We finally have something to look forward to as the EFL announced a start date for the 2020/21 season and as expected, we kick off again on Saturday 12th September 2020.
You can close your Zoom accounts, stop going for long walks, put away the board games and jigsaws and all the other things we've all been doing in these long months with no Dale because football is back! Well, it will be in September!
The EFL have today announced that the EFL, along with the Premier League, will return for the 2020/21 season on September 12th 2020, six awfully long months after the last game we played at home to Rotherham United.
Obviously, in line with government guidelines for the Covid-19 pandemic, fans will not be allowed into the grounds until October but this is the news that should hopefully kickstart plans to get our weekends back to normality, or at least some form of it.
We're getting there people!