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at 18:45 4 Mar 2025

fawning: "displaying exaggerated flattery or affection; obsequious."

I'd say that's his attitude towards Putin.

But he's like that with all dictators.
Lech Walesa
at 16:06 4 Mar 2025

He didn't write a letter to General Jaruzelski, he took direct action in the form of strikes.

Everyone is wasting their breath trying to persuade Trump of anything. The US under Trump can no longer be relied upon and an ally.

Europe needs to step up and organise its own defence against Russian imperialism.
at 15:59 4 Mar 2025

My guess is Farage is just being careful not to say anything which would contradict his chum Trump. There is a massive dynamic at play amongst the various national populists to make sure that they are on the same page on various topics, including Ukraine. Giorgia Meloni is refreshingly different on that - she knows how important the defence of Ukraine is and has pushed back agains the Trump-like loons in her own country who don't want to support Ukraine.

As for Trump not fawning over Putin: all the evidence is to the exact opposite but if it makes you happy to believe that, fill your boots.
Lech Walesa
at 13:37 4 Mar 2025

I read that and had to double check that he was still alive and it wasn't a spoof.

Donald Trump is used to being the bully. It's part of his DNA. His sympathies are always going to lie with the strong/the oppressor.

Uncle Lech is wasting his breath.
at 09:51 4 Mar 2025

The narrative of post-Soviet era aggressive NATO expansion simply ignores the fact that the countries that NATO expanded too, were extremely keen to get away from the orbit of Russia.

As I say, go to the Baltic States and tell them them that their aspiration for independence and to be part of a defensive block that would protect that independence from capricious Russian aggression/paranoia, was simply part of a grand geopolitical plan for US expansion.

Same goes for Ukraine. Why t f would it want to have anything to do with Russia, given its history.

And do you really think too that Sweden and Finland joined NATO as an aggressive act towards Russia?
[Post edited 4 Mar 11:01]
at 08:34 4 Mar 2025

Need at least some common ground for a discussion. If you can’t see Putin for what he is, there is

Go share your nonsense with our friends in the Baltic States.
at 23:53 3 Mar 2025

Yes, you clearly are a fool.

Like Trump. Like Bev Turner.
To lose 5-4 on penalties
at 23:16 3 Mar 2025

Why put up a player who missed one earlier in the season to take the last one?

Never seen something so stupid.
at 23:15 3 Mar 2025

Fools like you and Trump see no value in democracy and no danger in appeasing homicidal psychopathic imperialists like Putin.

As if the last 100 years of European history has taught you nothing.

Russia propaganda has infiltrated to the heart of US politics and particularly MAGA and its take over of the Republican Party.

Thankfully it's reached only a few crackpots here: Bev Turner on GB News referring to the invasion as Russian's 'special military operation'. WTF!? Lord Haw-Haw eat your f*cking heart out.
at 16:33 3 Mar 2025

Thatcher's fortunes were turned around by her leadership around the Falklands and I think the country also liked the way she took a leading role in the Cold War alongside Reagan.

Are people feeling better disposed towards Starmer following his international performances over the last week?
Top 3 nationalities most likely to have a bounty on Trump
at 21:09 2 Mar 2025

Trump has:

1. Little knowledge european history so would not understand our fear of appeasement.

2. No emotional or ideological connection to democracy. He simply doesn't care about it, so sees every world leader as the same - democrat or autocrat.

3. His inflated ego and narcissism makes him believe that Putin really likes and trusts him and will tell him (unlike anyone else) the truth.

In short, he's a f*ckwit who thinks he's a diplomatic genius.
Ivan Juric Sacking Rumours Surface
at 01:04 28 Feb 2025

I cannot believe that some people still have sympathy for Juric. Not his fault. No one could do anything with this lot etc etc.

Have people not seen his record? 9 defeats out of 10 in the league, and dumped out of the FA Cup by Burnley.

Is it just possible that he might be completely sh1t ?
"Ivan Juric looks like........."
at 15:55 26 Feb 2025

...the bloke at the scrap metal yard who knows all the secrets
Southampton At Chelsea The Verdict
at 15:45 26 Feb 2025

Southampton Football Club Limited is a separate legal entity ( so in simple legal terms SR could sell the shares it owns in that entity to a new buyer.

Whether they would do is another matter. But looking at the accounts to 2023 it doesn't look like the Club is much of a cash cow for the rest of the group. And mid-table life in The Championship is not a money printing operation either.

I guess too what all the promoted clubs are finding out is that the amount of money needed to put together a squad that can actually compete in the PL is now humungous.
5 Things About Chelsea
at 11:27 26 Feb 2025

I've always disliked Chelsea. When I meet people and we get talking about who we support, I always struggle when they say Chelsea. It's like for me supporting Chelsea is a bit odd and not like supporting a proper football team.

It's completely irrational and I don't know where it comes from but it's real enough.
Last chance for Juric
at 10:35 26 Feb 2025

Well there would at least be some logic in deciding to play Martin-ball but then making sure that we have the players able to do that at PL level.

The 'structural problems' that Juric talks about are basically trying to do everything on the cheap.

Even if we get promoted again, a huge effort is then needed to allow us to compete.

Look at Norwich, EFL champions in 2019 and 2021 and relegated botton of the PL in both of the following seasons (*). Now a decent but unspectacular 10th in The Championship.

But I guess we'd all take being Champions next season given the ignominies of this one, even if we did come straight back down again.

(*) Even bottom they mananged to clear 20 points both times.
Last chance for Juric
at 09:47 26 Feb 2025

What possible reason is there to stick with him any longer?

Never mind worst PL manager, in terms of results he must be one of the worst ever managers in English football.

Why would any Club assume that someone so bad is suddenly going to become a winner?

It makes absolutely no sense and is typical SR dithering and wishful thinking.

Clowns all of them.
Last chance for Juric
at 19:45 25 Feb 2025

Looking at that line up, I think he’s dropped another tab.

Shuffled the pack but fundamentally the same nonsense.

Does he know what defence is?
Last chance for Juric
at 16:21 25 Feb 2025

Now that Juric's psychodelic's have finally worn off and he can admit for the first time the madness in the way he has been playing, let's see if has any ability to play with the cards that he has been dealt.

I am expecting a revelation - an entirely new way of playing suited to the actual team that he picks. Solid. Hard to break down. A clean sheet maybe.

And if not. If it's more of the same. Then hopefully cheerio Ivan.
About sums it up
at 11:50 25 Feb 2025

I've got a huge amount of sympathy for the players.

Both Martin and Juric have been setting them up to play in ways that make it almost impossible for them to succeed.

I can't get out of my head quite how poorly Juric set things up defensively on Saturday.

A back line which included players playing out of position and almost no midfield defensive support in front of them. I have this image in my head of a strung out piece of string stretched from one touchtime to the other as the only defence between Brighton and the goalkeeper. It was just so easy for them to smash through it.

4 at the back playing as defenders with 2 defensive midfielders in front of them is not exactly rocket science in terms of frustrating an opposition.

Let's see what the clown conjures up tonight.
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