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Christmas presents . A plea
at 02:02 18 Oct 2024

Tell me about it , sister gone through breast cancer , gladly still alive and kicking thankfully .
But surely the Goverment should be putting more money into Cancer Research .

Understand the Lynx Box sets are a token gesture of wrapping paper and thought .

Still have my multi pack 5 pairs of socks from Primark and a box of chocs from my children .
That still is enough for me them just being there .

Xmas , bah humbug , have not got through Hallowen and Bonfire Night yet .
Our Foreign Secretary
at 01:36 18 Oct 2024

Dianne Abbott is not on the Front Bench for Labour strangely , views too extreme maybe .
Corbyn tried his best to get her in as a Top Table Politician , a lost cause in the end for the Labour Party .

Echos of David Lammy having his own agenda in Government maybe .

Sure our new hard line and upright PM will stand up for true politics without favour .
Councillor’s wife pleads guilty over race riot tweet
at 00:49 18 Oct 2024

Ridiculous stretch for a person having a rant on the internet , it is all fake online anyway .

Yes she blew her top , did not think and went to her keyboard to let off steam . I had my thoughts after the despicable Southport murders but kept them to myself in anger .

Current climate is do not upset anyone and tread on eggshells when speaking out sadly .

31 months , and less to be served on parole for a stupid remark .
Yet criminals are laughing at their early release and go on to re-offend asap .

Goverment spin will say we are tough on rioters , we have got the issue under control and harsh jail time awaits the keyboard warriors .

No wonder our prisons are at breaking point with over capacity .

Give her a formal warning , a silly thing to say and leak the story to the Press .

Lucy Connolly will now be branded a racist and named in all media Channels .

Surely that is enough punishment she has to live with .
£200,000 Pay Off for Not Meeting the Standards Required
at 01:36 17 Oct 2024

Accountable to to the Council tax payers , these fraudsters are lapping it up no end .

Enquiry ongoing , confidential and kept in house for legal reasons nonsense laws .

Any chance I could get elected to The Sennedd and take the freebies and pay off please .
Trump and British weapons
at 01:11 17 Oct 2024

One loose cannon in The Kremlin who pushes the big red button dooms us all .

Putin has not pushed it yet thankfully , maybe his underlings are getting twithcy .
More hotels needed
at 00:30 17 Oct 2024

So much for Starmers pledge in his election manifesto to stop the small boats .

A task so far out of control more hotels needed , yet he promised he would deal with it .
His very first call was to scrap the Rwanda scheme the day after Election , so the deterrent to stop the illegals was further weakened , great call so even more now arriving daily .

No Leader of any Political Party will make the maybe necessary big call and close the door.

Labour and Local Councils need to finance these problems , who pays for the hotels and expenditure involved .

Starting point to look at is your Council Tax Bill per annum and increasing every year .

Would not mind paying my way but why are local children in my area being taught and educated in Portacabins , supposed to be a quick fix whilst other options were considered .

Well done to Llanelli residents who took on and fought for The Stradey Park Hotel to be closed down as a asylum seekers residence , a total badly thought out plan for that area .

Shout loud enough you might be heard as in the Stradey Park issue .

No. 10 and their occupants past and present are hard of hearing though sadly .
International breaks
at 01:51 16 Oct 2024

These was a time The Home Internationals were the go to Football games to follow .
George Best at The Vetch Field is still folklore for many , everyone was there that night .

Apart from ex Swans players in the Red Shirt , struggiing to put names to faces sadly .

I will be in the thinking of Club before Country , Fergie and Giggs got made sure of that .

Will keep an eye on how Wales perform though .
“ Working people” .Again
at 00:39 16 Oct 2024

Born and bred on a Council House Estate to working class Parents who looked after myself and my Sister with no expense spared bringing us up , we both have since moved on from them days but I still look back at Working Class proudly from them days .

I could well be called Middle Class with own house , car , mortgage free and savings .

Sadly so many people use foodbanks , and take to shoplifting as away out of poverty now .
Where did society and equality break down , even back in the day there were Posh people .

Way things are today in the current climate we live in , loved my time growing up back then .
Thomas Tuchel agrees to become next England manager ...
at 00:08 16 Oct 2024

Some nonsense and comments regarding England team needs an English manager etc .

Best man availabe to do the job , that is his gig irrelevant of Nationality , silly arguement .
Tony Blair
at 23:58 15 Oct 2024

Did he find the Weapons of Mass Destruction and did Dr. David Kelly really and and sadly take his own life .

Blair and his odious Misses ran away into the long grass after being unable to give honest answers to awkward questions , there again Politicians in general all lie , some live with it as part and parcel of a voting system we still have , my seat and status is safe so ok by me .

Nu Labour and Tony promised change , alas another figure at the helm of the UK more concerned with future book sales and after dinner speaking circuit money making .

Seems that lovable rogue Bojo s book is on the shelves now , any good I wonder .
Foul language apologies
at 00:15 14 Oct 2024

Car Radio somehow retuned to Radio 1 last night driving home from work .

Listened out of curiousity to the then The Radio 1 Rap Show being broadcast on air .

If ever you want to learn a foreign language or listen to a beep out machine in overdrive there is your go to Radio Station , no idea what was being spoken or played , all a noise .

Some guest DJ from The Big Apple appeared on the Show plugging his tour again talking nonsense and unknown wording to me , I have heard everything I had thought .

Soon got back to Classic fm asap .

Chris Needs sadly missed as a brilliant presenter on the late night drive home .
Foul language apologies
at 00:56 13 Oct 2024

Swearing , out of order jokes and awful in my eyes banter , heard it all before and nothing can shock me anymore , been there done it got the Tee Shirt .

Hate people swearing when I hear it , I do have conversations with close mates and a few chats will involve naughty words , part of the story telling but a bit of a non event .

Now it seems swearing is a culture sadly for some youngsters as a get out clause to blow their top or look big , another problem with educational or social needs and upbringing.

Many will take cursing and foul language as second nature sadly these days though .
The illegal immigration capital of Europe?
at 01:08 9 Oct 2024

Human Rights lawyer at our helm now again , echos of Cherie Blair another do gooder in Downing St. calling the shots and encouring mass immigration with no end game .

France do not want any more asylum seekers , reports suggest Marseille is out of control .
Many areas of Paris a no go area for tourists if true . not been there myself .

The French will have no problem leaving the small boats depart their shores for the UK .

Yet the UK Government continue to throw money at France to stop the problem .
They accept the cash with open arms , how dull are them brits giving us an escape route .
Chagos Islands
at 01:31 8 Oct 2024

Area looking for Independance of British rule , could look at Wales too , any different .

Australia next to claim their own territory back on the cards , royal visits pointless and a headline PR stunt for Buck House .

As commented earlier go alone and accept consequences , strength in numbers wins .
What a player
at 01:12 8 Oct 2024

Seem to remember Jordi Cruyff , son of Johan Cruyff having a trial with the Swans once .

Did not work out for him for whatever reason though .
Senedd Costs
at 00:54 8 Oct 2024

There are enough freeloaders in Westminster of all Parties to tolerate for now .

WAG want more hangers on and expenses paid gravy train passengers to carry on their supposed target to put Wales first , Drakeford soon put an end to that flying pig dream .

At least Kinnock and co were bombed out of MEP status , why was he there there doing a role with zero positive impact for Wales going forward , financially made for life I bet .

Politicians , got to love them .
Johnny Walker retiring
at 00:19 7 Oct 2024

Yes , caught one of his comments closing todays broadcast , cryptic yet obvious , so sad and a go to Sunday Show was regular listening for me .

Very candid on his health issues on a recent Tracks of my Years feature , he was struggling .

Him and Whispering Bob were the best , OGWT was another watch show for us oldies .

Had the misfortune to be in my workplace this week , Radio 1 or something like that was full of giggling presenters , phone in and tell us a funny story nonsense , appreciate that is not their demographic target like me , but it was awful listening to that so called music .

Only fear have about Bob Harris is he waffles on a bit , no big deal and easy going chat .

Johnny Walker , quick intro and onto the music as it should be . hope to hear him back again on the Radio soon .
Sue Gray steps down
at 17:27 6 Oct 2024

At least the Tories took 14 years to end up being the laughing stock and liars they were .

This lot 100 days in Government and total ineptitude at the top table .

Wage demands going through the roof , the Unions calling the shots with strike actions.
So much for Border Controls too , big words from The Home Office , as usual , but another 900 + came across yesterday . No Political Party will have the guts to slam the door shut .

People will say give him a chance , early days , we were left in a mess etc .
More hot air after his election win , we will hit the ground running blah blah .

Opinion polls show he in a nosedive now , another 5 years of this Human Rights lawyer at the helm .

How can the working man vote for a Sir to become their leader , I certainly did not .
at 00:56 6 Oct 2024

Bit on the radio earlier , the need for petrol is becoming less depend theses days .

Many vehicles Hybrid , EV or nobody bothering to drive anymore , like me thankfully .
Appreciate a lot of local business look at the forecout price and move on to the best deal .

Saudi are still our main supplier for fuel , they still want to make mega bucks on their resorures and live in luxury , they do not want to lose that income any time soon .
Loss of petrol driven cars will affect their finances .

Possibility the 5p duty on petrol prices will be put back on in the next Budget though .

Old enough to remember 1p per gallon increase causing chaos at the petrol pumps .
Another day in the channel…
at 00:34 6 Oct 2024

My vote in the last General Election was in part based on who can control the small boats .

Last lot were a failed talking shop of promises and solutions to the problem , all a waste of time and money , Rwanda , that barge with legionnaires disease and throwing cash at the French to make an effort to stop the crossings , are they trying I sometimes wonder .

This new lot talked tough on their new bright ideas , think they appointed another nobody with a background in waffle as head of our Border Control , his new ideas are working well .

Question will be why try to get to the UK , first safe and Country refugees get to should be their safe haven and try to settle there , that I thought was the accepted ruling .

Most of Europe is being swamped by mass immigration , their Goverments will move them on as the law allows , France included .

Sadly in the face of conflict and toubles , there are many winners rubbing their hands at the incoming cash in hand , sod the rules and innocents involved then losing their lives .
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