| News Comment | Kennedy wins Player of the Season at 10:48:04
Despite what has been a very disappointing and disjointed season, here is one pro player who never let the background situation get to him. He always put in effort worthy of a side that was stable and doing well. A much deserved award, hope to see him next season when he will be an inspiration for what I am sure will be a new side. Thanks for your efforts. |
 | News Comment | Eyre and Bunn sacked at 15:05:38
Decent statement by Mr Dunphy and the board, who like most supporters regret the way things have turned out. They did give Steve & Frank a sporting chance but it didn't look like it would succeed. A big task ahead now to arrest the massive points deficit. Good luck to the remaining staff, especilly Chris Beech. Lets really get behind them all. |
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