| Forum Reply | Tattoos at 07:25 27 Sep 2024
You wont like me then, I'm head to foot literally, ears done, side of face, all around my neck and right down to my feet, love em, doesn't make me a bad person |
 | Forum Reply | London Jacks at 11:02 16 Sep 2023
Londonjacks are still going we have a whatsapp group, technically I'm no longer a "londonjack" as moved to Barry 5 years ago, stallwarts like Daf and Clustterbuck(legends) are still going with many new additions of younger good lads, many have moved back home |
 | Forum Thread | RIP Ebo at 14:14 20 Oct 2022
Awful news that Ebo (John) has sadly passed away this morning, a feisty debater who many will remember #RIP #YJB |
 | Forum Reply | Wales rugby tour of South Africa at 08:22 28 May 2022
It's egg, it's sh*te, no one gives a .... Football is now the no1 sport in Wales roll on next Sunday, we're off to the world cup(not in person) |
 | Forum Reply | Port Talbot at 09:56 12 Feb 2022
Yes, your correct there is, we're on the train every other weekend, brekkie first of course in the Sir Samuel Romlily.......... Never thought I'd say this but I've got some great mates here who are scummers,( sigh), I must be growing up Her family are blueturds, I can live with that!! |
 | Forum Reply | Thanks to all of you at 08:32 28 Aug 2021
That's fantastic news very much genuinely pleased for you both especially Maggie, who is an absolutely fantastic lady, and deserves no less |
 | Forum Reply | wee jimmy krankie at 08:59 9 May 2021
Suck it up, Scotland's going Indy, Wales will follow eventually, maybe not in my lifetime, people rant on about respect etc etc yet the header of this thread is a form of abuse, Her name is Nicola Sturgeon |
 | Forum Reply | What the hell is going on in London these days at 08:52 9 May 2021
I lived in Crayford for years a brilliant place, great people some fab pubs, if someone said I visited the Wirral/Loserpooll and it was a sh1thole you'd be straight on the defence of it, you obviously hate multi culturalism and a vibrant mix of differing races which London brings given the slagging off you've given of the other area's in London. Good job you live where you do so you can feel comfy with your own kind aye 25 years living in and around London, best city in the world an amazing multi cultural city leading the way They've got a great Mayor in Sadiq, it's only the gammons and facist white priders(yeah I know not a proper word) who are up in arms about him getting re elected. You hate London, that's great, it means it won't get people like you visiting it |
 | Forum Reply | Labour.Day of shame for the party at 09:50 1 Nov 2020
Well I'll say it I hate tories and anyone who votes for them utter scum, and yes when T******r passed i got p*ssed celebrating, even though i felt she got off lightly and don't bother@ me |
 | Forum Reply | Is Christmas worth getting into heavy debt for? at 06:44 16 Oct 2020
As with age as most here, not bothered with xmas it's for the kid, as a child in fairness to my parents they did well for me and my sister, always one big present (not to expensive) and lots of smaller ones, we'd wake up and there was always a stocking at he end of the bed with some fruit and sweets and little tid bits in it, I kinda carried that on when my kids were young. One abiding memory i do have was that there was always a shedload of booze under the stairs!! crates and crates plus bottles of every spirit imaginable, not forgetting the obligatory bottle of sherry lol. still to this day I enjoy a small glass of it xmas night. My kids now though however spoil their kids rotten, it's their choice, for me now at 5 grandchildren and counting, whilst Ii can't afford to splash out loads on the, the reasonable amount I do give them each can still mount up, plus factoring nieces and nephews, not a lot becomes a lot!! I don't mind though, we tend to chuck change away into jars all year long which goes towards our xmas food and drink although we don't really stock up on booze as if we fancy a drink the shops are virtually always open. This year however we have significantly less change stashed away as we've hardly used cash what with covid and that, seem to be always paying by card these days |
 | Forum Reply | Ireland v Wales Matchday Thread at 09:10 11 Oct 2020
My roots are Oirish, but after the way they took Joey out feck em hope we stuff the dirty gits |
 | Forum Reply | Barbados at 05:09 17 Sep 2020
My first ever "run ashore" on my first ship in the mob 35 years ago, memorable........ |
 | Forum Reply | R.I.P at 07:59 13 Sep 2020
Well, well, me to we all use to sit on the left hand side as you went through the door about 8 to 10 of us, great pub the Clarence RIP fella recognise the face but didn't know him personally |
 | Forum Reply | Barry Island at 06:15 7 Aug 2020
Here here, been here 2 years now and love the place, fantastic place to live, so all you people slagging it off get f******* |
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