| Forum Reply | I had a spot of bother. at 15:01 31 May 2020
Hi Jon Sorry I am so late but I had to find my password to this forum (it took a time), as you know I bum about on another one usually. Sorry to hear from Roller that you have had it rough. You probably know now unfortunately high blood pressure and stroke is one of the nasty surprises that Covid has for some people ....and you of course were the one. I am so glad you are on the mend. Hang on in there and take it easy, it is ahrad thing to get over, so do not rush it. We need to be back on the back row of the loft. We need your mince pies at Christmas time...but most of all we all need to go to the fish&chip shop with you when the Rs win 3-0. You promised! Take care and I am looking forward to my hallo hug next time we are all there on the Loft |
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