and similar rarely get anywhere near double figures in terms of support. It's also the reason why the likes of Michael Foot and Jeremy Corbyn were both roundly dismissed by the electorate.

The chances of senior military officers even considering the prospect, never mind actually trying to carry it out are zero.
[Post edited 18 Mar 22:40]
Was corbyn the UK's last chance ?
at 20:22 18 Mar 2025

It's been said before, but the idea that the Russian (plus the poor North Korean sods thrown in) forces who have spent the last three years stuck in a bloody quagmire against a numerically vastly inferior force using largely second hand and dated NATO equipment are any kind of serious threat to the rest of Western Europe, never mind the US is quite amusing.

At the rate the Poles are tooling up they alone could probably finish off the job that the Ukrainians found themselves having to do. Add in Germany, France, The Scandinavians, Italy, the UK and the Baltics all using the latest kit? It'd be like Pee Wee Herman squaring off against Muhammad Ali.

As has been proven repeatedly in the last 25 years in Chechnya, Georgia, Ukraine and elsewhere, all the Russians have is the numbers and a complete willingness to waste as many lives as they can until they can scrape out some sort of result. Technologically they're miles behind.
[Post edited 18 Mar 20:25]
Live music?
at 10:38 18 Mar 2025

Ticket booked to go and see Volbeat in November. Well worth checking out if you're unfamiliar with their stuff.
Was corbyn the UK's last chance ?
at 10:00 18 Mar 2025

Ukraine had access to a nuclear deterrent once. It gave it up after guarantees of protection were made.

A decision that they're now no doubt regretting.
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