| News Comment | The People vs Gianni Paladini at 10:32:16
Not going over old ground but the only time I could properly claim to be FSP has been since Gianni has gone. I went onto to do London Callin and Matchday programmes. None of this happened whilst Gianni was there and all season tickets in the qblock were paid for year after year whilst he was there. |
 | News Comment | The People vs Gianni Paladini at 19:31:56
Quite a good balanced view Not guilty of course. Could have easily have ended up like Luton Town and instead of spending time in the Premiership could have been playing Wrexham. Couple of inaccuracies, certainly about websites and think that Bill Power remained freinds with Gianni Paladini despite the takeover. People have to into account it was the internet age, without Facebook/Twitter for the most part and every supporter for the first time was able to voice an opinion, which in itself led to wrong perceptions. The fact someone disagreed with someone else just mean't it was easier to throw false accusations around. As for Paladini, we would not be here its that simple. That very fact Power/Devlin and co were looking for investors that led to Paladini, showed we never had any money and that came after years of extreme hardship. The fact, we then stayed in the Championship was pretty satisfactory for most supporters. Its a new era now, but if Paladini had been in charge now i am sure forums/social networks would be slagging the guy off |
 | News Comment | Warnock’s web anger reflects badly on all involved at 23:31:35
They had the wrong one from me, so who knows. As you can appreciate I want to move on. This is something that deflects away from performances on the pitch which recently have not been great. Our failings or successes are not dependent on what team was giving out on a friday or not. Yes your right, I did have a couple of mods write that, but they did not read my mini-statment that i made late on Sunday night after I finished ny radio programme. |
 | News Comment | Warnock’s web anger reflects badly on all involved at 22:40:12
Northern R you have added 2 plus 2 and got 5. He got emails from the one i presume Warnock read out in his press conference !! I normally go to the Press conferences, don't you think I would have gone there if i knew this was going to happen. Do you think in a million years he would he read an email out. Anyways I have said my piece. I'm focused on playing Chelsea and to me it deflects from a poor perfomance against Blackburn. Hopefully we have no excuses come Sunday |
 | News Comment | Warnock’s web anger reflects badly on all involved at 21:54:51
Couple of things as you seem willing to pull any kind of trigger and fire the bullets. The club did not publish his real email on the web-site at all, it was completely different to one Warnock announced in the after Press Conference. Secondly I was called at 3.52 pm by the club and asked for ricrocs details I initally declined, they said he has some "eerily factual information" and we need to to have a chat to find his source as Warnock is not very happy a day before the game and within 2 hours of training finishing, that the team and Campbell were being published on a web-site. We just need to get in touch. I asked it would be best if I pm'd ric Roc and got him to call me or the club. Within about 10 minutes ricroc rang me an said he did not mean any harm and that could I please take the post down. Straight away I did that, picked up the phone and rang the club to say exactly word for word what he told me. Meanwhile a new post had started up asking why a particular post had been deleted and therefore the story must be true. The club did not want it deleted as it would have seen obviously true, so I restored it. Should I have restored it? Thats the question and action I have to live with. It was a tough call to make and a split second decision. This is not a decision that can be made over 24 hours. Would it have made any difference to Warnock going live in the press room with RicRocs email details of course not, it would though have led to many posting where had the original post had gone NorthernR you know best as anyone that running a forum is not an easy job and you have been very quick in the past to be on the attack when i used to give information early on saying how wrong it was. Now, with this incident you play more on the fact of the resulting actions than the post itself. If a player continues to reveal inside info than to me that does our chances of survival no good at all. After all, this came after another leak which was on every forum about a half-time bust up at fulham. This by recollection was not taken down by any administrators of any forum. Instead supporters were bombarding players with twitter messages asking if it was true. You used to say Gianni Paladini was wrong to leak information and that he should be gone and never give that information to supporters. Now it seems you take the moral ground, as if a player of ours is doing that its okay. or at least, not playing much emphasis on that Could it be the player simply passed on the information, without the knowledge of football forums like WATRB's and loftforwords and simply posting info on to a mate. Thats something I have thought of too. If the manager just goes by a "username" and says RicRoc who then would have attacked verbally and through messageboards? Its clear as day his username we all have one. Its the fact he said out loud his email which gives everyone the perfect opportunity to now switch to the person who supposedly gave it. This now means that the player who gave the information is forgotten, manager comments are forgotten and the original poster posts forgotten and instead attack the person with the email address details. I can categorically say the email passed on by me was not correct, that is what led to the phone call. I wanted to deal with the matter by phone and hopefully ricroc would call them, after all I gave him both our numbers. He decided to call me with a with held number, not the club. If i wanted to do something behind someones back as portrayed why would I give him both my number and the clubs? I wanted the matter resolved and in truth, have nothing to do with it. I was enjoying the day off, winning a few quid on the horses and had not even visited WATRB's that afternoon. YYou mention about ties with the club. I remember that you were very quick to post when i said I would stop posting on websites, that " he will be back in the next few days, just you watch" Well, the only time I have been on here is to defend myself and I have not posted at all on my site anything controversial, instead focusing on reports and previews. That has been it. So to say, I have a conflict of interest when I don't post any QPR rumour stories or even hardly post at all now is somewhat strange. I suspect its just another bullet to fire,as you know over the last 2-3 months I have hardly posted anything, anywhere. You are conscious of what goes on your messageboard and questioned my moderating team and myself for setting up some kind of "family forum" yet you have allowed damaging and unwarranted attacks on an indivdual on your forum, without any knowledge of the events or circumstances around what happened on friday. Its left to second guessing than coming up with a meaty report on your findings, having a go at everyone whilst not knowing the facts. End of the day, I guess all this is to prevent anything happening again as Warnock knows we have some very important games coming up. We should be talking about a rather tepid performance against Blackburn, but we are talking about this stuff NorthernR, I have no axe to grind with you and I know what you think of me, I have no problem with that too. We all support QPR at the end of the day, this is simply another story that has been blown out of all proportion and has no bearing on current league position or the upcoming game against Chelsea. So whilst its a talking point now, I suspect alot more important things will happen between now and the end of the season. |
 | News Comment | A loan again, naturally - Guest column at 13:42:28
you say that Warnock did not want Shittu? Are you sure it was not down to the fact it looked like we had no budget for players so we went for him. Then funds became available so we went for Young, Ferdinand and Gabbidon? Its just this seems to be a rumour which has not turned factual. Are you also telling me Peroni is better than Shittu? A player we seem less than confident to bring on for an injured Fitz Hall. |
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