| Forum Reply | What’s the story with Kamala Harris? at 21:11 17 Nov 2020
Genuine apologies if the comments were not taken as intended. I thought they were quite clear, but they don't seem to be have been received that way and that's on me. A Fans Dad comment was quite as ludicrous, and that's what I was trying to point out. I thought it was safe using such a statement in response to such a statement. Will pick back up later this evening, heading off to a meeting. |
 | Forum Reply | What’s the story with Kamala Harris? at 20:58 17 Nov 2020
I haven't read it, but I'd be willing to wager that too much of the thread is just you arguing how you're right. See my comment on hyperbole. |
 | Forum Reply | What’s the story with Kamala Harris? at 20:54 17 Nov 2020
"So it isn't your experience you are going by? But other people's?" No, a combination. I had misread your earlier post. I thought you were asking for source/s that weren't personal. "You do know that having a discussion based on logic and fact and not jumping to the fashionable and emotional doesn't mean we are alt-right?" I would but that's begging the question about the discussion board. I would, though, agree, that you could look at the content of posts and form opinions. |
 | Forum Reply | What’s the story with Kamala Harris? at 20:50 17 Nov 2020
All frivolity aside now, and being straight up with you: it's disappointing that the boards parted that way. I don't know the reason behind it, that's not relevant. But isn't it a bit boring when you just surround yourself with 'like minded posters'? Makes sense in day-to-day life, but I wouldn't find much joy in a virtual echo chamber. |
 | Forum Reply | What’s the story with Kamala Harris? at 20:31 17 Nov 2020
Apologies to all. I've recently come back from a posting hiatus. I hadn't realized that the fansnetwork site had become a defacto alt-right board. I thought it was the usual mix. Excuse me while I goose step outta here. |
 | Forum Reply | What’s the story with Kamala Harris? at 20:23 17 Nov 2020
Yes, and that was my point and nobody else's. (And before A Fans Dad complains, that wasn't a statement intended to be childish; it was intended to show how narcissistic it is.) Edit: blueleaks for one. more compelling than our conversation as they are multi source and not armchaired. [Post edited 17 Nov 2020 20:34]
 | Forum Reply | What’s the story with Kamala Harris? at 20:20 17 Nov 2020
"This is my point, nobody else's." And then you go on to say why my experience negates my point and I need to default to yours. Edit: And, despite that, I find the arguments against Proud Boys more compelling than your posts on this board. [Post edited 17 Nov 2020 20:22]
 | Forum Reply | What’s the story with Kamala Harris? at 20:13 17 Nov 2020
Well, that's why it wasn't clear. Your point argues against both what I was saying and also A Fans Dad. And let me be clear. My thoughts on Proud Boys is absolutely fueled by actions not skin. I was drawing attention to the ridiculousness of A Fans Dad statement, as I explained in a previous post to him. [Post edited 17 Nov 2020 20:15]
 | Forum Reply | What’s the story with Kamala Harris? at 20:01 17 Nov 2020
I'm referring to all of it. I was chatting with A Fans Dad. I have no real idea who you are or what your views are. And I suspect I care about yours as much as you do about mine. [Post edited 17 Nov 2020 20:02]
 | Forum Reply | What’s the story with Kamala Harris? at 20:00 17 Nov 2020
Let me clear up a few things. I don't think you were making any point about racism. I was making a bizarre statement in parallel to yours. I said Reilly was not without controversy, or why I was skeptical on his generous estimations--do you get it? I absolutely would have used a neutral source if there had been one. Do you know who Michael Savage is, or why using him as a back-up source is ridiculous? |
 | Forum Reply | What’s the story with Kamala Harris? at 19:37 17 Nov 2020
Wilfred Reilly at Kentucky State University. He's not without controversy, that's why I'd lean closer to 90. How should I provide proper attribution in the future? Can't say I've noticed that be a thing here, ever. Edit: Congratulations again on eliminating racism through math. [Post edited 17 Nov 2020 19:40]
 | Forum Reply | What’s the story with Kamala Harris? at 19:24 17 Nov 2020
Gotcha. Proud Boys membership is estimated 80 - 90% White (probably closer to the 90%). As a whole, America is about 60% White. By combining your logic with those figures, it's impossible for racism to exist in the States. |
 | Forum Reply | What’s the story with Kamala Harris? at 18:08 17 Nov 2020
Uh, for the most part, they are. Why did you place "Whites" third in your list? You're not implying an order of membership by number, are you? |
 | Forum Reply | Where's warwick. at 18:30 29 Sep 2020
That's Fiona Bruce you're thinking of. |
 | Forum Reply | One for Tummer... at 17:17 25 Sep 2020
Trump train? Looks suspiciously like a caravan to me.... |
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